The Hindu Editorial (Statistical succour) – May 15, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Statistical succour) – May 15, 2023:
- succour (noun) – (financial) help, aid, assistance, relief.
- Consumer Price Index (CPI) (noun) – The CPI looks at the basket of consumer goods and services and it measures the change in price of this basket over a period of time. To put it simply, the CPI monitors retail prices at a certain level for a particular commodity.
- cannot afford/can ill afford (phrase) – if you cannot afford to do something, you must prevent it from happening because it would be embarrassing and cause problems (if it happens).
- drop one’s guard (phrase) – to become less careful, to become less vigilant, to become less alert.
- inflation (noun) – simply meaning “cost of living”; increase of price level of goods & services and vice versa decrease of currency value.
- reading (noun) – figure, indication, record, measurement.
- Retail or Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation (noun) – The change in the price index of the basket of consumer goods and services over a period of time is referred to as CPI-based inflation or retail inflation.
- brake (verb) – slow down, reduce, lessen, decelerate, slow up.
in no small measure (phrase) – to a very great extent.
- price gain (noun) – a general increase in the price of something.
- hit (verb) – reach, attain (a level/stage).
- headline inflation (noun) – it is a measure of the total inflation within an economy, including commodities such as food and energy prices.
- core inflation (noun) – it is a measure of the total inflation within an economy, excluding commodities such as food and energy prices (which change frequently).
- cool (verb) – lessen, moderate, abate, diminish, reduce, dampen.
- basis point (BPS) (noun) – a unit of measure used in finance to describe the percentage change in the value or rate of a financial instrument. One basis point is equivalent to 0.01% (1/100th of a percent). Used for measuring change in interest rate/yield.
- month-on-month (adjective) – used to compare data for one month with that in previous months.
- provisional (adjective) – temporary, short-term, interim, transitional.
- quickening (noun) – acceleration, increase, stepping up.
- on the back of (phrase) – due to, as a result of, because of.
- year-on-year (adjective) – year over year (for comparison).
- softening (noun) – decrease, reduction, lessening, moderation.
- ease (verb) – lessen, reduce, moderate.
- lockstep (noun) – in agreement with someone mindlessly and has exactly the same ideas/opinions that someone else has, often without questioning them in any way.
- index (noun) – an (economic) data figure reflecting something (e.g. price/quantity) compared with a standard or base value; pointer, indicator.
- slid past participle of slide (verb) – fall, slip, drop, decrease, slump.
- deflation (noun) – a decrease in the general price level of goods and services.
- cereal (noun) – a grain or plants that produce it (for example-wheat, maize, rice & etc.).
- weight (noun) – larger number, bulk, lion’s share.
- preceding (adjective) – previous, prior, earlier.
- accelerate (verb) – increase, rise, quicken.
- sequentially (adverb) – in succession, successively, continuously.
- beverage (noun) – a drink, such as tea, coffee, liquor, beer, milk, juice, or soft drinks, usually excluding water.
- basket (noun) – a group of something (taxes, investments, commodities, etc.).
- deflationary (adjective) – characterized by or tending to cause economic deflation.
- territory (noun) – sphere, arena, domain.
- surge (verb) – increase suddenly.
- of concern (phrase) – If something is of concern, then it is worrying & unsatisfactory.
- pulses (noun) – edible seeds (chickpeas, lentils, beans). (dals).
- confectionery (noun) – sweets and chocolates (as a whole).
- acceleration (noun) – increase, quickening, stepping up.
- crop (noun) – a plant that can be grown and harvested extensively for profit or subsistence.
- tighten (verb) – make stricter, make more rigorous, make more stringent, stiffen, toughen.
- so as to (phrase) – in order to.
- head off (phrasal verb) – prevent, avoid, stop, avert, fend off, stave off.
- hoard (verb) – store up, stock up on, stockpile, put aside, set aside, amass, heap up, pile up, stack up.
- push up (phrasal verb) – increase, raise.
- mull (verb) – think over/about, consider, ponder, contemplate, deliberate.
- curb (verb) – restrain, control, limitation, restriction.
- amid (preposition) – in the middle of, surrounded by; during.
- shortfall (noun) – deficit, inadequacy, deficiency.
- to be sure (phrase) – certainly.
- besides (preposition) – apart from, other than, excluding, in addition to.
- bound (adjective) – certain, very likely, guaranteed
- tolerance (noun) – deviation, fluctuation, variation.
- threshold (noun) – it is an amount, level, or limit of something. Once the threshold is reached, something else happens or changes; lower limit, starting point, point of entry.
- tolerance threshold (noun) – maximum allowable departure/deviation from a standard one.
- quarter (noun) – a period of three months (considered as one-fourth of a year).
- room (noun) – scope, chance, leeway, freedom, latitude, opportunity (for something to happen).
- complacency (noun) – carelessness, laziness, laxity; self-satisfaction, smugness, self-regard.
- The monetary policy committee (MPC) (noun) – it is a six-member panel that is expected to bring “value and transparency” to rate-setting decisions. It will feature three members from the RBI — the Governor, a Deputy Governor and another official — and three independent members to be selected by the Government. The MPC will meet four times a year to decide on monetary policy by a majority vote.
- flag (verb) – indicate, identify, point out.
- loom (verb) – be imminent, be impending, be close.
- outlook (noun) – expectations, prospects, future, lookout.
- uncertainty (noun) – unpredictability, unreliability, riskiness/precariousness.
- heightening (adjective) – exacerbating, intensifying, increasing.
- El Nino (noun) – an unusual/abnormal warming of the waters across the central and eastern equatorial Pacific that lies closer to the Americas). La Niña means abnormal cooling.
- forebode (verb) – indicate, predict, foretell, portend (something, a bad or misfortune situation) in advance.
- erratic (adjective) – inconsistent, irregular, random.
- deficient (adjective) – insufficient, meagre, inadequate.
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The Hindu Editorial (Statistical succour) – May 15, 2023:

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The reading for retail inflation braked sharply last month to an 18-month low of 4.7%, aided in no small measure by the fact that price gains had hit an eight-year high of 7.8% in April 2022. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (Statistical succour) – May 15, 2023.