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The Hindu Editorial (Something rotten) – Sep 11, 2020

The Hindu Editorial (Something rotten) – Sep 11, 2020

A young talented Bollywood actor tragically ended his life on June 14. But the events that followed Sushant Singh Rajput’s death by suicide… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Something rotten) – Sep 11, 2020.

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Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Something rotten) – Sep 11, 2020:

  1. rotten (adjective) – bad, unpleasant, unprincipled, immoral.
  2. mob (noun) – a large, disorganized, and often violent crowd of people.
  3. lay bare (phrasal verb) – reveal, uncover, expose.
  4. deeply (adverb) – strongly, profoundly, intensely, completely, entirely. 
  5. entrenched (adjective) – ingrained, established, embedded.
  6. prejudice (noun) – discrimination, partiality, intolerance, bigotry.
  7. on display (phrase) – to show something for people to see.
  8. subsequent (adjective) – following, ensuing, successive.
  9. regressive (adjective) – retrograde, retrogressive, unprogressive/negative.
  10. trait (noun) – quality, characteristic, attribute, feature.
  11. misogyny (noun) – prejudice, dislike, hatred (of women).
  12. invasion (noun) – attack, assault; violation, infringement, breach.
  13. voyeuristic (adjective) – relating to pleasure from seeing other’s pain/distress.
  14. glee (noun) – delight or pleasure.
  15. all hell breaks loose (phrase) – the situation suddenly becomes confused or disorganized with a lot of people arguing (or fighting) angrily.
  16. foul play (phrase) – crime/violence; unfair or dishonest actions.
  17. grief-stricken (adjective) – devastated, heartbroken, upset, sorrowful.
  18. first information report (FIR) (noun) – a written document prepared by the police when they receive information about the commission of a cognizable offence.
  19. charge (verb) – accuse formally.
  20. abetment (noun) – the act of encouraging/assisting someone to commit (an illegal thing/wrong thing/crime).
  21. pounce (verb) – attack suddenly, take advantage of something (weakness/mistake).
  22. gold digger (noun) – a person, typically a woman, who engages in a type of transactional relationship for money rather than love.
  23. hand out (phrasal verb) – give out, issue, provide; impose/inflict (a misfortune/penalty).
  24. Gross domestic product (GDP) (noun) – a measure of economic activity in a country. It is the total value of a country’s annual output of goods and service.
  25. contraction (noun) – In economics, it refers to a decline in national output as measured by gross domestic product.
  26. heightened (adjective) – increased, intensified, worsen, aggravated.
  27. hail from (verb) – come from, be from, be a native of.
  28. poll-bound (adjective) – destined/guaranteed to have election (which is imminent/approaching).
  29. dimension (noun) – aspect, feature, side, element.
  30. estranged (adjective) – alienated, hostile, disaffected/antagonized.
  31. demise (noun) – death, passing away.
  32. fodder (noun) – something considered useful only for a particular purpose; (fodder generally means food, particularly dried hay or straw, for cattle and other livestock).
  33. decency (noun) – correctness, morality, dignity, propriety.
  34. draw (verb) – pull, drag.
  35. grill (verb) – question, cross-examine, probe.
  36. wrongdoing (noun) – immorality, misbehaviour, misconduct, mischief.
  37. grief (noun) – sorrow, sadness, pain, heartbreak.
  38. the spotlight (noun) – the public attention, the focus of public/media; the public eye.
  39. activist (noun) – a person who supports a political or societal change/cause.
  40. speak up (phrase) – to express one’s opinion (in support/against something) openly.
  41. demonisation (noun) – the depiction or portrayal of someone/something as bad/threatening.
  42. play a part/role (phrase) – contribute to, be instrumental in, be a factor in.
  43. perhaps (adverb) – maybepossibly.
  44. far from (phrase) – not, not at all, nowhere near.
  45. empathise (verb) – identify, sympathize, have insight into (others feelings).
  46. circumstances (noun) – situation, conditions, state of affairs.
  47. guilty (adjective) – culpable, at fault, responsible for misconduct.
  48. erupt (verb) – appear, emerge, break out, flare up.
  49. pronounce (verb) – announce, state, articulate, express.
  50. erupt (verb) – break out, start suddenly, flare up.
  51. vague (adjective) – imprecise, inexact, unclear/uncertain.
  52. play out (phrasal verb) – happen, occur, take place.
  53. blood sport (noun) – a contest involving bloodshed (killing or wounding of animals/people).
  54. voice (noun) – opinion, view, comment.
  55. overrule (verb) – reject, disallow, override, cancel.
  56. fairness (noun) – impartiality, justness, neutrality, equal treatment.


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2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
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