The Hindu Editorial (Small solace) – Apr 19, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (Small solace) – Apr 19, 2022

Gleaning insights from by-elections, unless they are held at the fag end of a regime’s tenure, is fraught with risks of over-interpretation… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Small solace) – Apr 19, 2022.

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The Hindu Editorial (Small solace) – Apr 19, 2022:

  1. solace (noun) – comfort, consolation, support.
  2. glimmer (noun) – (a faint) sign, trace/ray, hint (of light/hope).
  3. adversary (noun) – opponent, rival, combatant, challenger, contender, competitor.
  4. glean (verb) – obtain, get, take, draw, gather (with difficulty).
  5. insight (noun) – understanding, comprehension, judgement, interpretation; revelation, realization, recognition.
  6. fag end (noun) – last part of something, particularly when considered as less significant or interesting.
  7. regime (noun) – government.
  8. tenure (noun) – term, time, period, stint (in office); incumbency.
  9. fraught with (adjective) – full of, filled with, rife with, loaded with.
  10. over-interpretation (noun) – over-understanding.
  11. wrest (verb) – grab or take (by force/effort).
  12. expectation (noun) – anticipation, belief, prediction.
  13. fare (verb) – do, perform, get on.
  14. incentive (noun) – motivation, motive, reason, stimulus, impetus, encouragement.
  15. mobilise (verb) – (of resources) bring together for a specific cause.
  16. adherent (noun) – follower, supporter, upholder, defender, advocate, champion.
  17. litmus test (noun) – a test that uses a single indicator/factor to prompt a decision; an opinion about a political or moral issue; indicative test, measure/gauge.
  18. beckon (verb) – attract, invite, tempt, persuade.
  19. in that sense (phrase) – from that point of view.
  20. distress (noun) – trouble, worry, anxiety, anguish, affliction, misery, despair.
  21. handily (adverb) – easily, without difficulty.
  22. garner (verb) – gather, collect, accumulate.
  23. percentage points (noun) – the difference between two percentages is termed as percentage point.
  24. facile (adjective) – effortless, easy, undemanding, unexacting; simplistic, oversimplified.
  25. rumblings (noun) – early signs (of dissatisfaction/anger) that show  people are starting to become annoyed/unhappy or a problematic situation is developing.
  26. relatively (adverb) – to a certain degree, to a certain extent, partly, partially, in some measure, comparatively, moderately, a little, somewhat.
  27. fragile (adjective) – easily broken/destroyed, weak, risky, unreliable, insecure.
  28. beleaguered (adjective) – hard-pressed, troubled, suffering; under pressure, under stress.
  29. turncoat (noun) – traitor, defector, deserter, betrayer (a person who changes sides).
  30. relegate (verb) – downgrade, lower, lower in rank, lower in status, put down.
  31. consolidate (verb) – strengthen, reinforce, fortify.
  32. weather (verb) – survive, withstand, endure, come through, live through.
  33. fragmented (adjective) – divided, splintered, split, separated, disintegrated.
  34. witness (verb) – show, demonstrate, indicate, reveal.
  35. in terms of (phrase) – with regard to, regarding, concerning, in respect of, with reference to.
  36. alliance (noun) – coalition, partnership, association.
  37. notwithstanding (adverb) – nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, in spite of that.
  38. heartland (noun) – the most important part of a field of activity; the central part of something.
  39. pocket (noun) – a small area/region.
  40. resistance (noun) – opposition, defiance; refusal to accept, unwillingness to accept.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (Small solace) – Apr 19, 2022:

The Hindu Editorial (Small solace) – Apr 19, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (Small solace) – Apr 19, 2022

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