The Hindu Editorial (Slow release) – May 04, 2020

The Hindu Editorial (Slow release) – May 04, 2020

Balancing lives and livelihoods, the Centre has extended the national lockdown for COVID-19 for two weeks from May 4,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Slow release) – May 04, 2020.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Slow release) – May 04, 2020

  1. lockdown (noun) – an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place; An extended state of confinement/encirclement/isolation of a person by the authority.
  2. rigorous (adjective) – strict, stern, stringent.
  3. COVID-19 (noun) – coronavirus disease 2019.
  4. livelihood (noun) – means of making a living with the basic necessities (food, water, shelter and clothing); means of support, subsistence, source of income.
  5. contagious (adjective) – relating to a disease/infection that can spread rapidly from person to person through direct contact, by touching a person who has the infection; communicable, transmittable, infectious.
  6. relatively (adverb) – comparatively, proportionately, by comparison; somewhat. 
  7. toll (noun) – number, count, sum total (of deaths/casualties).
  8. cap (noun) – limit, upper limit; curb, check.
  9. reverse (verb) – change, alter, turn around.
  10. overnight (adverb) – very quickly; instantly.
  11. normality (noun) – a normal pattern, regularity, a normal state of affairs.
  12. barring (preposition) – except for, with the exception of, apart from, other than, excluding.
  13. containment (noun) – an act of keeping something (harmful) under control. (it means quickly identifying cases of a contagious disease (coronavirus) through testing, placing infected individuals in isolation, tracking who infected persons might have been in contact with and potentially quarantining those who came into contact with infection so that the disease doesn’t continue to spread).
  14. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  15. laud (verb) – praise, hail, applaud, acclaim.
  16. curb (noun) – restriction, limitation, restraint, control/check.
  17. safeguard (noun) – protection, precaution, safety measures.
  18. inevitable (adjective) – necessary, required; unavoidable, unpreventable.
  19. stipulation (noun) – clause, provision, condition, requirement.
  20. civic (adjective) – public, community.
  21. inter- (prefix) – between.
  22. bar (noun) – ban, prohibition, restriction.
  23. personnel (noun) – staff, employees, workforce.
  24. call for (phrasal verb) – require, publicly ask/necessitate, demand.
  25. adherence to (noun) – commitment to, attachment to (a clause/condition).
  26. relaxation (noun) – moderation, modification (of a rule less strict).
  27. remedy (noun) – treatment, cure; solution.
  28. social/physical distancing (noun) – a term means actively avoiding crowded public places, is a key element in decreasing the rapid spread of COVID-19. This is an effort intended to limit exposure by reducing face-to-face contact and preventing spread among people in community settings.
  29. universally (adverb) – invariably, globally, broadly/commonly.
  30. reluctant (adjective) – unwilling, disinclined, opposed, unenthusiastic, averse.
  31. adjourn (verb) – postpone, put off, defer/delay.
  32. leave alone (phrase) – fail to look after, fail to care for, abandon/desert.
  33. interim (noun) – meantime, meanwhile, intervening time.
  34. desperate (adjective) – despairing, hopeless, anguished, distressed.
  35. perish (verb) – die, expire, be killed suddenly (particularly in an accident).
  36. expatriate (adjective) – emigrant, living/working abroad.
  37. unprecedented (adjective) – not done or experienced before.
  38. add to (verb) – increase, magnify, intensify, amplify.
  39. vigil (noun) – surveillance, close watch, monitoring.
  40. unsurprisingly (adverb) – as expected.
  41. legacy (noun) – effect/outcome (something received from a predecessor or from the past).
  42. densification (noun) – it is a term used to describe the increasing density of people living in urban areas.
  43. rampant (adjective) – widespread, present everywhere/pervasive, unrestrained/out of control.
  44. (infection) cluster (noun) – a group (of infected people considered as a unit).
  45. mark (verb) – indicate, represent, signify, signalize.
  46. commons (noun) – common properties/resources belonging to the whole of a community.
  47. emphatically (adverb) – distinctly, clearly, noticeably.
  48. measured (adjective) – carefully planned, carefully considered, well thought out; unfaltering, unhurried.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

Today’s word list-1 The Hindu Editorial (Slow release) – May 04, 2020:

The Hindu Editorial (Slow release) - May 04, 2020 The Hindu Editorial (Slow release) - May 04, 2020

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