The Hindu Editorial (Season of floods) – Nov 12, 2021
The ongoing spell of heavy rain in Chennai has again exposed the vulnerability of the city, a coastal metropolis with a flat terrain, to floods,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (Season of floods) – Nov 12, 2021.
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The Hindu Editorial (Season of floods) – Nov 12, 2021:
- woes (noun) – trouble, difficulty, problem.
- spell (noun) – a period of rain; rainy period/time.
- expose (verb) – uncover, reveal, lay bare, disclose, manifest, show, display.
- vulnerability (noun) – weakness, defencelessness, unprotectedness, susceptibility.
- coastal (adjective) – seaside.
- metropolis (noun) – a big city/a large & busy city.
- terrain (noun) – land, ground, territory.
- preparedness (noun) – readiness.
- caught/take by surprise (phrase) – surprise, shock, stun.
- storm water (noun) – inundated/flood water produced after a heavy rainfall.
- waterway (noun) – a route for travel by water; water passage/channel, canal.
- tangible (adjective) – real, actual, concrete, substantial, appreciable, discernible.
- inundation (noun) – flooding, deluge.
- nightmare (noun) – very unpleasant or frightening experience; ordeal, horror, torment.
- haunt (verb) – torment, oppress, disturb, trouble, worry, burden, beset.
- backdrop (noun) – situation, scenario, context.
- the authority (noun) – the government, the administration, the establishment.
- surplus (noun) – the amount of an asset or resource that exceeds the portion that’s actively utilized.
- reservoir (noun) – a source of water supply; pool, lake, pond.
- outskirts (noun) – outlying part of a city; suburbs.
- get back to (phrasal verb) – come back to.
- normality (noun) – a normal state of affairs, regularity.
- depression (noun) – a synoptic (short) scale tropical disturbance which forms in the monsoon circulation regime. It refers to low pressure system; It is an important rain producing system of monsoon period.
- be at the receiving end (phrase) – be subjected to something (criticism/attack).
- backward (adjective) – underdeveloped, undeveloped, unsophisticated.
- delta (noun) – a river delta is a wetland area created when a river empties into another body of water, such as another river, lake or ocean, or on rare occasions into a land basin. If a river carries a great deal of silt, gravel, clay and sediment as it travels, and this settles out at its mouth, that area of land is called a delta.
- batter (verb) – damage, spoil, impair/ruin; smash, hit/strike repeatedly.
- crux (noun) – essence, most important point, central point.
- shrink (verb) – reduce, decrease, lessen.
- sewer (noun) – drainage that carrying off waste matter (sewage).
- ageing (adjective) – old.
- encroachment (noun) – intrusion into, trespass on, invasion of.
- obstruction (noun) – obstacle, barrier, hurdle, hindrance.
- hamper (verb) – hinder, obstruct, impede.
- mess (noun) – plight, predicament, difficulty, trouble, quandary, problem, confusion.
- bless (verb) – favour, present, provide, grace, endow.
- canal (noun) – inland waterway, channel, watercourse, waterway.
- spare (verb) – not harm, leave uninjured, leave unhurt.
- look for (phrasal verb) – try to find/obtain a particular thing.
- durable (adjective) – long-lasting, long-term, strong, substantial.
- long-standing (adjective) – persistent, continuing (for a long time).
- span (noun) – period, space, duration.
- swift (adjective) – rapid, quick, prompt.
- relief (noun) – (financial) help, aid, assistance, succour.
- flood-hit (adjective) – affect, damage badly by the flood.
- first-hand (adjective) – personally or directly experienced or involved in something (to get information or experience directly).
- account (noun) – report, narrative, information or experience.
- determination (noun) – resolution, resolve, firmness of purpose.
- waterlogging (noun) – a form of natural flooding when underground water rises to surface level as the result of over-irrigation. Waterlogging can displace the spoil, affect the natural processes in the soil, and result in a build-up of toxic substances in the soil, which can impede plant growth in the immediate area.
- wane (verb) – decrease, decline, diminish/dwindle gradually.
- well-placed (adjective) – well-positioned or well-deployed.
- put to use (phrase) – utilize/use something (to suit a specific purpose/need).
- quagmire (noun) – unfortunate situation, muddle, mix-up.
- dump (noun) – rubbish dump; a place where waste material is thrown/left.
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2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context.
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The Hindu Editorial (Season of floods) – Nov 12, 2021

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