The Hindu Editorial (Safety, in the line of duty) – May 16, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Safety, in the line of duty) – May 16, 2023:
- in the line of duty (phrase) – while working; while someone is doing his/her job.
- move (noun) – step, action, act, measure, tactic.
- longevity (noun) – long life.
- dear (adjective) – close, intimate, beloved, much loved; endearing, lovable.
- disbelief (noun) – scepticism, doubt, mistrust, suspicion.
- lack of (noun) – absence, scarcity, deficiency, non-existence, unavailability.
- unleash (verb) – let loose, unchain, unshackle, let something go freely/uncontrollably.
- Kerala Healthcare Service Persons and Healthcare Service Institutions (Prevention of Violence and Damage to Property) Act (noun) – An Act to prohibit violence against healthcare service persons and to prevent damage and loss to property in healthcare service institutions and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
- fortify (verb) – strengthen, reinforce, support, buttress.
- defence (noun) – protection, security, shielding, safeguarding.
- welcome (adjective) – pleasing, agreeable, heartening, promising, much needed.
- intervention (noun) – the process of intervening in something; involvement, interference.
- at the hands of (phrase) – caused by, done by.
- inebriated (adjective) – drunk, drunken, intoxicated.
- revive (verb) – restore, renew, bring back, bring round.
- authorities (noun) – officials, officialdom, the people in charge, the government, the bureaucracy.
- outlier (noun) – aberration, deviation, exception, anomaly, eccentricity.
- in terms of (phrase) – with regard to, concerning, in respect of, with reference to.
- replete with (adjective) – filled with, overloaded, well supplied/stocked with.
- coordinated assault (noun) – a violent assault by one or more individuals using weapons with the intent to inflict harm.
- assault (noun) – attack, offensive, onslaught.
- irate (adjective) – angry, furious, fuming, infuriated.
- attendee (noun) – attendant, visitor, guest.
- sign up (phrasal verb) – join, enter, get in.
- the state (noun) – the government, the administration, the regime, the authorities, the Establishment.
- progressive (adjective) – forward-looking, forward-thinking; reforming, revolutionary.
- grievous (adjective) – painful, severe, serious, shocking, dreadful.
- purview (noun) – limit, bound, range.
- hefty (adjective) – large, huge, substantial.
- guilty (adjective) – at fault, culpable, accountable/responsible for misconduct.
- prescribe (verb) – stipulate, lay down, determine, establish, formulate.
- time-bound (adjective) – related to a certain moment or era in time.
- disposal (noun) – removal, scrapping, discarding.
- besides (adverb) – apart from, other than, excluding, in addition, furthermore.
- designate (verb) – delegate, choose, assign, nominate.
- line (noun) – method, way, approach, procedure.
- potent (adjective) – powerful, strong, vigorous.
- implementation (noun) – imposition, execution, carrying out.
- deterrence (noun) – the act of deterring/stopping someone from doing something.
- hammer/drive something home (phrase) – to make someone clearly understand something by emphasizing it repeatedly.
- workforce (noun) – staff, workers, employees.
- sagacity (noun) – wisdom, insight, understanding, intelligence, sharpness, thoughtfulness.
- unlikely (adjective) – doubtful, implausible, improbable, questionable.
- prevail (verb) – exist, be present, be the case, be prevalent, be widespread.
- prudent (adjective) – wise, sensible, careful/ far-sighted.
- for instance (phrase) – as an example.
- snuff out (phrasal verb) – kill (in a sudden manner).
- hardly (adverb) – barely, almost not.
- in the hands of (phrase) – under the control of; in the possession of.
- sacrifice (noun) – loss, victim.
- at the altar of (phrase) – in the interests of.
- sacrifice on the altar of (phrase) – lose (someone or something) in the interests of.
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The Hindu Editorial (Safety, in the line of duty) – May 16, 2023:

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