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The Hindu Editorial (Running mate matters) – Aug 13, 2020

The Hindu Editorial (Running mate matters) – Aug 13, 2020

Presumptive U.S. Democratic nominee and former Vice-President Joe Biden has picked Kamala Harris, Senator from California of Indian descent,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Running mate matters) – Aug 13, 2020.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Running mate matters) – Aug 13, 2020:

  1. running mate (noun) – the person who runs with someone in an election (such as an election to choose a new president) and who is given the less important position (such as vice president) if they are elected (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  2. presumptive (adjective) – probable, likely, prospective, assumed.
  3. presumptive nominee (noun) – In United States presidential elections, the presumptive nominee is a presidential candidate who is assumed to be their party’s nominee, but has not yet been formally.
  4. descent (noun) – ancestry, parentage, lineage; inheritance.
  5. fillip (noun) – stimulus, boost, encouragement, inducement.
  6. mainstream (adjective) – accepted, established, recognized.
  7. liberal (noun) – supporter of a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.
  8. hail from (verb) – come from, be from, be a native of.
  9. make a name for oneself (phrase) – succeed, be successful, become famous/well known.
  10. ambitious (adjective) – aspiring, purposeful, desirous.
  11. throw one’s hat in the ring (phrase) – contend for, compete for, fight over.
  12. primary (noun) – (in the US) an election in which members of the same political party run against each other for the chance to be in a larger and more important election, especially presidential election.
  13. parallel (noun) – similarity, comparison, resemblance.
  14. rival (noun) – opponent, adversary, contender, competitor.
  15. amidst (preposition) – amid, in the middle of; during.
  16. cohort (noun) – group; a group/division of people.
  17. consolidate (verb) – strengthen, make stronger, reinforce, fortify.
  18. at the helm (phrase) – in charge, in command/control/authority; in the driving seat.
  19. mainstream (noun) – something (certain beliefs/ideas/activities) which are accepted or recognized by most people as a normal or typical.
  20. convergence (noun) – coming together, intersection, confluence (a process of merging).
  21. race (noun) – competition, contest, rivalry.
  22. policing (noun) – the enforcement of rules/regulations.
  23. immigration (noun) – the act of leaving one’s countries and moving to another country of which they are not natives, nor citizens, to settle or reside there, especially as permanent residents or naturalized citizens.
  24. outspoken (adjective) – forthright, straightforward, open/candid; vociferous.
  25. racism (noun) – the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another.
  26. people of colour (noun) – it is primarily used in the United States to describe people who are not considered white.
  27. symbolism (noun) – representation of ideas/qualities.
  28. black lives matter (BLM) (noun) – an international activist movement, originating in the African-American community, that campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people.
  29. activist (noun) – a person who supports a political or societal change/cause.
  30. spectrum (noun) – wide range, gamut, ambit.
  31. tip (verb) – predict, back, expect (to achieve something).
  32. campaign (noun) – a set of organized actions to achieve an ambition; drive/effort, movement.
  33. indicative (adjective) – expressive, suggestive, representative, symbolic, expressive.
  34. (step) up one’s game on (phrase) – to improve one’s performance, or the quality of one’s work.
  35. prosecutor (noun) – a lawyer who presents the government’s case against someone accused of a crime.
  36. specifics (noun) – details, niceties, finer points, particulars.
  37. broadly (adverb) – widely, openly.
  38. scenario (noun) – situation.
  39. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  40. slash (verb) – reduce, lower, cut greatly (particularly, a price, quantity, etc).
  41. (broad) swathe (noun) – a wide & large variety (of something).
  42. misery (noun) – pain, grief, anguish, agony, distress, torment, suffering.
  43. go beyond (phrasal verb) – to go past something, to be more than something, exceed.
  44. playbook (noun) – strategies.
  45. adroitly (adverb) – cleverly, skillfully, smartly.
  46. take on (phrasal verb) – compete against, oppose, challenge/confront.
  47. nevertheless (adverb) – notwithstanding, nonetheless, in spite of that, however.
  48. (with all) guns blazing (phrase) – with full of enthusiasm/determination/force & energy.
  49. ponder (verb) – think about, consider, review, reflect on.
  50. come up with (phrasal verb) – produce, put forward, present/submit.
  51. robust (adjective) – strong, powerful.
  52. alleviate (verb) – reduce, control, mitigate/moderate.
  53. perceived (adjective) – viewed, regarded, considered, deemed.
  54. globalisation (noun) – the process of making the trade of goods and services equivalent in all nations (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  55. toe-to-toe (phrase) – (of two people) fighting with each other very strongly/determinedly in a close and direct confrontation (competition).
  56. incumbent (adjective) – current, present, existing (holder/occupant of an office). 
  57. alienate (verb) – set apart, isolate, set against, separate, cut off, divide.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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