The Hindu Editorial (Rewind to fast forward) – Aug 07, 2021
A tortuous taxation tale that began with global telecom major Vodafone’s $11 billion entry into India, is nearing its climax 14 years on,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Rewind to fast forward) – Aug 07, 2021.
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The Hindu Editorial (Rewind to fast forward) – Aug 07, 2021:
- rewind (verb/noun) – winding something back.
- fast forward (verb/noun) – winding something forward rapidly.
- retro tax/retrospective taxation (noun) – retrospective taxation allows a country to pass a rule on taxing certain products, items or services and deals and charge companies from a time behind the date on which the law is passed.
- reset (noun) – re-establishment.
- tortuous (adjective) – complicated, complex, confusing.
- taxation (noun) – the act of levying or imposing a tax by a government/the taxing authority.
- tale (noun) – story, narrative, account, history.
- freeze (verb) – hold, fix, set (at a fixed state).
- frozen investment (noun) – an investment which is prevented from accessing. (i.e. the owner cannot withdraw the funds from that account).
- on the brink of (phrase) – on the edge/verge of difficult/dangerous situation; at a crucial or critical point.
- scrap (verb) – abandon, drop, abolish, withdraw.
- retrospective (noun) – backdated, retroactive, ex post facto, backward-looking.
- provision (noun) – clause, (legal) term, stipulation, requirement, condition.
- bring in (phrasal verb) – introduce, launch, initiate.
- retro-active (adjective) – backward-looking, backdated, ex post facto.
- clause (noun) – section, point, requirement, condition, provision.
- I-T law/Income Tax Act, 1961 (noun) – it is a comprehensive statute that focuses on the different rules and regulations that govern taxation in the country. It provides for levying, administering, collecting and recovering income tax for the Indian government. It was enacted in 1961.
- undo (verb) – cancel, reverse, revoke, nullify, invalidate.
- gambit (noun) – plan, scheme, proposal.
- pursuit (noun) – following, chasing, pursuing.
- tax evasion/terrorism (noun) – an illegal action in which a person or company purposely avoids paying a true tax liability.
- walk the talk (phrase) – to do the things you have said you would do.
- resounding (adjective) – emphatic, enormous, huge, massive, very great, tremendous.
- measure (noun) – action, step, procedure.
- dithering (noun) – hesitation, oscillation, ambivalence, indecisiveness.
- dither (verb) – be indecisive, be unsure, be undecided, hesitate.
- bureaucratic (adjective) – administrative, official, procedural.
- bungling (noun) – mismanagement, mishandling, messing up, misapplication.
- ill-informed (adjective) – ignorant, unacquainted, unknowing, insensible, lacking knowledge.
- sore point (phrase) – a cause of distress; point of contention, problem, difficulty.
- potential (adjective) – possible, likely, prospective, probable.
- statute (noun) – act/law, regulation, rule (written & laid down by the legislature).
- lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring on.
- cost someone dearly/dear (phrase) – to make someone suffer a lot (or) to lose something very important (particularly, as a result of a mistake).
- dues (noun) – payment (which is (long) pending).
- regime (noun) – government.
- watch (noun) – period, spell, turn; guard, vigil, lookout.
- arbitration (noun) – adjudication, conciliation, mediation, intervention/negotiation.
- abide by (verb) – conform to, adhere to, comply with.
- sordid (adjective) – disreputable, disgusting, abhorrent, dishonest.
- appeal (noun) – attraction, interest, temptation, drawing power, enticement.
- assert (verb) – state, claim, announce, declare.
- vigorously (adverb) – aggressively, strongly, powerfully, intensely.
- defend (verb) – justify, vindicate, support, speak in support of.
- sovereign (adjective) – supreme, absolute, unconditional, uncontrollable.
- arbitrate (verb) – adjudicate, judge, decide, determine, resolve.
- indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually, undeniably.
- U-turn (noun) – about-turn, a reversal of policy, change of mind/plan, about-face.
- prompt (verb) – cause, impel, urge.
- relentless (adjective) – constant, continuous, non-stop, unceasing.
- arbitration award (noun) – a decision made by an arbitration tribunal in an arbitration proceeding/case. This award can be money one party has to pay to the other party.
- label (verb) – categorize, classify, identify.
- alter ego (noun) – Latin, meaning ‘other self’. In law, it is a corporation/organization/entity set up to provide a legal shield or protection for the person actually controlling the operation.
- trigger (noun) – an event that causes a particular action.
- back down (phrasal verb) – withdraw, give in, yield, submit, concede, reconsider.
- forfeit (verb) – give up, renounce, relinquish.
- likely (adverb) – probably, in all probability, presumably, doubtlessly.
- institutional investor (noun) – an entity/company/organization which pools money from several sources to purchase securities, real property, and other investment assets or originate loans.
- irrespective of (adjective) – notwithstanding, without regard for, regardless of.
- capital (noun) – a group of wealthy people who uses their money to influence a society’s economic activity.
- unlikely (adjective) – doubtful, implausible, improbable, questionable.
- ad-hoc (adjective) – relating to something needed/necessary to be done after an unpleasant/bad thing happened; emergency, makeshift, improvised, impromptu, unprepared.
- fluctuating (adjective) – varying, changing, inconsistent, inconstant.
- consistency (noun) – evenness, steadiness, stability, regularity.
- across the board (phrase) – applying to all.
- credibility (noun) – trustworthiness, reliability, dependability.
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The Hindu Editorial (Rewind to fast forward) – Aug 07, 2021

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