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The Hindu Editorial (​​Renewed hope) – Jul 09, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​​Renewed hope) – Jul 09, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​Renewed hope) – Jul 09, 2024:

  1. renewed (adjective) – resumed, restarted, re-established, restored, recommenced; revived, resuscitated, rejuvenated.
  2. decade (noun) – a period of ten years.
  3. acrimony (noun) – bitterness, hostility, resentment.
  4. cordial (adjective) – friendly, affable, amicable, affectionate, pleasant, gracious, welcoming, warm-hearted, wholehearted. 
  5. welcome (adjective) – pleasing, agreeable, favourable, promising, much needed.
  6. at stake (phrase) – at issue, at risk; or in question.
  7. heavily (adverb) – to a great extent, very much, deeply, completely.
  8. intertwined (adjective) – connected/linked closely.
  9. cohesive (adjective) – united, integrated, close-knit, coherent, harmonious.
  10. Gross domestic product (GDP) (noun) – a measure of economic activity in a country. It is the total value of a country’s annual output of goods and service.
  11. throughout (preposition) – all through, for the duration of, until the end of, the whole time (of an event).
  12. well-thought-out (adjective) – well-calculated, well-considered, well-planned.
  13. tier (noun) – layer, level.
  14. mechanism (noun) – system, procedure, process, technique, means, method.
  15. outstanding (adjective) – undone, unfinished, incomplete, remaining, pending.
  16. committee (noun) – panel, council, commission, body, advisory group.
  17. officials (noun) – authorities, officialdom, the people in charge, the government, the administration, the establishment, the bureaucracy, the system.
  18. address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out.
  19. liabilities (noun) – financial liability, indebtedness, financial obligation, arrears, debts, dues; (an obligation pay money to another party).
  20. erstwhile (adjective) – old, previous, former.
  21. submerge (verb) – flood, inundate, deluge, immerse, swamp, engulf, drown, overflow.
  22. irrigation (noun) – the process of (artificially) supplying water to farmland to grow crops & plants.
  23. Polavaram Irrigation Project (noun) – it is on the river Godavari near Ramayyapeta village of Polavaram Mandal, about 34 km upstream of Kovvur-Rajahmundry road-cum-rail bridge and 42 km upstream of Sir Arthur Cotton Barrage, where river emerges out of the last range of the Eastern Ghats and enters the plains in West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh. This multi-purpose major irrigation project is intended for development of a gross irrigation potential of 4,36,825 ha. The project also envisages generation of 960MW of hydro power, drinking water supply to a population of 28.50 lakh in 611 villages and diversion of 80 TMC of water to Krishna river basin.
  24. bureaucratic (adjective) – relating to a bureaucracy; administrative, official, procedural, red-tape, governmental.
  25. intervene (verb) – involve oneself, get involved, step in, interfere, mediate.
  26. hardened (adjective) – tough, stubborn, steadfast, dogged, unyielding, uncompromising; incurable.  
  27. fester (verb) – become worse/intense; cause resentment, cause vexation.
  28. a point of no return (phrase) – extremity, climax, crossroad(s), breaking point, boiling point, flash point, crunch time; stalemate, deadlock.
  29. bad blood (noun) – disharmony, disunity, strife, dispute, dissent, argument.
  30. carving out (noun) – removal (from a larger whole).
  31. carve out (phrasal verb) – remove from a larger whole; take out.
  32. legatee (noun) – inheritor, heir, descendent, successor, beneficiary.
  33. degree (noun) – level, stage, point, extent.
  34. public posturing (noun) – the use of speech or actions or behaviours to gain public support through emotional or affective appeals.
  35. detriment (noun) – disadvantage, damage, drawback, impairment, loss. 
  36. abrupt (adjective) – sudden and unexpected.
  37. lead to (verb) – cause, result in, bring in, bring about, call forth, give rise to.
  38. neighbouring (adjective) – adjacent, bordering, abutting, surrounding; nearby.
  39. case in point (phrase) – example, instance, sample.
  40. look up to (phrasal verb) – admire, respect, revere, idolise, have a high opinion of, regard highly, think highly of.
  41. mentor (noun) – master, guru, teacher, tutor, coach, advisor, guide.
  42. groom (verb) – prepare, train, instruct, teach, educate.
  43. prod (verb) – motivate, encourage, persuade, urge.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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