The Hindu Editorial (Remission without reform) – Aug 17, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (Remission without reform) – Aug 17, 2022

The release of 11 convicts sentenced to life for the heinous murder of seven people and the gang-rape of three women during the Gujarat communal pogrom of 2002 is a questionable decision by the State…  For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Remission without reform) – Aug 17, 2022.

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The Hindu Editorial (Remission without reform) – Aug 17, 2022:

  1. remission (noun) – it implies reducing the period of sentence without changing its character (whereas commutation denotes the substitution of a form of punishment for a lighter one).
  2. reform (noun) – improvement, betterment, amelioration, refinement, rectification, correction, rehabilitation.
  3. convict (noun) – prisoner, inmate; criminal, lawbreaker, offender.
  4. premature (adjective) – untimely, early, too soon, too early, before time; ill-timed, ill-considered.
  5. discretion (noun) – circumspection, carefulness, caution, wariness, consideration, judgement.
  6. wisdom (noun) – understanding, insight, perception, discernment, foresight, rationale, rationality.
  7. sentence (verb) – pass judgement on, impose a sentence on, pronounce sentence on, mete out punishment to, punish, convict.
  8. heinous (adjective) – wicked, horrible, terrible, awful, disgraceful, shameful, outrageous, hateful, shocking.
  9. pogrom (noun) – (planned) mass slaughter, mass killing, mass murder (of a particular ethnic group).
  10. on the face of it (phrase) – apparently, seemingly, outwardly, ostensibly, at first glance, it seems (that), it appears (that), at face value, to go by appearances, by all accounts.
  11. remit (verb) – pardon, forgive, excuse; cancel, revoke, suspend.
  12. hold (verb) – (of a court) rule, decide.
  13. conviction (noun) – sentence, judgement, verdict.
  14. waiver (noun) – deferral, rejection, renunciation (with no stipulations/restrictions).
  15. Section 435 in The Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (noun) – it states that State Government to act after consultation with Central Government in certain cases. (Restriction on powers of remission or commutation in certain cases, Concurrent power of Central Government in case of death sentences and State Government to act after consultation with Central Government in certain cases are defined under Section 433a, 434 and 435 of CRPC 1973).
  16. Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) (noun) – The Code of Criminal Procedure (in India). The main legislation on procedure for administration of substantive criminal law in India. It was enacted in 1973 and came into force on 1 April 1974. CrPC tells about the criminal trial procedure.
  17. mandatory (adjective) – obligatoryrequired, necessary, compulsory.
  18. Constitution Bench (noun) – a bench of the Supreme Court having five or more judges on it. These benches are not a routine phenomenon.  Constitution Benches are exceptions, set up only if some circumstances exist). (A bench of two or three judges is called a division bench).
  19. bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges.
  20. concurrence (noun) – consensus, consultation, agreement.
  21. provision (noun) – term, clause, requirement/condition.
  22. run contrary to (phrase) – to go against something.
  23. spirit (noun) – real/true meaning, true intention, essence, substance.
  24. contemporary (adjective) – present-day, current.
  25. perpetrator (noun) – someone who does immoral, harmful, and illegal activity; offender, criminal, wrongdoer/evil-doer, culprit.
  26. disquieting (adjective) – horrible, awful, disgusting/upsetting.
  27. life sentence (noun) – a punishment for a criminal of imprisonment for life; prison term, prison sentence, jail sentence, penal sentence.
  28. commutation (noun) – reduction, lessening, scaling down (of a judicial sentence, especially a sentence of death to life sentence). it denotes the substitution of a form of punishment for a lighter one.
  29. whimsy (noun) – impulse, urge, notion, idea,  vagary, inclination.
  30. sovereign (adjective) – supreme, absolute, unlimited, unrestricted, unrestrained, unbounded, boundless, ultimate, total, unconditional, full, paramount.
  31. confer (verb) – present to, present with, grant to, give to, endow with, vest in.
  32. clemency (noun) – mercy, leniency, forgiveness/forbearance.
  33. temper (verb) – moderate, tone down, mitigate, decrease, lessen.
  34. rigour (noun) – strictness, severity, sternness, harshness, rigidity, inflexibility.
  35. grace (noun) – favour, good will, generosity, kindness.
  36. ought to (modal verb) – must, should.
  37. a ray of hope (phrase) – something which gives a slight hope in a difficult situation.
  38. regret (noun) – remorse, sorrow, contrition, repentance, penitence, guilt, ruefulness.
  39. consideration (noun) – factor, issue, point, concern, matter, element, detail, aspect.
  40. elapse (noun) – time to pass (or) go by.
  41. serve (verb) – complete, spend a period/time/term (in prison/office).
  42. due (adjective) – expected, awaited, anticipated, scheduled for.
  43. read (verb) – interpret, understand, comprehend.
  44. sight (noun) – view, glimpse, seeing.
  45. fete (verb) – celebrate, glorify, exalt, acclaim, admire, commend, praise, extol, applaud, hail.
  46. sit easily (with something) (verb) – to appear right/suitable, etc. in a particular place or situation.
  47. conscience (noun) – a sense of right and wrong, moral sense, inner voice; morals, standards, values, principles, ethics, beliefs.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
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The Hindu Editorial (Remission without reform) – Aug 17, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (Remission without reform) – Aug 17, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (Remission without reform) – Aug 17, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (Remission without reform) – Aug 17, 2022

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