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The Hindu Editorial (​​​Reign of chaos) – Aug 10, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​​​Reign of chaos) – Aug 10, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (Reign of chaos) – Aug 10, 2024:

  1. reign (noun) – rule.
  2. chaos (noun) – disorder, disarray, turmoil, disorganization, disruption.
  3. tumultuous (adjective) – stormy, turbulent, volatile; roller-coaster, out of control, confused, unrestrained.
  4. laureate (noun) – a person who is honoured with an award for outstanding achievement.
  5. interim (adjective) – provisional, temporary, short-term, transitional.
  6. octogenarian (noun) – a person who is in his/her 80s (80 to 89 years old).
  7. pioneer (noun) – trailblazer, innovator, groundbreaker, pathfinder, spearhead, trendsetter, avant-gardist.
  8. microfinance (noun) – microcredit, micro-banking, micro-lending;  the extension of very small loans (microloans) with no collateral, to impoverished borrowers in rural or undeveloped areas (or) a form of financial service which provides small loans and other financial services to poor and low-income households.
  9. take charge of (phrase) – to assume control of,  to take responsibility for head, lead.
  10. Awami League (noun) – one of the major political parties in Bangladesh.  It is also one of the two most dominant parties in the country, along with its archrival Bangladesh Nationalist Party.
  11. amid (preposition) – in the middle of, surrounded by; during.
  12. on edge (phrase) – nervous, tense, edgy, anxious, apprehensive, uneasy, unsettled, unstable, sensitive.
  13. recede (verb) – diminish, decrease, dwindle, lessen, fade, wane.
  14. enforcement (noun) – imposition, implementation, execution.
  15. law enforcement (noun) – it describes the agencies and employees responsible for enforcing laws, maintaining public order, and managing public safety.
  16. state (noun) – government.
  17. bureaucracy (noun) – authorities, officials, officialdom, the people in charge, the administration, the establishment, the system, corridors of power.
  18. non-functional (adjective) – broken, inoperable, inoperative, down
  19. extremist (adjective) – radical, fanatic, militant, hardline, fundamentalist, sectarian, partisan.
  20. sect (noun) – religious group, faith community; faction.
  21. functionary (noun) – officer, official, office-bearer, office-holder.
  22. loot (verb) – steal (goods from a place).
  23. vandalise (verb) – destroy, damage, spoil property (public/private) intentionally.
  24. sworn in past participle of swear in (phrasal verb) – take an oath to induct/admit into office, inaugurate, introduce (into office).
  25. condemn (verb) – denounce, criticize, censure, castigate, hit out at, discredit, find fault with, slam.
  26. brink (noun) – edge/verge/end (of something).
  27. rule of law (phrase) – it is described as “a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards.
  28. sign (noun) – indication
  29. reconciliation (noun) – restoration of friendly relations, restoration of harmony, agreement, compromise, understanding, peace, an end to hostilities; conciliation, pacification, appeasement.
  30. hostility (noun) – opposition, conflict, resentment, enmity, aversion, antipathy.
  31. head (verb) – be the leader of, lead.
  32. technocrat (noun) – a supporter of technocracy; a person who is with both political power as well as technical knowledge. 
  33. pragmatic (adjective) – practical, realistic, sensible, realistic, reasonable.
  34. machinery (noun) – system, structure, institution.
  35. back up (phrasal verb) – help, support, aid, assist.
  36. dependent on (adjective) – reliant on, relying on, supported by, leaning on.
  37. mainstream (adjective) – popular, established, well-known, prominent, famous.
  38. discrimination (noun) – prejudice, intolerance, inequity, unfairness (against an individual or group of individuals by society and its institutions (basically in the procedures, policies or objectives) as a whole.
  39. barrack (noun) – a building where military personnel live; military quarters, camp/cantonment, garrison.
  40. infamous (adjective) – notorious, disreputable, ill-famed.
  41. mass (adjective) – public, 
  42. movement (noun) – campaign, crusade, drive, push.
  43. dictatorship (noun) – authoritarianism, autocracy, tyranny, totalitarianism, despotism.
  44. bring to an end (phrase) – finish, end, halt, terminate, discontinue.
  45. circle (noun) – a group of people with shared interests.
  46. fall (noun) – defeat, downfall, decline, overthrow, failure.
  47. empower (verb) – authorize, allow, entitle.
  48. majoritarian (adjective) – relating to a philosophy that states that a majority (sometimes categorized by religion, language, social class, or some other identifying factor) of the population is entitled to a certain degree of primacy (priority) in society, and has the right to make decisions that affect the society.
  49. bloodied superlative adjective of bloody (adjective) – vicious, cruel, brutal/savage.
  50. mark (verb) – indicate, denote, identify.
  51. vendetta (noun) – prolonged feud/bitterness; revenge, vengeance.
  52. administration (noun) – government. regime.
  53. facilitate (verb) – assist, help, aid, ease, make easy, make possible.
  54. popular (adjective) – public, societal, collective.
  55. legitimacy (noun) – justification, validity.
  56. popular legitimacy (noun) – public acceptance of a government, political regime, or system. of governance.
  57. steer clear/out of (phrasal verb) –  avoid, shun, evade, dodge, eschew, sidestep, elude, circumvent, forgo, stay away from, keep away from; move away from a certain situation.
  58. uprising (noun) – revolt, insurgency, revolution, rebellion.
  59. will (noun) – will power, determination, firmness of purpose, resolve, strength of character.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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