The Hindu Editorial (​Private consultation) – Aug 02, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​Private consultation) – Aug 02, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​​​​​Private consultation) – Aug 02, 2024:

  1. Bill (noun) – A Bill is a draft statute that becomes law after it is passed. All legislative proposals are brought before Parliament/Congress/Council in the forms of Bills (or) draft statute/law, proposed legislation, proposal (presented to parliament/congress/council for discussion).
  2. gatekeeping (noun) – It refers to the intentional withholding of information, knowledge, access, or opportunity — keeping these things all to yourself.
  3. critical (adjective) – important, crucial.
  4. reportedly (adverb) – apparently, supposedly, evidently, seemingly.
  5. hold (verb) – convene, conduct, organize.
  6. closed-door (adjective) – secret, private, stealth, surreptitious, confidential, restricted, behind-the-scenes.
  7. regarding (preposition) – concerning, with regard to, with respect to, relating to.
  8. circulate (verb) – distribute, give out, issue, publish, pass on.
  9. subsequent (adjective) – following, resulting, resultant, eventual, sequential, ensuing.
  10. edition (noun) – version, copy, publication, revision.
  11. stakeholder (noun) – a person with an interest in something.
  12. terms (noun) – conditions.
  13. confidentiality (noun) – secrecy, privacy.
  14. recognise (verb) – acknowledge, accept, realize, perceive, understand.
  15. The Pre-Legislative Consultation Policy (PLCP) 2014 (noun) – It mandates that whenever the Government makes any laws (bills, rules, regulations etc.), it must place a draft version of it in the public domain for at least 30 days.
  16. extensive (adjective) – comprehensive, thorough, complete, wide-ranging, all-embracing, sweeping, multidisciplinary.
  17. outreach (noun) – the level of reaching out/activity/effort; involvement.
  18. insist on (phrasal verb) – demand, press, call (for), compel, require. 
  19. withhold (verb) – keep secret, hide, conceal, refuse to give.
  20. take someone into your confidence (phrase) – to tell someone your secrets.
  21. civil society (noun) – civil society refers to space for collective action around shared interests, purposes, and values, generally distinct from government and commercial for-profit actors. It refers to a wide array of organizations: community groups, non-governmental organizations [NGOs], labour unions, indigenous groups, charitable organizations, faith-based organizations, professional associations, and foundations. Civil society – sometimes called the “third sector” (after government and commerce) – has the power to influence the actions of elected policy-makers and businesses.
  22. regulation (noun) – rule, ruling, order, directive, law, Act, statute.
  23. comprehensive (adjective) – inclusive, extensive, all-inclusive, all-encompassing, all-embracing, thorough, sweeping, far-reaching, widespread, broad-based.
  24. regulatory (adjective) – relating to the control/supervision of an activity by a set of rules, laws, etc.
  25. framework (noun) – structure, system, organization.
  26. chilling effect (noun) – deterring/discouraging effect (resulting from a law/regulation).
  27. discourage (verb) – prevent, stop, hinder, obstruct, inhibit, suppress.
  28. span (verb) – extend over, spread over, range over, comprise.
  29. for instance (phrase) – as an example.
  30. toning down (noun) – the act of making something less forceful/intense; decrease, moderation, mitigation, reduction.
  31. tone down (phrasal verb) – moderate, temper, mitigate, decrease, reduce, lessen.
  32. over-the-top (OTT) service (noun) – An over-the-top media service (popularly known as OTT media service) is a streaming media service offered to the viewers directly through the Internet.
  33. streaming (noun) – it refers to any media content – live or recorded – delivered to computers and mobile devices via the internet and played back in real time
  34. passage (noun) – enactment, passing, ratification adoption, authorization, validation (of a bill into a law).
  35. The Information Technology (Guidelines for Intermediaries and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 (noun) – it has been framed in exercise of powers under section 87 (2) of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and in supersession of the earlier IT (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules 2011. It empowers ordinary users of social media, embodying a mechanism for the redressal and timely resolution of their grievances. Rules about digital media and OTT focuses more on in house and self-regulation mechanism whereby a robust grievance redressal mechanism has been provided while upholding journalistic and creative freedom. The guidelines have been framed keeping in mind the difference between viewership in a theatre and television as compared to watching it on the Internet.
  36. shed/cast/throw light on (phrase) – to explain something by providing more information; explain, elucidate, interpret, simplify, make clear, clarify, clear up
  37. seen in this light (phrase) – it means “to give a different perspective to something”.
  38. omission (noun) – deletion, elimination, exclusion, erasure, non-inclusion, negligence, neglect, oversight.
  39. growing (adjective) – increasing.
  40. a sin of omission (noun) – a situation/condition in which we knew we should have done something good, but refused.
  41. act of omission and commission (phrase) – act of omission and commission are, respectively, things someone failed to do, and things someone has done.
  42. deliberate (adjective) – intentional, planned, conscious, knowing, purposeful.
  43. strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests).
  44. say (noun) – voice, influence, sway, weight, authority.
  45. deliberate (verb) – discuss, debate, reflect on, mediate on, think about, ponder, consider.
  46. concerning (adjective) – worrying, alarming, unsettling, disquieting, distressing, disturbing.     
  47. in and of itself (adjective) – by itself (without considering anything else).
  48. cause (noun) – reason, grounds, basis.
  49. alarm (noun) – danger signal, red flag, warning bell.
  50. interest (noun) – common concerns (in politics/business).
  51. established (adjective) – popular, mainstream, well-known, prominent, famous.
  52. coincide with (verb) – coexist, be concurrent; be in agreement.
  53. emerging (adjective) – burgeoning, nascent, incipient, budding, rising, developing.
  54. crop (noun) – group, collection, lot, batch.
  55. commentator (noun) – reporter, correspondent, journalist, anchor.
  56. point of view (noun) – opinion, view, belief, perspective, viewpoint, thought.
  57. let alone (phrase) – not to mention.
  58. sincerity (noun) – honesty, truthfulness, integrity, probity, seriousness.
  59. deeply (adverb) – seriously, intensely, strongly.
  60. suspect (adjective) – suspicious, dubious, doubtful, questionable, fishy.
  61. cease (verb) – end, stop, discontinue, desist/refrain from.
  62. unfussy (adjective) – plain, minimalist, simple, understate, uncritical, basic.
  63. diminish (verb) – decrease, reduce, shrink, lessen.
  64. public trust (noun) – public confidence/belief in the reliability of something.
  65. intent (noun) – intention, objective, aim, goal, target.
  66. constrain (verb) – restrict, limit, curb, hold back; impede, hinder, hamstring.
  67. course of action (noun) – plan (of action), method of working, approach, programme.
  68. in any case (phrase) – anyway, anyhow, nevertheless, nonetheless, no matter what happens.
  69. put across (phrasal verb) – communicate, express, spell out, make clear, clarify.
  70. diverse (adjective) – various, varying, different, multiple.
  71. hurried (adjective) – rushed, abrupt, sudden, speedy, hasty.
  72. gate-kept (adjective) – withhold something to oneself.
  73. end up (phrasal verb) – finish up, turn up, come/appear, find oneself (to a particular course of action in the end).
  74. beget (verb) – cause, bring about, lead to, result in. 
  75. flawed (adjective) – inaccurate, incorrect, erroneous, imprecise, fallacious, wrong, defective.
  76. exclusionary (adjective) – unfair by excluding someone/something.
  77. legislation (noun) – body of laws, laws, statutes, ordinances, Acts. 
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (​Private consultation) – Aug 02, 2024:

The Hindu Editorial (​Private consultation) – Aug 02, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​Private consultation) – Aug 02, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​Private consultation) – Aug 02, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​Private consultation) – Aug 02, 2024

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