The Hindu Editorial (Prison tag) – Nov 20, 2024
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The Hindu Editorial (Prison tag) – Nov 20, 2024:
- tag (noun) – label, badge, sticker, marker, identity .
- viable (adjective) – workable, feasible, practicable, possible, reasonable,
- means (noun) – way, method, manner, process, procedure, technique.
- decongest (verb) – reduce the congestion or ease crowding in an area.
- bail (noun) – conditional, temporary release of an arrested/imprisoned person when a specified amount of security is deposited or pledged (as cash or property) to ensure his/her appearance in court when required.
- parole (noun) – the temporary release of a prisoner for a special purpose/reason (such as a family death or wedding) on the promise of good behavior. It is granted at the prisoner’s request and can be denied. Parole is granted for short-term imprisonment and it is usually for a maximum of one month.
- furlough (noun) – the temporary release of a prisoner without any reason after a stipulated number of years have been served. It is intended to break the monotony of imprisonment and is seen as a matter of right for prisoners. Furlough is granted for long-term imprisonment and it is usually for a maximum of 14 days.
- merit (verb) – justify, warrant, deserve, be worthy of, be qualified for.
- consideration (noun) – thought, deliberation, pondering, review, analysis.
- pilot (adjective) – trial, test, experimental, model, sample, tentative.
- undertrial (noun) – a person in custody (for court’s trial).
- pose (verb) – present, constitute, cause, produce, give rise to (a problem/danger).
- moot (verb) – suggest, recommend, present, propose, put forward, submit (an idea or possibility).
- Centre for Research & Planning (CRP) (noun) – established in 2015, it is the dedicated policy Centre of the Supreme Court. The Centre focuses on a number of transformational initiatives and programmes for judicial reforms to improve efficiency and sustainability of the justice delivery system, development of jurisprudence, and to improve the quality of data collection using modern technology.
- Model Prisons and Correctional Services Act, 2023 (noun) – It seeks to bring in the use of technology in prison management, make provisions for the grant of parole, furlough, and remission, and introduce special provisions for women and transgender inmates. It replaced the 130-year-old law (the Prisons Act of 1894) in an attempt to shift the focus of incarceration from retributive deterrence to reform and rehabilitation.
- provision (noun) – clause, condition, stipulation, requirement, term.
- willingness (noun) – readiness, inclination, keenness, eagerness, preparedness.
- speak of (phrasal verb) – talk about, discuss, deal with, mention, refer to, comment, remark.
- in case of (phrase) – in the event of; if something happens.
- violation (noun) – breach, contravention, infringement, breaking, non-observance.
- point out (phrasal verb) – indicate, show, refer to, mention, identify.
- tamper-proof (adjective) – relating to something (a device/product) that can not changed/damaged; impenetrable/impervious, resistant/repellent.
- heinous (adjective) – wicked, horrible, terrible, awful, disgraceful, shameful, outrageous, hateful, shocking.
- offence (noun) – crime, illegal/unlawful act, wrongdoing.
- measure (noun) – course of action, proceeding, procedure, step.
- deploy (verb) – employ/bring into effective action; bring into service; have recourse to; use, utilize, employ, make use of, take advantage of.
- violate (verb) – breach, break, infract, infringe, contravene, offend, transgress, go against.
- disapprove (verb) – oppose, refuse, reject, object, dislike, dismiss, be against, express disagreement (with).
- infringe (noun) – contravene, violate, breach, break, flout, disobey, defy, fail to observe.
- Right to Privacy (noun) – the right to privacy is a fundamental right and is an integral part of the right to life and liberty. It refers to a legal framework that provides individuals a legal right to protect their or their data’s privacy.
- the accused (noun) – the suspect.
- pin (verb) – link, attach, join.
- out of hand (phrase) – out of control, unmanageable, ungovernable, uncontrollable, impossible.
- House committees (noun) – The parliamentary (standing & select) committees; They do close examination and investigation of government policies, actions and spending.
- Parliamentary Standing Committee/Parliamentary panel (noun) – it is a committee (consisting of Members of Parliament) constituted usually on an annual basis to enable detailed consideration/discussion on all bills (all proposed laws).
- Parliamentary select committee (noun) – ‘parliamentary select committee’ can be formed for a specific purpose, for instance, to deliberate on a particular bill. Once the Bill is disposed of, that select committee ceases to exist.
- cost-effective (adjective) – economical, moderate, reasonably priced.
- consent (noun) – approval, acceptance, agreement, assent, concurrence.
- cite (verb) – invoke, mention, refer to, point to, adduce, turn to, resort to.
- occupancy (noun) – the act of using/living in a particular place.
- matter of concern (phrase) – something which causes worry.
- amount to (verb) – be equal to, be equivalent to, be tantamount to, represent.
- ought to (modal verb) – must, should.
- welcome (adjective) – pleasing, agreeable, favourable, promising, much needed.
- jurisdiction (noun) – territory, region, area, domain (over which a court has an authority, power to hear a case & make legal decisions).
- offender (noun) – criminal, culprit, wrongdoer, lawbreaker, perpetrator.
- in terms of (phrase) – regarding, concerning, with regard to, with reference to.
- shed (verb) – discard, dismiss, let go, get rid of, do away with, abandon, drop, throw out, cast aside.
- reluctance (noun) – unwillingness, disinclination, hesitation.
- stigmatisation (noun) – a negative attitude or idea about a mental, physical, or social feature of a person or group of people that implies social disapproval. accusation, cursing, denouncement, discredit, dishonor, disparagement.
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The Hindu Editorial (Prison tag) – Nov 20, 2024:

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The suggestion for the introduction of electronic tracking of prisoners granted parole or furlough may merit consideration as a viable means of decongesting prisons… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Prison tag) – Nov 20, 2024.