The Hindu Editorial (POCSO shocker) – Nov 25, 2021
The recent Allahabad High Court verdict that a penetrative sexual assault on a 10-year-old boy by an offender did not amount to an aggravated form of the crime appears to be per incuriam, that is, a ruling handed down without due regard to the law and facts. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (POCSO shocker) – Nov 25, 2021.
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The Hindu Editorial (POCSO shocker) – Nov 25, 2021:
- Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012 (noun) – To deal with child ( any person below eighteen years of age) sexual abuse cases, the Government has brought in a special law, namely, The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012. The Act has come into force with effect from 14th November, 2012 along with the Rules framed thereunder.
- sexual assault (noun) – sexual misconduct, molestation, sexual interference, physical violence, sexual offence.
- provision (noun) – term, clause, requirement, specification, stipulation.
- aggravated (adjective) – (of an offense) more severe, more serious, very bad.
- offence (noun) – crime, illegal act, unlawful act; attack, assault.
- offender (noun) – wrongdoer, criminal, lawbreaker, culprit.
- amount to (verb) – be equal to, be equivalent to, be tantamount to, represent.
- per incuriam (adverb) – Latin, literally ‘through lack of care’; an order passed without due regard to law.
- hand down (phrasal verb) – give, declare, announce (a verdict/judgement).
- with due regard to (phrase) – with the proper care/concern/attention for something.
- due (adjective) – proper, right and proper, correct, rightful, fitting, suitable, appropriate.
- regard (noun) – consideration, care, concern, thought, attention.
- the trial (noun) – the trial court; court of first instance is a court having original jurisdiction, in which trials (civil/criminal cases) take place. In the trial court, evidence and testimony are first introduced, received and considered. Findings of fact and law are made in the trial court, and the findings of law may be appealed to a higher court that has the power of review.
- endorse (verb) – uphold, support, defend.
- demur (noun) – objection, protest, complaint, dispute, dissent, opposition, resistance.
- member (noun) – penis; part of the body, organ/limb (arm/leg).
- Section 4 of POCSO Act (noun) – it explains “Punishment for penetrative sexual assault”.
- Section 5 of POCSO Act (noun) – it outlines the scope of “aggravated penetrative sexual assault”.
- Section 6 of POCSO Act (noun) – it explains “Punishment for aggravated penetrative sexual assault”.
- palpably (adverb) – clearly, noticeably, obviously, evidently.
- character (noun) – attributes, features, qualities.
- circumstances (noun) – situation, conditions, factors, context, incidents; the details, the particulars.
- aggravation (noun) – more serious offence/crime by related circumstances.
- armed forces (noun) – military forces.
- remand home (noun) – a place like prison (detention home) for juvenile (young) offenders aged 8–16 years (it varies from country to country). Remand homes are established to reform delinquent (lawbreaking/errant) children and give them a new hope in life; Also called “observation home”.
- pertain to (verb) – concern, relate to, be connected with.
- deadly (adjective) – fatal, lethal, life-threatening.
- grievous (adjective) – painful, severe, serious, shocking, dreadful.
- lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring on.
- incapacitation (noun) – a state or condition of incapacity/disability (when unable to do things normally).
- sentence (noun) – judgement, verdict, punishment; prison/jail term.
- convicted (adjective) – declared guilty; sentenced.
- obviate (verb) – avoid, prevent, remove (a problem/the need of something or make it unnecessary).
- deleterious (adjective) – harmful, damaging, adverse, disadvantageous, unfavourable, unfortunate, undesirable.
- attract (verb) – evoke, give rise to, bring forth.
- prescribe (verb) – stipulate, lay down, specify, impose, set down, determine, pronounce.
- try (verb) – hear, investigate (a case) and make a formal judgement on it; pass judgement on, adjudge, adjudicate.
- coincidence (noun) – co-occurrence, coexistence.
- underscore (verb) – underline, emphasize, highlight.
- dilute (verb) – weaken, reduce, quell (the value of something).
- gravity (noun) – seriousness, importance/significance, severity.
- fit (adjective) – suitable, relevant, pertinent, apt, appropriate; right, correct.
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The Hindu Editorial (POCSO shocker) – Nov 25, 2021:

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