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The Hindu Editorial (​​​Perfunctory panacea) – Aug 12, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​​​Perfunctory panacea) – Aug 12, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (Perfunctory panacea) – Aug 12, 2024:

  1. perfunctory (adjective) – relating to something (an action) done without much attention/concern/interest/effort; casual, token, routine, automatic, cursory, inattentive, incurious, standard; quick, rapid, brief.
  2. panacea (noun) – a solution or remedy for all problems or difficulties; or diseases; answer, antidote, elixir, cure-all, nostrum, magic bullet, magic formula.
  3. Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar (RVP) (noun) – a new set of National Awards by The Government of India in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation is known as “Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar’’. The National Award recognizes outstanding and inspiring scientific, technological and innovation contributions of  researchers, technologist and innovators. 
  4.  revamped (adjective) – reconstructed, reorganized, remodeled, reworked, updated, modernised.
  5. rejig (noun) – overhaul, reorganization, rearrangement, revision, reconstitution,
  6. do away with (phrasal verb) – remove, abolish, quash, eliminate, discontinue, cancel, abandon, drop, stop, scrap, get rid of.
  7.  Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Award  (noun) – The award is named after the founder Director of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) India, the late Dr (Sir) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar and is known as the ‘Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Prize for Science and Technology’. The Prize is awarded to scientists under 45 by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) annually for outstanding contributions to science and technology.
  8. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) (noun) – founded in 1942, the CSIR is an autonomous body that has emerged as the largest research and development organisation in India. It has 37 research centers and 39 field stations or augmentation focuses spread the country over. The innovative work exercises of CSIR incorporate different fields, for example, aerospace engineering, Structural engineering, ocean sciences, Life sciences, metallurgy, chemicals, mining, food, petroleum, leather, and environment.
  9. Vigyan Yuva-SSB Award (noun) – it is to be awarded to recognize & encourage young scientists who made an exceptional contribution in any field of science and technology.
  10. Vigyan Shri (VS) Award  (noun) – it is to be awarded to recognize distinguished contributions in any field of science and technology.
  11. Vigyan Ratna (VR) Award (noun) – it is for scientists over 45 who have made distinguished contributions in science and technology over their entire career.
  12. Vigyan Team (VT) Award (noun) – It is to be awarded to a team comprising three or more scientists/researchers/innovators who have made an exceptional contribution working in a team in any field of science and technology.
  13. distinguished (adjective) – great, notable, important, significant.
  14. contribution (noun) – involvement, participation.
  15. as for (preposition) – with regard to, concerning.
  16. exceptional (adjective) – outstanding, remarkable, extraordinary, excellent, phenomenal.
  17. in theory (phrase) – in principle.
  18. cap (verb) – set a limit on, put a ceiling on, limit.
  19. ceiling (noun) – limit, upper limit, cap.
  20. confer (verb) – grant, bestow, present/give.
  21. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) (noun) – Indian Space Research Organisation, formed in 1969, superseded the erstwhile Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR). Vikram Sarabhai, having identified the role and importance of space technology in a Nation’s development, provided ISRO with the necessary direction to function as an agent of development. ISRO then embarked on its mission to provide the Nation space-based services and to develop the technologies to achieve the same independently.
  22. Chandrayaan-3 (noun) – Chandrayaan-3 is the third lunar exploration mission developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), after Chandrayaan-1 (launched on October 22, 2008) & Chandrayaan-2 (launched on 22 July 2019). Chandrayaan-3 is to demonstrate end-to-end capability in safe landing and roving on the lunar surface. It consists of Lander and Rover configuration. It was launched by LVM3 from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota on July 14, 2023. The Chandrayaan-3 has reached the lunar orbit almost a month after its launch, and its lander, Vikram, and rover, Pragyaan, were landed on the Moon on August 23. Notably, the landing site of the latest mission is more or less the same as the Chandrayaan-2: near the south pole of the moon at 70 degrees latitude. 
  23. certainly (adverb) – obviously, clearly, evidently.  
  24. transitional (adjective) – provisional, temporary, short-term, developmental
  25. awardee (noun) – the recipient of an award.
  26. span (verb) – extend over, spread over, range over, comprise.
  27. field (noun) – area of activity, discipline, department.
  28. overwhelmingly (adverb) – with a great majority; to a very great degree.
  29. elite (noun) – high society people; the group of most powerful people in a society; best.
  30. institute (verb) – introduce, initiate, create.
  31. give out (verb) – declare, announce, distribute, hand out, allocate.
  32. trim (verb) – reduce, decrease, truncate, cut down.
  33. stature (noun) – status, position, eminence, distinction, prestige, importance.
  34. distinguished (adjective) – eminent, renowned, famous, respected, honoured, venerable.
  35. schema (noun) – a structured framework or plan.
  36. stick to (verb) – adhere to, cling to, continue
  37. outcome (noun) – end result, implication, ramification, repercussion.
  38. tangible (adjective) – real, actual, solid, concrete, substantial, well defined.
  39. elude (verb) – (of an achievement) fail to be achieved/attained by (someone).
  40. touchy (adjective) – emotional, sensitive, delicate, subtle.
  41. crave (verb) – long for, dream of, aspire to, have as one’s aim/goal.
  42. honour (noun) – accolade, award, prize, reward, medal.
  43. recognition noun) – appreciation, congratulations, credit, commendation, acclaim, award.
  44. labour (verb) – work (hard), toil, struggle, exert oneself.
  45. substandard (adjective) – second-rate, inferior, low-quality. 
  46. discouraging (adjective) – depressing, disquieting, distressing, disturbing, disheartening.
  47. milieu (noun) – situation, environment, background, backdrop, scenario
  48. cutting edge (adjective) – advanced, progressive, pioneering, unconventional, state-of-the-art.
  49. have one’s hands tied (phrase) – not able to act freely.
  50. budgetary (adjective) – financial, pecuniary.
  51. allocation (verb) – allotment, granting, grant, distribution, doling out, budgeting, earmarking, setting aside (especially of money, that is given to a particular person or used for a particular purpose).
  52. rewarding (adjective) – satisfying, gratifying, pleasing, fulfilling, beneficial; high-paying, lucrative, remunerative, profitable, profit-making.
  53. tokenism (noun) – the practice or policy of making symbolic efforts to impress (minority) people and the people to think that the organisation is dealing with problems fairly but actually it is not.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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