The Hindu Editorial (Pause and effect) – Apr 08, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Pause and effect) – Apr 08, 2023:
- pause (noun) – temporary stoppage, break, interval.
- inflation (noun) – simply meaning “cost of living”; increase of price level of goods & services and vice versa decrease of currency value.
- tightening (noun) – an act of making something stricter/rigorous.
- The monetary policy committee (MPC) (noun) – it is a six-member panel that is expected to bring “value and transparency” to rate-setting decisions. It will feature three members from the RBI — the Governor, a Deputy Governor and another official — and three independent members to be selected by the Government. The MPC will meet four times a year to decide on monetary policy by a majority vote.
- monetary policy (noun) – monetary policy refers to the use of monetary instruments under the control of the central bank to regulate magnitudes such as interest rates, money supply, and availability of credit with a view to achieving the ultimate objective of economic policy mentioned in the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.
- unanimously (adverb) – without opposition, agreed to (by everyone involved).
- repo rate (noun) – it is the rate at which the central bank of a country (RBI in case of India) lends money to commercial banks in the event of any shortfall of funds.
- emphatic (adjective) – certain, clear, decided, firm, determined, assertive, insistent, outright, one hundred per cent, categorical, unequivocal, unambiguous.
- underline (verb) – emphasize, stress, highlight, underscore, draw attention to.
- headline retail inflation (noun) – it is a measure of the total inflation within an economy, including commodities such as food and energy prices. The CPI monitors retail prices at a certain level for a particular commodity. The change in the price index over a period of time is referred to as CPI-based inflation, or retail inflation.
- core inflation (noun) – it is a measure of the total inflation within an economy, excluding commodities such as food and energy prices (which change frequently).
- consumer price index (CPI) (noun) – it is defined as the change in the prices of a basket of goods and services that are typically purchased by specific groups of households. To put it simply, it tracks the prices of goods and services purchased by consumers.
- progressively (adverb) – steadily, gradually, in step by step manner.
- align (verb) – place, position, orient, put in place.
- mandated (adjective) – required, requisite, imperative, necessary, obligatory, binding, compulsory.
- turmoil (noun) – disorder, turbulence, confusion, trouble, chaos.
- volatility (noun) – unpredictability, instability, unreliability.
- uncertainty (noun) – unpredictability, unreliability, riskiness/precariousness.
- trigger (verb) – cause, give rise to, lead to, bring about, generate, provoke, stir up.
- weigh on (phrasal verb) – burden, trouble, bother, worry, trouble, afflict, beset; be burdensome to.
- wait and see/watch (phrase) – to wait calmly for a good opportunity to do something; be patient, stand by, hold back, bide one’s time.
- notwithstanding (preposition) – despite, in spite of, regardless of.
- assertion (noun) – claim, affirmation, opinion, declaration, statement, contention.
- resilient (adjective) – strong, sturdy, stout/well built, durable.
- spectre (noun) – threat, menace, danger/peril.
- consumption demand (noun) – the demand for goods and services by individuals and households in the economy.
- World Bank (noun) – The World Bank is an international development organization owned by 187 countries. Its role is to reduce poverty by lending money to the governments of its poorer members to improve their economies and to improve the standard of living of their people. The World Bank was established in 1944 to help rebuild Europe and Japan after World War II. Its official name was the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).
- calculus (noun) – calculation.
- forecast (noun) – prediction, indication, projection, prognosis, speculation, calculation (of future events or trends).
- headwinds (noun) – (in business) situations or conditions that make growth harder/difficult. Whereas tailwinds describe a situation or condition that will move growth, revenues, or profits higher.
- unabated (adjective) – continuous, continuing, unending uninterrupted, non-stop, unrelenting, persistent.
- tensions (noun) – strained relations, strain, unease.
- result in (verb) – lead to, cause, bring on, bring about, give rise to.
- recession (noun) – economic decline, slowdown, downturn, depression, slump.
- shock (noun) – disturbance causing volatility/uncertainty in an economy.
- judiciously (adverb) – wisely, sensibly, prudently, thoughtfully, well-advisedly.
- subordinate (verb) – treat, regard, consider something (as of lesser importance).
- so as to (phrase) – in order to.
- momentum (noun) – the increase in the rate of growth of something; strength, impetus.
- undermine (verb) – weaken, subvert, sabotage, damage.
- authorities (noun) – officials, officialdom, the people in charge, the government the bureaucracy.
- window (noun) – opportunity, chance, opening.
- prognostication (noun) – prediction, forecast, projection.
- moderation (noun) – reduction, easing, lessening, decrease.
- indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually, undeniably.
- pan out (phrasal verb) – work out, turn out well, succeed, be successful.
- acknowledge (verb) – accept, recognize, realize.
- elevated (adjective) – increased, raised.
- unyielding (adjective) – resolute, determined, inflexible, uncompromising, unyielding, unflagging; unceasing, persistent, unrelenting.
- mandate (noun) – instruction, direction, command, order.
- disinflation (noun) – decrease in the rate of inflation.
- outlook (noun) – chances, possibilities, expectations, prospects, future.
- emanate from (verb) – originate from, come from, be rooted in, proceed from, result from.
- crude oil (noun) – the raw natural resource that is extracted from the earth and refined into products such as gasoline, jet fuel, diesel and other petroleum products.
- deficient (adjective) – insufficient, meagre, inadequate.
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) (noun) – an organization of nations that produce and sell oil and which tries to keep the price of oil at a suitable level.
- assumption (noun) – speculation, conjecture, supposition, prediction, guesswork, surmise, opinion, presumption.
- Indian Basket (IB) (or) Indian Crude Basket (noun) – The Indian crude oil basket is derived from sour grade (Oman and Dubai average) and sweet grade (Brent) of crude oil processed at Indian refineries in the ratio of 75.50:24.50. It is used for the purpose of macro-economic calculations as petroleum product prices are linked to their own market.
- beset (verb) – trouble, bother, worry, anguish, embarrass (persistently).
- given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
- likelihood (noun) – chance, possibility, hope, potential, potentiality.
- El Nino (noun) – an unusual/abnormal warming of the waters across the central and eastern equatorial Pacific that lies closer to the Americas). La Niña means abnormal cooling.
- depress (verb) – reduce, lower, weaken, diminish, inhibit.
- amid (preposition) – in the middle of, surrounded by; during.
- fodder (noun) – fodder generally means food, particularly dried hay or straw, for cattle and other livestock).
- cost/price pressures (noun) – the demand and supply-side pressures that can cause a rise in the general price level; cost-push inflation, hot-economy, deficit finance.
- pithily (adverb) – concisely.
- price stability (noun) – no (drastic) change in the price of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. It implies avoiding both prolonged inflation and deflation.
- sustainable (adjective) – defensible, justifiable, defendable, supportable, acceptable.
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The Hindu Editorial (Pause and effect) – Apr 08, 2023:

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The Reserve Bank of India’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has unanimously and wisely decided to apply a temporary pause to its inflation-battling monetary tightening by keeping the repo rate unchanged. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Pause and effect) – Apr 08, 2023.