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The Hindu Editorial (Outrage without borders) – Apr 23, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (Outrage without borders) – Apr 23, 2022

The arrest of Gujarat independent legislator, Jignesh Mevani, by the Assam police is an egregious instance of the misuse of law to target a vocal critic of the Union government. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Outrage without borders) – Apr 23, 2022.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (Outrage without borders) – Apr 23, 2022:

  1. outrage (noun) – affront, offence, injustice, atrocity, act of brutality, inhumane act; anger, fury, wrath, indignation, rage, resentment.
  2. border (noun) – bound, limit; frontier, boundary, borderline, bounding line. 
  3. blatant (adjective) – evident, flagrant/glaring, obvious.
  4. legislator (noun) – a member of a legislature (parliament/legislative assembly); lawmaker, representative.
  5. egregious (adjective) – shocking, horrible/terrible, very bad.
  6. vocal (adjective) – vociferous, outspoken, forthright; relating to someone who expresses his/her views frankly.
  7. critic (noun) – criticizer, censurer, castigator, attacker, fault-finder.
  8. aspect (noun) – detail, point, angle, thing.
  9. ought to (modal verb) – must, should.
  10. revulsion (noun) – disgust, repulsion, contempt, aversion, hatred, dislike.
  11. subsequently (adverb) – afterwards, later on, in due course.
  12. withheld past participle of withhold (verb) –  hold back, keep back, stop; check, suppress, repress, restrain. 
  13. worshipper (noun) – devotee, admirer, adherent, disciple, follower.
  14. call for (phrasal verb) – ask for, request, demand.
  15. tranquillity (noun) – peacefulness, restfulness, calmness, quietness.
  16. invoke (verb) – cite, refer to, adduce; resort to, have recourse to, turn to.
  17. gamut (noun) – range, extent, scope.
  18. offence (noun) – crime, illegal act, unlawful act, breach of the law, violation of the law, felony, wrongdoing, act of misconduct, misdeed. 
  19. inflammatory (adjective) – provoking, inflaming, inciting, agitational.
  20. breach (noun) – contravention, violation, non-observance, neglect.
  21. outraging (noun) – enraging, infuriating, incensing, affronting.
  22. provision (noun) – stipulation, condition, specification, requirement.
  23. conspiracy (noun) – (unlawful) plan/plot, intrigue, collaboration/deception, collusion.
  24. for good measure (phrase) – as an extra, in addition, besides, as well.
  25. first information report (FIR) (noun) – a written document prepared by the police when they receive information  about the commission of a cognizable offence.
  26. astounding (adjective) – amazing, astonishing, staggering, shocking, surprising.
  27. distant (adjective) – faraway, far off, far, remote.
  28. act on (phrasal verb) – take action (in accordance with).
  29. functionary (noun) – official, representative, agent, especially in a government or political party; office-holder, office-bearer.
  30. allegedly (adverb) – reportedly, supposedly, purportedly, ostensibly, apparently.
  31. offending (adjective) – affronting, contemptuous, offensive, outrageous, outraging.
  32. confer (verb) – provide, give, present.
  33. jurisdiction (noun) – authority, control, power, dominion, command.
  34. Section 295A of the IPC (noun) – it criminalises speech that outrages religious feelings, are also vestiges of colonialism.
  35. Indian Penal Code (IPC) (noun) – The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is the official criminal code of India. It is a comprehensive code intended to cover all substantive aspects of criminal law. The draft was passed into law on 6 October 1860. The Code came into operation on 1 January 1862. The Indian Penal Code of 1860, sub-divided into 23 chapters, comprises 511 sections. IPC deals with crimes and punishments.
  36. outrage (verb) – offend, enrage, infuriate, incense, anger, stir up.
  37. section (noun) – a particular group within a larger body of people.
  38. remotely (adverb) – slightly, faintly, vaguely.
  39. pursue (verb) – engage in, conduct, take part in, take up (an activity).
  40. as if (phrase) – like as it would be if.
  41. potential (noun) – possibility, potentiality, chance.
  42. complainant (noun) – litigator, appellant, claimant, plaintiff.
  43. claim (noun) – charge, allegation; request, application, petition.
  44. fabric (noun) – structure, framework, system, foundations.
  45. criminal law (noun) – a system of laws concerned with punishment of individuals who commit crimes.
  46. set something in motion (phrase) – start, begin, get going, get working, get in operation.
  47. perverse (adjective) – illogical, irrational, unreasonable; wrong, incorrect.
  48. interstate (adjective) – existing between countries/states.
  49. held past participle of hold (verb) – detain, hold in custody, imprison, lock up, put behind bars, put in prison, put in jail, incarcerate, confine.
  50. alleged (adjective) – supposed, claimed, professed, purported, reported, ostensible.
  51. warrant (verb) – guarantee, affirm, support.
  52. disconcerting (adjective) – discomfiting, unsettling, disturbing, troubling.
  53. magistrate (noun) – the judicial officers or civil officers of a state who handle minor legal cases in a specific area like town, district etc.
  54. bail (noun) – conditional, temporary release of an arrested/imprisoned person when a specified amount of security is deposited or pledged (as cash or property) to ensure his/her appearance in court when required.
  55. custody (noun) – incarceration, imprisonment, confinement.
  56. interpretation (noun) – understanding, reading, meaning, supposition.
  57. jurisdiction (noun) – territory, region, province, district, area (to which a court of law or other institution can exercise its authority over suits, cases, appeals etc.).
  58. instead of (phrase) – rather than.
  59. prosecution (noun) – legal actionlegal proceeding, legal case.
  60. demur (noun) – objection, protest, complaint, dispute, dissent, opposition, resistance.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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