The Hindu Editorial (Ordinary men) – Oct 12, 2022
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is trying to expand its footprint beyond its cradle of Delhi. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Ordinary men) – Oct 12, 2022.
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The Hindu Editorial (Ordinary men) – Oct 12, 2022:
- be all things to all people (phrase) – If you try to be all things to all people, you make an effort to do things that will make happy everyone.
- footprint (noun) – impression, effect, impact; the area taken control by someone/something.
- cradle (noun) – place of origin.
- seek (verb) – try to obtain, aim, attempt.
- capitalise on (verb) – take advantage of, make the most of, cash in on, exploit, benefit from.
- eye (verb) – look at (with interest), see, observe, view, keep watch on, keep an eye on.
- down to the wire (phrase) – relating to a situation whose result is unpredictable till the very last moment.
- due (adjective) – expected, anticipated, scheduled for.
- supremo (noun) – very important person, leading light (with great authority).
- in the hope of (phrase) – with the interest/desire of; with the expectation of.
- anti-incumbency (noun) – a situation which is against elected officials currently in power; discontent against ruling government/ party in power.
- sauce (noun) – something that is more interesting and exciting.
- dish out (phrasal verb) – dispense or provide casually.
- generously (adverb) – largely, amply, abundantly.
- palatable (adjective) – acceptable, satisfactory, pleasing, agreeable.
- all this while (phrase) – during this time.
- catalogue (noun) – a series of things; a total list of items.
- pilgrimage (noun) – religious journey, holy expedition, excursion.
- label (verb) – term, call, name, identify, classify.
- wear one’s (heart) on one’s sleeve (phrase) – make one’s feelings/activities apparent.
- credentials (noun) – identities, qualities; achievement, experience, knowledge.
- find oneself (phrase) – to realize and accept what you are really like and what you want to do in life; accept one’s situation.
- on the back foot (phrase) – in a defensive position, off balance, at a disadvantage.
- pledge (verb) – promise, undertake, vow, commit, assure, agree, guarantee.
- disown (verb) – abandon, denounce, deny, reject.
- marching order (noun) – an order to leave a place, a job, etc.
- expulsion (noun) – removal, elimination, rejection, ejection.
- the Council of Ministers (noun) – the supreme executive organ in a government. The term is usually equivalent to the word “cabinet”.
- in contrast with (phrase) – as against, as an alternative to, as opposed to.
- backing (noun) – protection, guidance, support.
- therein (adverb) – in that respect.
- lie (verb) – be present, exist.
- fashion (verb) – build, make, create, construct, form, shape, forge.
- governance (noun) – the act of governing something; administration.
- transparency (noun) – clarity, straightforwardness, openness, honesty, unambiguity.
- accountability (noun) – responsibility, liability, answerability.
- devoid of (adjective) – without, lacking, deprived of.
- structure (noun) – system, scheme, plan, framework.
- all-embracing (adjective) – complete, comprehensive, thorough, all-inclusive.
- welfarism (noun) – the principles/policies of a welfare state.
- entice (verb) – attract, win, capture, obtain, lure, invite.
- ideology (noun) – a system of belief, set of principles.
- unravel (verb) – fall apart, fail, collapse, go wrong.
- potency (noun) – strength, efficacy, powerfulness, vigour, spirit.
- capacity (noun) – potentiality, capability, potential, ability.
- central agencies (plural noun) – the central agencies are organizations in the executive branch that co-ordinate the activities of, and provide guidance to the operating ministries and agencies; e.g. Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Directorate of Enforcement (ED), Income Tax Department (IT) and etc.
- methodically (adverb) – systematically.
- corner (verb) – gain control of, gain dominance of, take over, control, dominate.
- brazen (it) out (phrasal verb) – to act or behave confidently & shamelessly (even after doing something wrong & also by not admitting that); put a bold face on it, be defiant, be unashamed.
- barb (noun) – an intentionally painful remark/comment; insult, sneer, jibe, cutting remark, affront, rebuff.
- shake (verb) – upset, distress, disturb, unsettle.
- sustainable (adjective) – defensible, justifiable, defendable, supportable, acceptable.
- radical (adjective) – revolutionary, progressive, forward-looking, reforming, liberal.
- divisive (adjective) – alienating/isolating, disharmonious, discordant.
- falter (verb) – oscillate, fluctuate, change one’s mind, be undecided, be irresolute.
- shaky (adjective) – faltering, unsteady, uncertain, unreliable, untrustworthy, questionable, dubious, doubtful, tenuous, unsubstantial, weak, undependable, unsupported.
- subservience (noun) – conformity, submission, compliance, obedience.
- brazen (adjective) – blatant/flagrant; bold and shameless; unashamed, unabashed, unembarrassed.
- resistance (noun) – opposition, defiant; refusal to accept, unwillingness to accept.
- scrutiny (noun) – examination, inspection, investigation.
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The Hindu Editorial (Ordinary men) – Oct 12, 2022:

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