The Hindu Editorial (Opening moves) – Mar 12, 2025
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The Hindu Editorial (Opening moves) – Mar 12, 2025:
- opening (phrase) – initial, beginning, starting.
- move (noun) – activity, step, measure.
- churn (noun) – disturbance, turbulence, disruption, upheaval, chaos.
- circumstances (noun) – situation conditions, context, environment, background.
- realignment (noun) – readjustment, reorganization, rearrangement, renewal, reparation.
- under way (phrase) – in progress, happening, occurring, taking place.
- assemble (verb) – come together, get together, flock together, gather.
- putative (adjective) – apparent, seeming, alleged, commonly regarded/considered.
- under the banner of (phrase) – as a part of a particular group.
- In fact (phrase) – actually, really, in reality indeed, truly.
- (Legislative) Assembly (noun) – Assembly/Vidhan Sabha; a legislative body in the states and union territories of India.
- scatter (verb) – separate, disintegrate, disband, break up, disperse.
- possibly (adverb) – very likely, perhaps, may be.
- pave the way for (phrase) – clear the way for, make preparations for, put things in order for.
- reconfiguration (noun) – rearrangement, restructure redevelopment, reorganisation.
- face off (phrasal verb) – fight, clash, contest, battle for, tussle for.
- combative (adjective) – aggressive, hostile, attacking, belligerent.
- alliance (noun) – association, union, bloc, partnership.
- weigh (verb) – consider, think about, analyse, assess, evaluate.
- tent (noun) – camp, group.
- certainty (noun) – assurance, reliability, sureness.
- revive (verb) – bring back, restore, renew, re-establish, reinitiate.
- rivalry (noun) – opposition, contention, conflict, discord, friction, enmity.
- amid (preposition) – in the middle of, surrounded by; during.
- heightened (adjective) – increased, escalated, exacerbated, intensified, deepened, aggravated.
- bitterness (noun) – resentment, indignation, hostility, enmity, antipathy; disappointment, dissatisfaction, disgruntlement, discontent, unhappiness, displeasure.
- set to (phrasal verb) begin doing something vigorously; be ready, be prepared.
- clash (noun) – fight.
- marginal (adjective) – slight, small, insignificant, minute, tiny, negligible, minimal.
- aggregate (adjective) – total, complete, combined, gross, overall, comprehensive
- brink (noun) – an edge/verge of difficult/dangerous situation ;a crucial or critical point.
- happenstance (noun) – coincidence.
- development (noun) – turn of events, incident, situation, circumstance, occurrence, happening.
- following (adjective) – subsequent, ensuing, successive, next, upcoming.
- insurmountable (adjective) – unassailable, unbeatable, unstoppable, overwhelming, hopeless, impossible; no way to overcome/defeat.
- contradiction (noun) – discrepancy, difference, variance, variation, deviation, dissimilarity, disagreement, paradox, incongruity.
- calculation (noun) – projection, prediction, indication, forecast, prognosis, speculation, expectation (of future events or trends).
- dysfunctional (adjective) – not functioning/working normally or properly; troubled, unsettled, flawed.
- strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests).
- to some extent (phrase) – to a degree/level; partially, partly.
- transparency (noun) – clarity, straightforwardness, openness, honesty, unambiguity.
- accountability (noun) – responsibility, liability, answerability.
- alacrity (noun) – hurry, speed, rush, swiftness, quickness.
- shore up (phrasal verb) – support, help, assist someone/something from ; bolster up, buttress, strengthen, fortify, reinforce, underpin something from decline.
- base (noun) – a group of people considered as supporting an organization/party.
- thaw (noun) – an increase in friendliness.
- rout (noun) – defeat, beat, vanquish, crush completely.
- emerging (adjective) – happening/occurring.
- delimitation (noun) – the act of establishing limits or boundaries in a Treaty, Judgement or other Agreement. It literally means the act or process of fixing limits or boundaries of territorial constituencies in a country or a province having a legislative body.
- demarcation (noun) – the physical marking of the boundary on the ground.
- eclipse (noun) – failure, decline, collapse, deterioration, weakening.
- increasingly (adverb) – more and more, steadily more, continuously more, gradually more.
- likely (adjective) – possible, expected, anticipated, on the cards.
- look (noun) – appearance.
Note :
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2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.
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