The Hindu Editorial (Open justice) – Apr 07, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Open justice) – Apr 07, 2023:
- open (adjective) – transparent, forthright, straightforward, honest, genuine;
- open justice (noun) – In simple terms, it is the principle that court proceedings are conducted in public. The open justice principle is often rationalised in various ways: to allow scrutiny of proceedings to ensure proper judicial conduct and a fair trial, to enhance public confidence, to deter future offences, and to inform the public about matters in the public interest.
- strike a blow (for/against) (phrase) – to act in support for (or) to act against something; to support/oppose something
- set aside (phrasal verb) – overrule, overturn, reverse, revoke, cancel, quash, dismiss, nullify, annul.
- arbitrary (adjective) – whimsical, capricious, arbitrary, random, erratic, unreasonable, irrational, illogical, groundless, unjustifiable, discretionary, personal, subjective.
- bar (verb) – prevent, prohibit, forbid, ban.
- undisclosed (adjective) – confidential, secret, unrevealed, unpublished, covert, hidden.
- consideration (noun) – factor, point, issue, matter, aspect.
- pretext (noun) – a false reason that we give for doing something by hiding the real reason; excuse, false excuse, ostensible reason, alleged reason, supposed grounds, pretence, semblance
- shut down (phrasal verb) – close, discontinue, cease operation, stop.
- outlet (noun) – an organisation of journalist.
- term (verb) – describe as.
- critical (adjective) – censorious, condemnatory, condemning, castigatory, reproving, disparaging, disapproving, scathing, criticizing.
- airing (noun) – publication, dissemination, expression, broadcasting, spreading, voicing.
- anti-establishment (adjective) – against the established authority/government.
- terminology (noun) – terms, expressions, words, language, parlance.
- the establishment (noun) – the authority, the government, the powers that be, the ruling class, the regime.
- clearance (noun) – (official) approval, consent, assent.
- entitle (verb) – authorize, allow, permit.
- hold (verb) – have.
- chilling (adjective) – frightening, terrifying, disturbing/horrifying.
- free speech (noun) – the right to express one’s opinions publicly (without any restraint).
- bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges.
- cite (verb) – refer to, make reference to, mention, point to.
- substantive (adjective) – important, significant, considerable.
- grounds (noun) – reason, rationale, basis, explanation.
- alleged (adjective) – supposed, claimed, professed, purported, reported, ostensible.
- stance (noun) – opinion, position, viewpoint, standpoint, point of view.
- bald (adjective) – plain, simple, blunt, direct.
- claim (noun) – allegation.
- find fault with (adjective) – criticize, condemn, censure, attack, reprove, reproach.
- material (noun) – information, details, documents, particulars.
- gravity (noun) – importance, top priority, necessity, exigency, seriousness.
- discernible (adjective) – visible, noticeable, observable, recognizable, perceptible.
- seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
- resort (noun) – recourse, utilization, the use of, application of.
- immunity (noun) – exemption, exclusion, exception, indemnity, freedom, exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment.
- public interest (noun) – the welfare or well-being of the general public and society.
- draw upon (phrasal verb) – to use something in some beneficial way; rely on, to utilize or make use of.
- jurisprudence (noun) – legal system.
- established (adjective) – accepted, confirmed, common, normal, accustomed, familiar.
- disclose (verb) – reveal, release, make public, make known.
- exercise (verb) – use, utilize, employ, apply, put to use.
- acknowledge (verb) – accept, recognize, realize.
- confidentiality (noun) – non-disclosure, secrecy, privacy.
- legitimate (adverb) – legal, lawful, legalized; valid, acceptable, justifiable.
- blanket (adjective) – outright, overall, total, complete, general.
- ascertain (verb) – find out, understand, recognize, get to know.
- non-disclosure (noun) – secrecy, privacy, confidentiality.
- in the interest of (phrase) – for the benefit of, for the sake of, in order to achieve something.
- inference (noun) – meaning, understanding, reading, interpretation; explanation, elucidation, clarification.
- bid (noun) – attempt, try, effort, endeavour.
- hearing (noun) – litigation, court case, lawsuit, hearing, inquiry, judicial/legal proceedings.
- moot (verb) – put forward, introduce, present.
- redact (verb) – censor, obscure, hide (some text in a (legal) document for privacy).
- redaction (noun) – it means that certain text contained in a document filed with the Court (or a judgment provided by the Court) is concealed from view for privacy protection; Hiding some text in a document for privacy.
- gist (noun) – essence, substance, main idea, heart of the matter.
- amicus curiae (noun) – a Latin term meaning “friend of the court.” an individual who is not a party to a legal case, but who is allowed to give assistance to a court by offering information, expertise, or insight that has a relation/relevance to the issues in the case.
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The Hindu Editorial (Open justice) – Apr 07, 2023:

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