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The Hindu Editorial (open court) – Jul 03, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (open court) – Jul 03, 2024

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Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (open court) – Jul 03, 2024:

  1. open court (noun) – a tennis tournament in which there is no favorite, but any one can win the title.
  2. transition (noun) – change, shift.
  3. valedictory (adjective) – farewell, leaving, departing, goodbye, parting.
  4. lap (noun) – phase, portion, segment, tour, part, section, round, circuit.
  5. SW19 (noun) – the tag (nickname) of Wimbledon Championships; SW19 is the postcode district in South West London incorporating the areas of Wimbledon and other two places. Wimbledon is an area of urban south west London and SW19 is the geographic postcode for the All England Club.
  6. pit stop (noun) – (in a long journey) a brief stop for fuel, rest or food.
  7. scalpel (noun) – a small straight knife with a very sharp blade used for surgery, dissection and craftwork.
  8. mend (verb) – repair, fix, cure, heal, make well.
  9. barely (adverb) – just, only just, hardly, almost not.
  10. swansong (noun) – a metaphor used to refer to a final activity, gesture, effort or last performance given just before retirement/death. It was said to be that swans live a silent existence until the time of their death, when, with their last breath, they would sing a beautiful song.
  11. stranglehold (noun) – control, grip, domination (over something).
  12. establish (verb) – form, found, build, create; show, demonstrate, display, exhibit.
  13. famed (adjective) – famous, well-known, noted, distinguished, prominent.
  14. preceding (adjective) – previous, prior, earlier.
  15. far from (phrase) – not, not at all; nowhere near, a long way from.
  16. overarching (adjective) – comprehensive, all-inclusive, across-the-board, all-embracing, all-encompassing, sweeping, extensive, broad.
  17. excellence (noun) – distinction, quality, greatness, skill, talent, prowess.
  18. benchmark (noun) – standard, base/basis, point of reference, criterion, ideal.
  19. indices plural of index (noun) – a data figure reflecting something compared with a standard or base value; pointer, indicator.
  20. measure (verb) – evaluate, assess, appraise, judge; compare with.
  21. stake a claim (phrase) – assert, declare, announce/state (ones right to something).
  22. authoritatively (adverb) – with authority; reliably, dependably, legitimately.
  23. pulsating (adjective) – very exciting.
  24. graduate (verb) – progress, advance, move up, be promoted.
  25. claim (verb) – assert by achieving/winning (something)
  26. proximity (noun) – nearness or closeness.
  27. lanky (adjective) – thin and tall.
  28. meticulously (adverb) – carefully, scrupulously, painstakingly.
  29. slick (adjective) – shiny, shining, smooth and silky.
  30. credential (noun) – qualification, achievement, expertise, capability, talent, ability, quality.
  31. put to test (phrase) – check out something or someone especially. in difficult conditions
  32. quintessential (adjective) – being the most perfect & typical example of something; classic, ideal, consummate, exemplary, best, ultimate.
  33. baton (noun) – responsibility.
  34. pass the baton (phrase) – hand over a specific responsibility/duty.
  35. seamless (adjective) – flawless, smooth, ideal, faultless, consistent, continuous, immaculate, impeccable.
  36. succession (noun) – the right of inheriting a position, title or etc.; line of descent.
  37. undisputed (adjective) – undoubted, uncontested, unchallenged, unquestioned, recognized.
  38. nous (noun) – common sense, intelligence, good judgment, foresight, awareness, forethought, tactfulness.
  39. seed (noun) – ran, position.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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