The Hindu Editorial (Ominous signs) – Jul 08, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Ominous signs) – Jul 08, 2023:
- ominous (adjective) – threatening, menacing, unfavourable, unpromising, gloomy.
- pro- (prefix) – supporting.
- pro-Khalistani (adjective) – supporting Khalistan movement.
- Khalistanis (noun) – people who are related/connected to the Khalistan movement (a Sikh separatist movement) seeking to create a homeland for Sikhs by establishing a sovereign state, called Khālistān (‘Land of the Khalsa’), in the Punjab region.
- interest (noun) – common concerns (in politics/business).
- calibrate (verb) – work out, reckon, determine, evaluate, assess (carefully).
- public diplomacy (noun) – it refers to the process whereby a country [or an entity] seeks to build trust and understanding by engaging with a broader foreign public beyond the governmental relations that, customarily, have been the focus of diplomatic effort.
- diplomacy (noun) – international politics, foreign affairs, foreign policy; negotiations, discussions, talks, dialogue (related to international politics).
- rally (noun) – protest march, demonstration, mass meeting, gathering.
- separatist (noun) – secessionist, dissident, protester, sectarian, nonconformist extremist, radical.
- diplomatic (adjective) – (delicate & sensitive) consular, foreign-policy.
- mission (noun) – a group of people from a state or organization present in another state to represent the sending state or organization officially in the receiving or host state.
- diplomat (noun) – ambassador, envoy, consul, emissary.
- officials (noun) – authorities, officialdom, the people in charge, the bureaucracy.
- vigilance (noun) – careful observation, watchfulness, surveillance, alertness.
- talks (noun) – (formal) discussions, consultation.
- counterpart (noun) – someone or something that has the same job or purpose as another; equivalent, equal, fellow.
- pre-emptory (adjective) – relating to an action taken in advance to prevent something (anticipated) from happening; forestalling, preventing.
- bill (verb) – describe as, promote as, call, designate.
- exhort (verb) – urge, encourage, pressurize, push, spur.
- sport (verb) – display, exhibit.
- arson (noun) – an act of setting fire intentionally to damage/destroy public properties, particularly buildings.
- vandalism (noun) – an intentional destruction of public or private property; a premeditated or deliberate damage to public or private property.
- uptick (noun) – a small increase or upward trend.
- separatist (adjective) – secessionist, dissident, sectarian, nonconformist, extremist, radical.
- incubate (verb) – give support and aid the development of something.
- put someone on notice (phrase) – give a warning to, forewarn; notify, inform.
- obligate (verb) – compel, force, constrain, require.
- convention (noun) – protocol, accord, agreement, pact, treaty, compact.
- resolve (noun) – determination, willpower, firmness, resolution, courage.
- intelligence (noun) – (military/political) information, facts, details, particulars.
- freedom of speech (noun) – the right to express opinions without government interference.
- trope (noun) – figurative expression, metaphor, comparison, symbol.
- cover (noun) – shelter, protection, shield, defence.
- onus (noun) – responsibility, duty, burden, liability, obligation.
- call out (phrasal verb) – criticize someone about something.
- freeze (verb) – hold in a fixed state/condition.
- contact (noun) – communication, connection, association.
- tit-for-tat (phrase) – equivalent retaliation; counterattack, revenge, an eye for an eye.
- retaliatory (adjective) – revenging, vengeful, avenging.
- measure (noun) – action, step, procedure.
- downgrade (verb) – lower, reduce, minimize.
- High Commission (noun) – the embassy (of one Commonwealth country in another Commonwealth country).
- demonstrative (adjective) – symbolic, emblematic, representative.
- hardly (adverb) – barely, almost not.
- summon (verb) – order someone to be present; call for, ask for, request the presence of.
- démarche (noun) – from French, literally means step, walk, gait (a way of walking); a course of action, initiative, move (In diplomatic relations); it is a more formal way of communication of one country’s foreign affairs official to an appropriate official in another country to inform views or gather details on a given subject (or) to object/protest actions by a foreign government.
- distinction (noun) – difference, dissimilarity, variation, division.
- graffiti (noun) – pictures or words painted or drawn on a wall, building, etc.
- justify (verb) – confirm, defend, uphold, validate, vindicate, warrant.
- law and order (noun) – a condition in which the existing rules, regulations, norms and related legal codes are recognized and observed for the sustenance of peace, orderliness and security of lives and property in society.
- police (verb) – maintain law and order in, keep guard over; regulate, control, check, watch over, patrol; supervise, oversee, monitor.
- policing (noun) – supervision, overseeing, monitoring, inspection.
- sovereign (adjective) – independent, self-governing, self-legislating.
- vocal (adjective) – vociferous, outspoken, forthright; relating to someone who expresses his/her views frankly.
- on behalf of (phrase) – in the interests of, in support of, for the benefit of.
- diaspora (noun) – the people who spread/scatter from their own country to places across the world. Indian diaspora constitutes NRIs (Non-resident Indians) and PIOs (Persons of Indian origins).
- recognise (verb) – accept, acknowledge, admit, endorse, support, uphold, approve something (existence, validity, or legality) formally.
- victim (noun) – sufferer.
- perpetrator (noun) – a person who does immoral, harmful and illegal activities; criminal, culprit, evil-doer.
- given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
- alarming (adjective) – worrying, disturbing, shocking, distressing.
- need of the hour (phrase) – some (urgent) need/requirement/demand at a particular point of time.
- brinkmanship (noun) – the practice of trying to achieve an advantageous results by engaging in a dangerous issue or event to the edge of safety, especially in politics, by pushing dangerous events.
- mechanism (noun) – apparatus, medium, agency, instrument, channel.
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The Hindu Editorial (Ominous signs) – Jul 08, 2023:

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Ahead of planned rallies by pro-Khalistan separatists in the U.S., the U.K., Canada and Australia on July 8 that target Indian diplomatic missions and diplomats,... For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Ominous signs) – Jul 08, 2023.