The Hindu Editorial (​Old rivalries) – Sep 02, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​Old rivalries) – Sep 02, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​Old rivalries) – Sep 02, 2024:

  1. rivalry (noun) – opposition, contention, conflict, discord, friction, enmity.
  2. coalition (noun) – alliance, association, union, partnership.
  3. underlying (adjective) – fundamental, basic, primary.
  4. difference (noun) – disagreement, difference of opinion, dispute, clash, dissension, quarrel, wrangle.
  5. inherent (adjective) – ineradicable, indelible, deep-rooted, intrinsic, natural, deep-seated.
  6. contradiction (noun) – conflict, difference, disagreement, dispute.
  7. have a way of doing something (phrase) – used to say that something often or usually happens.
  8. show up (phrasal verb) – reveal, expose, manifest, make visible, make obvious, bring to light. 
  9. irregular (adjective) – erratic, patchy, occasional, sporadic, unsystematic.
  10. tensions (noun) – strained relations, strain, unease.
  11. setback (noun) – problem, difficulty, issue.
  12. trigger (noun) – cause, reason, grounds, factor, motive, occasion. 
  13. discord (noun) – strife, conflict, friction, hostility, disagreement, lack of agreement, lack of harmony.
  14. inopportune (adjective) – inappropriate, inconvenient, unsuitable, ill-chosen, ill-timed, unfavourable, awkward.
  15. (Legislative) Assembly (noun) – Assembly/Vidhan Sabha; a legislative body in the states and union territories of India.
  16. be caught in something (phrase) – to be in a situation from which you cannot easily escape of.
  17. strife (noun) – conflict, friction, discord, disagreement.
  18. put one’s house in order (phrase) – improve one’s own behaviour before criticizing others.
  19. flagship (noun as modifier) – the biggest, the best, the most important (event/programme).
  20. unveil (verb) – present, make public, introduce, launch, release; reveal, disclose.
  21. in the hope of (phrase) – with the aim of, with the intention of, with the expectation of.
  22. lose ground (phrase) – lose one’s advantage in a conflict or competition.
  23. make up or recover lost ground (phrase) – to become successful again after having disadvantages, delays or problems (in a conflict or competition); cope, overcome, surmount, get over.
  24. cause (noun) – reason, grounds, basis, motive, pretext, purpose. 
  25. embarrass (verb)  humiliate, shame, abash, upset, make uncomfortable, make awkward, make (someone) feel ashamed.
  26. lay something to rest (phrase) – to end something; bring something to a close; to stop someone from worrying about something, to stop someone from believing something (as true)
  27. milk (verb) – use, utilize, exploit, cash in on, take advantage of.
  28. hold (verb) – have, own, bear, possess.
  29. immense (adjective) – huge, very great.
  30. significance (noun) –  importance.
  31. patriarch (noun) – a powerful & eldest male head of a family or an organisation or a social system.
  32. belong (verb) – be a member of, be connected to, be associated with.
  33. unconditional (adjective) – complete, entire, unlimited, outright, out and out, wholehearted.
  34. tussle (noun) – fight, clash, scuffle, skirmish, squabble, quarrel, argument, contention.
  35. personally (adverb) – in person.
  36. proximity (noun) – nearness or closeness.
  37. in close proximity (phrase) – near/close to each other.
  38. nauseous (adjective) – sick, bad; disgusting, appalling, loathsome, obnoxious.
  39. debacle (noun) – fiasco, failure, disaster.
  40. admit (verb) – acknowledge, realize,  recognize, disclose, confess, reveal.
  41. field (verb) – nominate, propose, put up (a candidate) to stand in an election.
  42. soul (noun) – person, individual, human, man/woman.
  43. campaign (noun) – canvassing, electioneering, an act of soliciting (asking for/requesting) votes; an organized effort that seeks to influence the decision-making progress within a specific group.
  44. trail (noun) – path, route, course.
  45. run-up to (noun) – a period of time just before an important event.
  46. appeal (verb)  – attract, be attractive to, be of interest to, please, engage, fascinate.
  47. burn one’s bridges (phrase)  – to end one’s relationship permanently; to destroy one’s connections completely; kick down the ladder, burn one’s boats, go for broke.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (​Old rivalries) – Sep 02, 2024:

The Hindu Editorial (​Old rivalries) – Sep 02, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​Old rivalries) – Sep 02, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​Old rivalries) – Sep 02, 2024

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