The Hindu Editorial (Numbers game) – Apr 21, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Numbers game) – Apr 21, 2023:
- numbers game (noun) – the use or of statistics, particularly in favour of an argument.
- state (noun) – condition, situation, circumstances.
- State of World Population Report (SoWP) 2023 (noun) – This report was developed under the auspices of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Division for Communications and Strategic Partnerships. This report explores how people — the general public, policymakers, academics and others — understand current population trends, and how those views can impact sexual and reproductive health and rights.
- projection (noun) – forecast, prediction, calculation.
- reap (verb) – receive, obtain, realize; get.
- demographic (adjective) – the statistical study/structure of populations, especially human beings.
- demographic dividend (noun) – it is defined as a boost in economic productivity that occurs when there are growing numbers of people in the workforce relative to the number of dependents (or) it is the accelerated development that can arise when a population has a relatively large proportion of working-age people coupled with effective human capital investment.
- authoritative (adjective) – recognized, approved, accepted; reliable, dependable, valid, well founded, factual.
- stamp (verb) – reveal, identify.
- populous (adjective) – densely populated.
- surpass (verb) – be greater than, exceed, overtake.
- extrapolate (verb) – forecast, predict, reckon, calculate, estimate. (extrapolation is an estimation of a value based on extending a known sequence of values or facts beyond the area that is certainly known).
- mortality (noun) – (in a particular time/for a cause) the rate/number of death; death, loss of life.
- migration (noun) – the movement of people within the borders of the same country or across international borders in order to find work or better living conditions.
- vacillating (adjective) – undecided, uncommitted, uncertain, unsure, wavering.
- vacillate (verb) – keep changing one’s mind; be indecisive, be irresolute, be undecided, be uncertain.
- socialist (adjective) – liberal, progressive, radical, anti-capitalist, revolutionary.
- inability (noun) – helplessness, incompetence, incapability.
- seeded (adjective) – growing, spreading.
- deranged (adjective) – mentally unbalanced, mentally unsound; mad; insane, disturbed, unstable, irrational.
- sterilisation (noun) – the surgical procedure which permanently prevents a person’s capability of reproduction.
- violently (adverb) – intensely, powerfully, strongly, vigorously.
- compromise (verb) – weaken, impair, undermine.
- globalisation (noun) – the process of making the trade of goods and services equivalent in all nations.
- open up (phrasal verb) – make something available/accessible.
- the opening up (noun) – an act of making something available/accessible to all.
- untapped (adjective) – dormant, inactive, unused/not yet exploited.
- fortune (noun) – wealth, riches, means, resources.
- the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) (phrase) – it refers to the poorest two-thirds of the population in the world.
- relative to (adjective) – in comparison with, proportionate, commensurate, corresponding
- workforce (noun) – workers, employees.
- age verb) – grow old; become old.
- arbitrage (noun) – buying an asset in one market and selling the same/similar asset in another market to make a profit.
- unskilled (adjective) – relating to an employee who does not use reasoning or intellectual abilities in their line of work.
- undergird (verb) – support, uphold, bolster, underpin, reinforce, strengthen.
- outsourcing (noun) – a business practice in which services or job functions are hired out to a third party on a contract or ongoing basis.
- enrolment (noun) – the act of enrolling/joining at an institution (school or college).
- prosperity (noun) – success, fortune, welfare, well being.
- inequality (noun) – Inequality is simply defined as “the state of not being equal, especially in status, rights and opportunities; imbalance, unevenness, disproportion, disparity.
- bust (verb) – disrupt violently.
- National Family Health Survey (NFHS) (noun) – a large-scale, multi-round survey conducted in a representative sample of households throughout India. Three rounds of the survey have been conducted since the first survey in 1992-93. The survey provides state and national information for India on fertility, infant and child mortality, the practice of family planning, maternal and child health, reproductive health, nutrition, anaemia, utilization and quality of health and family planning services.
- reproductive rate (noun) – Basic Reproductive Rate (R0) is the average number of people infected by one person in a susceptible population.
- total fertility rate (TFR) (noun) – the average number of children a woman would give birth to during her lifetime if she were to pass through her childbearing years (15-49 years) experiencing the present day age-specific fertility rates.
- dip (verb) – decrease, decline, diminish.
- forecast (noun) – predict, indicate, project, speculate, calculate (of future events or trends).
- pendulum (noun) – oscillating situation.
- discourse (noun) – discussion, conversation, communication, expression.
- factor in (phrasal verb) – include something (as a relevant element).
- account for (phrasal verb) – constitute, make up, comprise, form, compose, represent.
- the fact that (phrase) – used to refer to a specific situation under consideration/discussion.
- migrant (noun) – a person who moves from one region to another – either within a country or across national borders in order to find work or better living conditions.
- immigrants (noun) – non-natives, foreigners, migrants.
- immigration (noun) – the act of leaving one’s countries and moving to another country of which they are not natives, nor citizens, to settle or reside there, especially as permanent residents or naturalized citizens.
- renounce (phrasal verb) – surrender, abandon, forgo, discontinue, give up.
- aspiration (noun) – aim, ambition, objective, goal, target.
- decelerating (adjective) – slowing, reducing, diminishing, lessening.
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The Hindu Editorial (Numbers game) – Apr 21, 2023:

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The latest State of World Population Report, an authoritative analysis by the UN, has officially stamped what has been known for a while:… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Numbers game) – Apr 21, 2023.