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The Hindu Editorial (No discrimination) – Oct 01, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (No discrimination) – Oct 01, 2022

The Supreme Court’s ruling holding that single and unmarried women have the same right to a medically safe abortion as married women is a necessary intervention to set right an… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (No discrimination) – Oct 01, 2022.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (No discrimination) – Oct 01, 2022:

  1. discrimination (noun) – prejudice, bias/bigotry, intolerance/inequity.
  2. abortion (noun) – medical termination of pregnancy.
  3. ruling (noun) – judgement, verdict, decision, pronouncement, resolution, decree.
  4. hold (verb) – give (a verdict/judgement).
  5. intervention (noun) – the process of intervening in something; involvement, interference.
  6. set right (phrasal verb) – to correct/rectify something; put right.
  7. anomaly (noun) – something different, abnormal, unusual; oddity, peculiarity, deviation, aberration, exception.
  8. letter and spirit (noun) – (to obey) both literal interpretation/wording and the intent/purpose of the law.
  9. anchor (verb) – secure, fasten, attach, connect firmly.
  10. equality (noun) – equal rights, equal opportunities, non-discrimination.
  11. clause (noun) – term, provision, requirement/condition.
  12. constitution (noun) – body of law; system of rules; regulations, fundamental principles, charter.
  13. as well as (phrase) – and also, and in addition.
  14. dignity (noun) – self-esteem, self-respect, morale.
  15. bodily (adjective) – physical, sensual.
  16. autonomy (noun) – independence, freedom.
  17. bodily autonomy (noun) – the right to governance over our own bodies.
  18. rationale (noun) – reason, cause, basis, argument, premise, factor, pretext, motive.
  19. seek (verb) – try, go for; ask for, request.
  20. termination (noun) – abortion, miscarriage, feticide. 
  21. consensual (adjective) – relating to consensus/consent; in agreement with those who involved.
  22. carry to term (phrase) – carry out a pregnancy; it refers to staying pregnant the full nine months or until a baby is ready to be born.
  23. cite (verb) – refer to, make reference to, mention, point to.
  24. consensually (adjective) – agreeingly, concertedly, collectively.
  25. take a view (phrase) – to have an opinion/idea about something.
  26. Rule 3B of the MTP Act (noun) – it categorises women who are eligible for termination of pregnancy up to 24 weeks as under (a) survivors of sexual assault or rape or incest; (b) minors; (c) change of marital status during the ongoing pregnancy (widowhood and divorce); (d) women with physical disabilities.
  27. Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971 (noun) – It provides for the termination of certain pregnancies by registered medical practitioners on certain grounds (reasons).
  28. explicitly (adverb) – clearly, unequivocally, understandably (without question/doubt).
  29. purposive (adjective) – purposeful, conscious, deliberate, intended, intentional, thoughtful.
  30. marital (adjective) – matrimonial; relating to marriage/wedding.
  31. permissible (adjective) – legitimate, admissible, allowable, acceptable.
  32. circumstances (noun) – situation, condition.
  33. abandonment (noun) – neglect, betrayal, disuse, rejection.
  34. constitute (verb) – present, comprise, account for, cause.
  35. carry on (phrasal verb) – continue, go on, proceed.
  36. legislature (noun) – law-making body or governing body; parliament, congress, council, assembly.
  37. grave (adjective) – terrible, drastic, dangerous; serious.
  38. lay down (phrasal verb) – formulate, stipulate, set down, draw up, frame.
  39. render (verb) – make, cause to be, cause to become.
  40. undergo (verb) – be subjected to, experience, go through.
  41. as to (phrase) – concerning, with respect to, regarding, with reference to, with regard to, in connection with. 
  42. at a time (phrase) – during one particular time.
  43. cause (noun) – reason, grounds, basis, motive, pretext, purpose. 
  44. mortality (noun) – (in a particular time/for a cause) the rate/number of death.
  45. maternal mortality (noun) – maternal death; the death of a woman while pregnant.
  46. advance (verb) – promote, encourage, help, aid, facilitate.


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