The Hindu Editorial (Naturally, selection) – May 27, 2021
When supply is finite, it is a no-brainer that a burgeoning demand will not be met. Tailoring supply for optimal effect would then be the prudent way ahead,…. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Naturally, selection) – May 27, 2021.
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The Hindu Editorial (Naturally, selection) – May 27, 2021:
- naturally (adverb) – of course, obviously, as one would expect.
- vaccinate (verb) – inoculate, administer, introduce (with a vaccine to provide immunity against a disease).
- the vulnerable (noun) – a weak/neglected person who is in need of special care/support.
- vaccination (noun) – treatment with a vaccine to protect against a particular disease; immunization.
- finite (adjective) – limited, subject to limitations, restricted.
- no-brainer (noun) – something which demands little/no effort mentally.
- burgeoning (adjective) – growing, increasing expanding, mushrooming rapidly.
- tailor (verb) – customize, adapt, adjust, modify, change.
- optimal (adjective) – most favourable, optimum, ideal, perfect.
- prudent (adjective) – wise, sensible, careful/ far-sighted.
- the way forward/ahead (phrase) – something (a plan/action) that leads to success in the future.
- strategy (noun) – plan of action.
- employ (verb) – use, utilize, make use of.
- ideal (noun) – principle, standard, morality.
- distant (adjective) – faraway, far off; remote.
- herd immunity (noun) – also known as “population immunity”; it refers to a means (ways) of protecting a whole community from disease by immunizing a critical mass of its populace (population). It is also defined as a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a large percentage of a population is immune to an infection, thereby providing a measure of protection for individuals who are not immune.
- consideration (noun) – factor, point, matter, aspect; scrutiny, analysis, review, examination.
- necessarily (adverb) – inevitably, certainly, surely.
- prioritisation (noun) – the activity that arranges items or activities in order of importance relative to each other.
- vaccine (noun) – a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease.
- by and large (phrase) – largely, mostly, mainly, in general.
- deployment (noun) – the bringing of resources into effective action.
- inverse correlation (noun) – a relationship between two variables that move in opposite directions. In other words, when one variable increases, the other variable decreases, and vice versa.
- come down (phrasal verb) – decline, decrease, reduce, drop/fall.
- open up (phrasal verb) – make accessible; make available.
- imperative (adjective) – vitally important, necessary, essential, crucial/critical.
- line list (noun) – a table that contains key information about each person in society, with each row representing a person and each column representing a variable such as demographic, clinical, and epidemiologic information (e.g., risk factors and exposures).
- vulnerability (noun) – weakness, defencelessness, unprotectedness, susceptibility.
- societal (adjective) – relating to society.
- primary (adjective) – most important, main, key, paramount.
- mandate (verb) – require, make something mandatory/necessary.
- interaction (noun) – (direct) communication.
- draw up (phrasal verb) – formulate, create, work out.
- for instance (phrase) – as an example.
- seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
- co-morbidity (noun) – the presence of one or more additional conditions (diseases/problems) co-occurring/co-existing with a primary condition (disease/problem).
- field staff (noun) – employees of a company who work outside the office.
- besides (preposition/linking adverb) – apart from, in addition to.
- assume (verb) – take up, manage, handle.
- sutradhar (noun) – ‘holder of strings’, equivalent to a puppeteer; puller of strings, puppet master.
- pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
- lockdown (noun) – an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place; An extended state of confinement/encirclement/isolation of a person by the authority.
- in force (phrase) – in effect, in operation, in action.
- slow down (phrasal verb) – reduce, lessen decrease.
- pace (noun) – speed, rate.
- much-needed (adjective) – needed to a large extent.
- pick up (phrasal verb) – improve, get better, make progress, rally.
- expansive (adjective) – extensive, sweeping, wide-ranging, comprehensive.
- one’s bounden duty (phrase) – a compulsory duty/responsibility of someone.
- equitable (adjective) – fair, just, unbiased, impartial, even-handed.
- sheer (adjective) – total.
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context.
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.
The Hindu Editorial (Naturally, selection) – May 27, 2021:

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