The Hindu Editorial (Murder of law and order) – Apr 17, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Murder of law and order) – Apr 17, 2023:
- law and order (noun) – a condition in which the existing rules, regulations, norms and related legal codes are recognized and observed for the sustenance of peace, orderliness and security of lives and property in society.
- inquiry (noun) – investigation, particularly an official one.
- lawmaker (noun) – a member of a legislature legislator.
- typify (verb) – exemplify, represent, symbolize, epitomize, be an example of.
- rule of law (phrase) – it is described as “a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards.
- in cold blood (phrase) – ruthlessly; in a cruel way.
- handcuff (verb) – secure or restrain with handcuffs.
- abject (adjective) – miserable, hopeless, woeful, awful, appalling, pathetic.
- prevail (verb) – exist, be in existence, be present, be prevalent.
- encounter (noun) – an extrajudicial killing by the police or the armed forces, supposedly in self-defense, when they encounter suspected gangsters or terrorists.
- pretext (noun) – a false reason that we give for doing something by hiding the real reason; excuse, false excuse, ostensible reason, alleged reason, supposed grounds, pretence, semblance.
- entertain (verb) – consider, give consideration to, take into consideration; agree to, approve of, support to.
- plea (noun) – appeal, entreaty, petition, request.
- alleged (adjective) – supposed, claimed, professed, purported, reported, ostensible.
- in broad daylight (phrase) – during the day, when anyone can see something (a crime) happening easily/clearly.
- far from (phrase) – not, not at all; nowhere near, a long way from.
- reign supreme (phrase) – be the best; be the most important.
- regime (noun) – government.
- chilling (adjective) – frightening, terrifying, disturbing/horrifying.
- gun down (phrasal verb) – shoot down, kill.
- due process (noun) – fair treatment (per established principles & procedures).
- central (adjective) – main, crucial, fundamental, paramount.
- short-circuit (verb) – shorten, reduce, lessen, cut down (a process/activity).
- chaos (noun) – disorder, disarray, turmoil, disorganization, disruption.
- administration (noun) – the government, the regime.
- stretch the limit (phrase) – push the boundary, push the envelope; (push the envelope means extend the limits of what is possible; try new things that have not been accepted or tried before).
- legitimate (adjective) – legal, lawful, valid, reasonable, reliable.
- dubious (noun) – suspicious, questionable, doubtful.
- discriminatory (adjective) – unfair, biased, bigoted, prejudiced, partisan, one-sided.
- application (noun) – use, utilization, employment, implementation.
- lawlessness (noun) – anarchy, absence of government, disorder, mobocracy, mayhem.
- pathology (noun) – abnormality, unhealthiness, malfunction.
- sought past and past participle of seek (verb) – ask for, request, appeal for.
- accountability (noun) – responsibility, liability, answerability.
- watch (noun) – careful observation.
- commission (noun) – committee, council, panel.
- lapse (noun) – failure, mistake, blunder, oversight.
- discrimination (noun) – prejudice, bias/bigotry, intolerance/inequity.
- scant (adjective) – little or no, hardly any, meagre.
- regard (noun) – consideration, care, concern, attention.
- demonstrably (adverb) – provably, obviously, clearly.
- independent (adjective) – impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced, neutral, non-partisan, fair, even-handed.
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The Hindu Editorial (Murder of law and order) – Apr 17, 2023:

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In life and in death, former lawmaker Atiq Ahmed typified the collapse of the rule of law in Uttar Pradesh. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Murder of law and order) – Apr 17, 2023.