The Hindu Editorial (More and better testing) – Aug 13, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​​​More and better testing) – Aug 13, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (More and better testing) – Aug 13, 2024:

  1. outbreak (noun) – outburst, flaring up, breakout, epidemic, eruption, sudden appearance/occurrence of something.
  2. genomic (adjective) – relating to the gene (genetic material) of a living thing.
  3. sequence (noun) – the complete order of compounds/building blocks (nucleotides) of nucleic acids, such as RNA or DNA.
  4. genome (noun) – the genetic material (a complete set of DNA, including all of its genes) of an organism. The sum total of the genetic material of a cell or an organism.
  5. genome sequence (noun) – a process that determines the order, or sequence, of the DNA (nucleotides i.e., A, C, G and U) in each of the genes present in the virus’s genome.
  6. zika virus (noun) – it is primarily transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito from the Aedes genus, mainly Aedes aegypti, in tropical and subtropical regions.
  7. steadily (adverb) – gradually, slowly.
  8. epicentre (noun) – the main point of unpleasant or problematic situation.
  9. account for (phrasal verb) – constitute, make up, comprise, form.
  10. so far (phrase) – until now, up to the present, up to this point.
  11. run a risk of (phrase) – to do something that may cause a bad/unpleasant thing to happen; to take a chance on
  12. Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) (noun) – it is a neurological complication (nerve damage that can result in weakened muscles and paralysis) seen in Zika-infected adults;  Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare condition in which a person’s immune system attacks the peripheral nerves.
  13. syndrome (noun) – In general, it means “concurrence-many things happen at the same time”. In medicine, it is a set of signs and symptoms correlated with each other and often associated with a particular disease or disorder.
  14. disorder (noun) – disability, impairment, complaint, disorder, problem, disease.
  15. mistakenly (adverb) – wrongly, imprecisely, inappropriately.
  16. peripheral nervous system (noun) – a network of nerves that runs throughout the head, neck, and body. It carries messages to and from the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord). Together, the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system form the nervous system.
  17. microcephaly (noun) – a condition in which babies to being born with extremely small heads & and possible brain damage.
  18. impairment (noun) – disability, disorder, complaint, disorder, problem, disease.
  19. Lancet (noun) – a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal. It is among the world’s oldest and best-known general medical journals.
  20. meta-analysis (noun) – a statistical analysis that combines the results of several studies. It’s powerful because it combines results from many different experiments that are similar in nature.
  21. absolute (adjective) –  complete, total, entire; confirmed, definite.
  22. abnormality (noun) – (physical) malformation, deformity, anomaly, irregularity.
  23. neuroimaging (noun) – a branch of medical imaging that focuses on the brain. In addition to diagnosing disease and assessing brain health, neuroimaging also studies: How the brain works. How various activities impact the brain.
  24. ophthalmic (adjective) – relating to the eye.
  25. auditory (adjective) – relating to hearing, the sense of hearing, or the organs of hearing.
  26. premature birth (noun) – a baby is born too early. The birth takes place before the 37th week of pregnancy. A typical pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks. 
  27. premature (adjective) – untimely, early, too soon/too early; ill-timed, hasty.
  28. gestational age (noun) – it is measured in weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period. This means that your last period counts as part of your pregnancy.
  29. gestation (noun) – is defined as the time between conception and birth.
  30. potentially (adverb) – likely, possibly, probably. 
  31. measure (noun) – action, step, course of action.
  32. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (noun) – The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the national public health agency of the United States. It is a United States federal agency, under the Department of Health and Human Services, and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. CDC is the U.S’s leading science-based, data-driven, service organization that protects the public’s health.
  33. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
  34. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) (noun) – the apex body in India for the formulation, coordination and promotion of biomedical research, is one of the oldest medical research bodies in the world. As early as in 1911, the Government of India set up the Indian Research Fund Association (IRFA) with the specific objective of sponsoring and coordinating medical research in the country. It was redesignated in 1949 as the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The ICMR is funded by the Government of India through the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
  35. ramp up (phrasal verb) – increase (in amount or number).
  36. publication (noun) – publishing, issuing, broadcasting, publicizing.
  37. Nipah virus (NiV) (noun) – a zoonotic virus (meaning that it can spread from animals to humans) and can also be transmitted through contaminated food or directly between people. Fruit bats, also called flying foxes are the natural host of Nipah virus. Nipah virus is also known to cause illness in pigs and people. Infection with NiV is associated with encephalitis (swelling of the brain) and can cause mild to severe illness and even death.
  38. learn the hard way (noun) – to learn something through (personal) experience or by making mistakes
  39. ongoing (adjective) – current, existing, continuing.
  40. Chandipura virus (noun) – Chandipura virus is a member of the Vesiculovirus genus of the family Rhabdoviridae. Incidentally this family also includes the rabies virus. The Chandipura virus was first isolated in 1965, from the blood of two adults with a febrile illness in a village in Nagpur, Maharashtra. The virus is reportedly named after the village it was isolated from. 
  41. acute (adjective) – severe, serious, critical.
  42. encephalitis (noun) – it is a sudden sudden inflammation (swelling) of the brain.
  43. increasingly (adverb) – more and more, steadily more, continuously more, gradually more.
  44. deadly (adjective) – fatal, lethal, life-threatening.
  45. observe (verb) – spot, detect, make out, notice, discover.
  46. lead time (noun) – the time or duration it takes for a production process or project to be completed.
  47. institute (verb) – establish, put in place, organize.
  48. timely (adjective) – prompt, well timed, at the right time, opportune, appropriate.
  49. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  50. decentralised (adjective) – relating to the transfer of the control of something from a single place to other locations.
  51. replicate (verb) – emulate, imitate, simulate, mimic, copy, recreate, follow.
  52. pathogen (noun) – a bacteria/virus that causes disease.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (More and better testing) – Aug 13, 2024:

The Hindu Editorial (More and better testing) – Aug 13, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (More and better testing) – Aug 13, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (More and better testing) – Aug 13, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (More and better testing) – Aug 13, 2024

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