The Hindu Editorial (Miles to go) – May 15, 2019
Cyril Ramaphosa, victor in South Africa’s recent presidential election and head of the African National Congress,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (Miles to go) – May 15, 2019.
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Today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (Miles to go) – May 15, 2019:
- predecessor (noun) – previous holder of the post; forerunner, precursor, antecedent.
- daunting (adjective) – intimidating, challenging, disconcerting/ unsettling.
- await (verb) – wait for, expect, look for.
- realm (noun) – area, field, domain (of activity).
- reinvigoration (noun) – strengthening, rejuvenation, renewal/revival.
- hobble (verb) – restrict/control/limit the activity or development of something.
- prospects (noun) – possibilities, potential, outlook.
- to begin with (phrase) – at first, at the outset, at the beginning.
- nevertheless (adverb) – in spite of that, notwithstanding, however.
- disconcerting (adjective) – discomfiting, unsettling, disturbing.
- ecular (adjective) – relating to a fluctuation/trend happening slowly over a long period of time.
- slide (verb) – fall, drop, decline.
- dwindling (adjective) – diminishing, decreasing, reducing (in amount/rate).
- swept past participle of sweep (verb) – to win a contest completely.
- gloriously (adverb) – impressively, greatly, splendidly.
- apartheid (noun) – prejudice, bias, bigotry/inequity (racial segregation).
- coterminous (adjective) – having the same boundaries.
- elite (noun) – high society people; the group of most powerful people in a society.
- indulge in (verb) – become involved in (an undesirable activity).
- rent-seeking (noun) – a behavior which does not create economic gains for society, instead it helps a company/organisation/individual using their resources to get economic gain.
- marketisation (noun) – a restructuring process that enables state enterprises to operate as market-oriented firms by changing the legal environment in which they operate.
- step down (phrasal verb) – resign, give up one’s job, stand down.
- in the wake of (phrase) – aftermath, as a result of, as a consequence of.
- scandal (noun) – impropriety, misconduct, wrongdoing.
- venality (noun) – corruptible state; a state of being vulnerable to be corrupt/bribery/grafting.
- flourish (verb) – thrive/prosper; be well, be strong.
- scalpel (noun) – a small straight knife with a very sharp blade used for surgery, dissection and craftwork.
- trim (verb) – shorten, abridge, cut down.
- oust (verb) – overthrow, remove, unseat/dismiss.
- illicit (verb) – illegal, unlawful, illegitimate.
- deft (adjective) – skilful, efficient, adept.
- in terms of (phrase) – with regard to, regarding/concerning, in connection with.
- steer (verb) – guide, conduct, direct/take.
- choppy (adjective) – full of waves; turbulent, heavy/stormy.
- tottering (adjective) – unsteady, unstable/insecure; feeble.
- cater to (verb) – accommodate/serve, provide for, oblige.
- a step forward (noun) – progress, advancement, development/headway.
- patronage (noun) – backing/support, advocacy, assistance/protection.
- ridden past participle of ride (verb) – manage, handle, control.
- vow (verb) – swear, pledge, promise.
- stem (verb) – restrain, restrict/control; reduce, diminish.
- marketable (adjective) – in demand, sought-after, wanted.
- vocational (adjective) – relating to job or work & its related skills.
- fend for oneself (verb) – manage by oneself, provide for oneself, take care of oneself.
- lie in (phrasal verb) – be present, be contained, exist.
- power through (verb) – continue working on something relentlessly until the end, even if that is difficult.
- old guard (noun) – a person in an organisation for a very long time.
- avowed (adjective) – asserted, admitted, stated (publicly).
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from, narrow-mindedness
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context.
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.
Today’s word list-2 The Hindu Editorial (Miles to go) – May 15, 2019:
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