The Hindu Editorial (Making a riot) – Aug 04, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Making a riot) – Aug 04, 2023:
- make (verb) – cause, give rise to, bring about, perpetrate.
- clash (noun) – conflict, fight, tussle, quarrel, dispute, confrontation, skirmish, hostilities.
- the state (noun) – the government, the administration.
- impartial (adjective) – unbiased, unprejudiced, non-partisan, disinterested, neutral, fair-minded, even-handed, non-discriminatory.
- at a time (phrase) – during a particular time.
- tremor (noun) – a sudden feeling of fear; shivering, shaking, trembling.
- ethnic (adjective) – relating to a population subgroup (cultural, national, traditional/folk) with a common national or cultural tradition.
- settle (verb) – solve, resolve, rectify, reconcile, deal with.
- abutting (adjective) – adjacent, bordering, neighbouring, surrounding; nearby.
- claim (verb) – cause/result in the loss of, take.
- Home Guard (noun) – a volunteer unit; a volunteer force (tasked to be an auxiliary (assistant/aide) to the police).
- civilian (noun) – non-military person, ordinary citizen.
- fled past & past participle of flee (verb) – escape, abscond, run away, take flight, leave abruptly/hastily.
- trigger (noun) – an event/situation that causes something to happen.
- mayhem (noun) – disorder, turmoil, chaos, havoc, trouble, disturbance, violence, riot.
- pelt (verb) – throw, hurl, attack, assault, assail.
- procession (noun) – march, rally, yatra.
- in the making (phrase) – developing, growing, up and coming.
- affair (noun) – event, incident, happening.
- held past & past participle of hold (verb) – conduct, organize, arrange.
- mobilise (verb) – (of people) bring together for a particular cause.
- neighbouring (adjective) – adjacent, bordering, abutting, surrounding; nearby.
- firearms (noun) – arms, weapons, weaponry, guns.
- pilgrim (noun) – traveller (going to holy/sacred place for a religious reason).
- reinforcement (noun) – additional police, additional troops; reserves, backup.
- the administration (noun) – the government, the regime.
- catch someone off-guard (phrase) – surprise, baffle, mystify, perplex.
- off-guard (phrase) – unprepared, by surprise, unwary, unwatchful, unready, unexpectedly, without warning, suddenly, unprepared, unawares.
- unprepared (adjective) – unready, off (one’s) guard, unwary, unwatchful, surprised, ill-equipped, incapable.
- first information report (FIR) (noun) – a written document prepared by the police when they receive information about the commission of a cognizable offence.
- premeditated (adjective) – intentional, calculated, conscious, done on purpose, knowing, purposeful, deliberate, pre-planned, prearranged, preconceived, predetermined, cold-blooded, wanton.
- tensions (noun) – strained relations, strain, unease.
- build up (phrasal verb) – grow, develop, become more intense (gradually, systematically, and in stages).
- self-styled (adjective) – self-named, so-called, self-appointed, self-avowed, self-professed.
- vigilante (noun) – a member of the self-appointed group which unofficially punishing crimes.
- evoke (verb) – bring/call to mind; invoke, give rise to, bring forth, induce, arouse.
- resentment (noun) – fury, anger, wrath, shock, outrage, indignation.
- activist (noun) – campaigner, protestor; radical, extremist.
- provocative (adjective) – inflammatory, agitational, incendiary, provoking, goading, controversial, annoying, irritating.
- language (noun) – wording, phrasing, expressions, speech
- vandalise (verb) – destroy, damage, spoil property (public/private) intentionally.
- Imam (noun) – the person who leads prayers in a mosque.
- armed (adjective) – equipped with firearms (weapons).
- mob (noun) – a large, disorganized, and often violent crowd of people
- shrine (noun) – a place of worship; sacred/holy place.
- set ablaze (phrase) – set something on fire, cause to burn, ignite, set on fire.
- outnumber (verb) – to be more than someone in number; to exceed in number; outstrip, eclipse, outdo.
- mute (adjective) – quiet, silent, tight-lipped, close-mouthed.
- spectator (noun) – onlooker, watcher, viewer, bystander, passer-by.
- policing (noun) – the act of maintaining/monitoring law and order by a police force; supervision, overseeing, monitoring, inspection.
- show up (phrasal verb) – clearly visible, be conspicuous, make obvious, manifest, reveal.
- inadequate (adjective) – insufficient, poor, not enough, limited, ineffective, incapable.
- in the face of (phrase) – despite, notwithstanding, regardless of; when confronted with.
- incitement (noun) – provocation, persuasion, inducement, fomentation, instigation, stoking up, fuelling.
- perpetrator (noun) – a person who does immoral, harmful and illegal activities; criminal, culprit, evil-doer.
- vigilant (adjective) – careful, cautious, heedful, alert, watchful, attentive.
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The Hindu Editorial (Making a riot) – Aug 04, 2023:

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