The Hindu Editorial (Madam President) – Jul 22, 2022
The election of Droupadi Murmu as India’s 15th President is rich in symbolism. In the 75th year of the country’s Independence, Ms. Murmu becomes the second woman to occupy the Rashtrapati Bhavan,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Madam President) – Jul 22, 2022.
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The Hindu Editorial (Madam President) – Jul 22, 2022:
- lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring on, bring about, give rise to.
- attention (noun) – recognition, regard, awareness, attentiveness; care, support, aid.
- tribespeople (noun) – people who belong to a tribe.
- rich (adjective) – huge, great.
- symbolism (noun) – (indirect) representation, epitomisation, illustration, exemplification.
- occupy (verb) – hold, have, be in (a position).
- in focus (phrase) – distinct, clear-cut, well defined.
- rise through the ranks (phrase) – to make progress by one’s own efforts.
- have a mind of one’s own (phrase) – to have the ability/habit to think, act, or form opinions without others’ influence.
- stint (noun) – spell, period, time, turn, term.
- elect (verb) – vote in, choose, cast one’s vote for.
- legislative (adjective) – law-making, parliamentary, policy-making, administrative.
- legislative body (noun) – parliament, legislative assembly, legislature; governing body, executive, government, law makers.
- colonial (adjective) – regional, state, territorial, local.
- founding fathers/figures (India) (noun) – The leaders those who fought the British Empire non-violently for India’s independence. Some of the most famous are Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Dr.Ambedkar, Sardar Vallabhai Patel, Subhash Chandra Bose and more.
- figure (noun) – (important or distinctive) person.
- republic (noun) – a group of people involved in a particular activity with certain equality; “The Republic” is a form of government in which a state (country) is ruled by elected representatives of the people (citizen body).
- cognisant (adjective) – aware, well informed about, familiar with.
- provision (noun) – term, clause, requirement/condition.
- Fifth & Sixth Schedule (noun) – Article 244 of the Constitution of India read with two Schedules – the Fifth and Sixth Schedules – to the Constitution of India provide special arrangements for areas inhabited by Scheduled Tribes. Article 244 (1) provides- “The provisions of the Fifth Schedule shall apply to the administration and control of the Scheduled Area and Scheduled Tribes in any State other than the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram”.
- Sixth Schedule (noun) – Article 244 (2) provides – “The provisions of the Sixth Schedule shall apply to the administration of the tribal areas in the State of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram”. Sixth Schedule allows constitution (formation) of Autonomous District Councils (ADCs) in the Northeastern states of Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram (three Councils each), and Tripura (one Council) to safeguard the rights of tribal population.
- Constituent Assembly (noun) – The Constituent Assembly of India, consisting of indirectly elected representatives, was established to draft a constitution for India. It existed for approx. three years, the first parliament of India after independence in 1947.
- forcefully (adverb) – vigorously, outspokenly, vehemently, forcefully, forthrightly.
- articulate (verb) – express, convey, communicate, voice.
- concentrated (adjective) – populous, densely populated.
- The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (noun) – An Act to recognise and vest the forest rights and occupation in forest land in forest dwelling Scheduled Tribes and other traditional forest dwellers who have been residing in such forests for generations but whose rights could not be recorded; to provide for a framework for recording the forest rights so vested and the nature of evidence required for such recognition and vesting in respect of forest land.
- forest dweller (noun) – forest people/resident.
- milestone (noun) – major achievement.
- empowerment (noun) – authorization, accreditation; capacity-building, inclusiveness.
- by no means (phrase) – not at all, in no way, certainly not, absolutely not, definitely not, under no circumstances.
- identity (noun) – identification, recognition; individuality, originality.
- identity (noun) – a social category, a set of persons marked by a label and distinguished by rules deciding membership and (alleged) characteristic features or attributes; individuality, character, originality.
- triumph (noun) – victory, win, success.
- pave the way for (phrase) – clear the way for, make preparations for, put things in order for.
- succeed (verb) – take over from, come after, follow (a position from).
- invigorating (adjective) – revitalizing, refreshing, reviving, rejuvenating, encouraging.
- gauge (verb) – assess, evaluate, analyze, judge.
- aspiration (noun) – ambition, hope, goal.
- marginalised (adjective) – treated as insignificant, treated as unimportant, neglected.
- enlist (verb) – join, enroll in, sign up for.
- elevation (noun) – promotion, rise.
- elate (verb) – make (someone) very happy.
- candidacy (noun) – the state/condition/fact of being a candidate, particularly in an election; candidate-ship.
- back up (phrasal verb) – support, stand by, give one’s support to, side with.
- substance (noun) – significant subject, important matter/content, valid message.
- pay attention to (phrase) – take notice of, take into account, bear in mind, be mindful of, consider.
- activist (noun) – a person who supports a political change or cause; (or societal change/cause).
- erosion (noun) – undermining, weakening, deterioration, disintegration.
- accord (verb) – give, grant, present.
- harassment (noun) – oppression, victimization, discrimination, punishment.
- suppression (noun) – repression, clampdown, crackdown, restriction, crushing, quelling, stifling.
- intolerance (noun) – bigotry, narrow-mindedness, dogmatism, illiberality, insularity, sensitivity, oversensitivity.
- the state (noun) – government, the administration, the regime, the authorities.
- autonomy (noun) – independence, freedom, self-rule.
- leeway (noun) – freedom, scope/flexibility, latitude/elbow room.
- champion (verb) – support, back, espouse, advocate, promote, defend, protect, uphold.
- cause (noun) – principle, aim, ideal, belief.
- disadvantaged (adjective) – deprived, underprivileged, poor, poverty-stricken.
- inaction (noun) – neglect, negligence, disregard, apathy, inactivity, lethargy.
- disempowerment (noun) – the condition/state of being disempowered (less powerful).
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2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context.
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The Hindu Editorial (Madam President) – Jul 22, 2022:

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