The Hindu Editorial (Lines and roles) – Mar 03, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (Lines and roles) – Mar 03, 2022

Signs of a confrontation between Raj Bhavan and the elected government in a State are not infrequent in the country. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Lines and roles) – Mar 03, 2022.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (Lines and roles) – Mar 03, 2022:

  1. line (noun) – boundary, limit.
  2. role (noun) – duty, responsibility, job, task, function.
  3. confrontation (adjective) – clash, fight, conflict, tussle, skirmish.
  4. infrequent (adjective) – rare, uncommon, unusual, irregular.
  5. onus (noun) – responsibility, duty, burden.
  6. avert (verb) – prevent, stop, obstruct, deter, ward off.
  7. constitutional crisis (noun) – it is defined as a situation when a country’s constitution is not able to clearly resolve an issue/problem/conflict in the function of a Government at it’s disposal.
  8. evidence (verb) – indicate, show, reveal, display.
  9. buy (verb) – obtain something through exchange (of something else usually at a sacrifice).
  10. miffed (adjective) – irritated, upset, raged, annoyed, displeased, offended, aggrieved.
  11. rather than (phrase) – instead of.
  12. pursue (verb) – engage in, conduct, take part in, take up (an activity).
  13. confrontational (adjective) -hostile, argumentative, aggressive, quarrelsome.
  14. course (noun) – path, way; approach, technique, strategy.
  15. attribute (verb) – ascribe, assign, connect/associate with.
  16. partisan (adjective) – biased, prejudiced, one-sided, unjust, unfair, inequitable, unbalanced.
  17. agent (noun) – representative, broker, spokesperson, mouthpiece.
  18. have — to do with  (phrase) – be connected with something to the level described.
  19. constrain (verb) – restrict, limit, curb, check, restrain. 
  20. aid and advice (phrase) – The real authority to take decisions lies in the elected government. This is the meaning of ‘aid and advice’. Titular head (Governor/Lt. Governor) has to act in accordance to aid and advice.
  21. clause (noun) – stipulation, condition, specification, requirement, provision
  22. discretionary (adjective) – optional, voluntary, up to the individual, non-mandatory, non-compulsory.
  23. regime (noun) – government.
  24. on tenterhooks (phrase) – in suspense; edgy/nervy, in a state of agitation. 
  25. Constitution Bench (noun) – a bench of the Supreme Court having five or more judges on it. These benches are not a routine phenomenon.  Constitution Benches are exceptions, set up only if some circumstances exist). (A bench of two or three judges is called a division bench).
  26. lay down (phrasal verb) – formulate, stipulate, prescribe.
  27. in accordance with (phrase) – in agreement with, in conformity with, in line with, in compliance with.
  28. save (preposition) – except, except for, apart from, other than, besides, with the exception of, barring, excluding.
  29. well-known (adjective) – familiar, customary, conventional, established.
  30. exceptional (adjective) – extraordinary, unusual, uncommon, rare.
  31. illustratively (adverb) – explanatorily, elucidatorily.
  32. act upon (phrasal verb) – comply with, act in accordance with, follow.
  33. grant (verb) – allow, accord, permit, present with.
  34. clemency (noun) – mercy, leniency, forgiveness/forbearance; compassion, pardon.
  35. assent (noun) – approval, agreement, concurrence, acceptance.
  36. Bill (noun) – A Bill is a draft statute that becomes law after it is passed by Parliament ( for nationwide statute) / Legislative Assembly (for statewide statute) and assented to by the President. All legislative proposals are brought before Parliament/Legislative Assembly in the forms of Bills.
  37. reluctance (noun) – unwillingness, disinclination, hesitation.
  38. reserve (verb) – give something (a resource) to a particular person.
  39. consideration (noun) – analysis, review, examination, inspection, scrutiny.
  40. expressly (adverb) – absolutely, clearly, obviously, unequivocally, unmistakably.
  41. obvious (adjective) – visible, apparent, clear, evident.
  42. conflict (noun) – dispute, quarrel, squabble, disagreement, difference of opinion.
  43. due to (phrase) – because of, owing to, as a result of.
  44. Article 163 of the Constitution of India (noun) – It deals with “Council of Ministers to aid and advise Governor”.
  45. Article 163 (1) of the Constitution of India (noun) – There shall be a Council of Ministers with the Chief Minister as the head to aid and advise the Governor in the exercise of his functions, except in so far as he is by or under this Constitution required to exercise his functions or any of them in his discretion.
  46. Article 163 (2) of the Constitution of India (noun) – If any question arises whether any matter is or is not a matter as respects which the Governor is by or under this Constitution required to act in his discretion, the decision of the Governor in his discretion shall be final, and the validity of anything done by the Governor shall not be called in question on the ground that he ought or ought not to have acted in his discretion.
  47. Article 163 (3) of the Constitution of India (noun) – The question whether any, and if so what, advice was tendered by Ministers to the Governor shall not be inquired into in any Court.
  48. discretion (noun) – choice, option, preference, volition.
  49. bar (verb) – prohibit, prevent, forbid, ban.
  50. inquire (verb) – question, probe, investigate.
  51. Sarkaria Commission (noun) – The Sarkaria Commission (under the Chairmanship of Justice R.S. Sarkaria with Shri B. Sivaraman and Dr. S.R. Sen as its member) was set up in 1983 by the central government of India. The Sarkaria Commission was set up to examine and review the working of the existing arrangements between the Union and States in regard to powers, functions and responsibilities in all spheres and recommend such changes or other measures as may be appropriate.
  52. revisit (verb) – reconsider, review, re-examine, re-evaluate, reassess.
  53. lynchpin (noun as modifier) – most important, main, focal, central (thing).
  54. apparatus (noun) – system, arrangement, regime, mechanism.
  55. indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually, undeniably.
  56. defend (verb) – protect, secure, safeguard.
  57. impression (noun) – opinion, view, conception, feeling.
  58. oblige (verb) – require, compel, bind, constrain, obligate, force, put under an obligation.
  59. heed (verb) – pay attention to, take into account, consider.
  60. persist (verb) – continue, carry on, go on, keep going.
  61. seek (verb) – ask for, request, appeal for; try, aim, attempt.
  62. provision (noun) – clause, (legal) term, stipulation, requirement, condition.
  63. amend (verb) – revise, alter, change, qualify.
  64. time-frame (noun) – a particular period of time in which something is taking place; target date, deadline, finishing date.
  65. explicit (adjective) – definite, distinct, clear, well defined, precise.
  66. go by (phrasal verb) – follow, obey, abide by, adhere to, conform to.
  67. Constituent Assembly (noun) – The Constituent Assembly of India, consisting of indirectly elected representatives, was established to draft a constitution for India. It existed for approx. three years, the first parliament of India after independence in 1947. 
  68. express (adjective) – rapid, swift, fast, quick, speedy, prompt.
  69. at all (phrase) – in any way.
  70. in addition (phrase) – as well as, additionally, moreover.
  71. M.M. Punchhi Commission (noun) – The Government of India constituted a Commission on Centre-State Relations under the chairmanship of Justice Madan Mohan Punchhi, former Chief Justice of India on 27th April 2007 to look into the new issues of Centre-State relations keeping in view the changes that have taken place in the polity and economy of India since the Sarkaria Commission had last looked at the issue of Centre-State relations over two decades ago.  
  72. burden (verb) – cause trouble to, cause suffering to.
  73. Chancellor (noun) – the chief administrative officer of a university.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (Lines and roles) – Mar 03, 2022:

The Hindu Editorial (Lines and roles) – Mar 03, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (Lines and roles) – Mar 03, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (Lines and roles) – Mar 03, 2022
The Hindu Editorial (Lines and roles) – Mar 03, 2022

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