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The Hindu Editorial (Let there be light) – Oct 05, 2023

The Hindu Editorial (Let there be light) – Oct 05, 2023

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The Hindu Editorial (Let there be light) – Oct 05, 2023:

  1. let there be light (phrase) – used as a metaphor (figure of speech) for the spread of wisdom/knowledge.
  2. electron (noun) – a stable subatomic particle with a negative electrical charge.
  3. quantum mechanics (noun)- it is the field of physics that explains how extremely small objects simultaneously have the characteristics of both particles (tiny pieces of matter) and waves (a disturbance or variation that transfers energy). it is the study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level.
  4. attosecond (noun) – it is an astonishingly short unit of time, equivalent to one quintillionth of a second, or 10 to the power of 18 seconds (10-18).
  5. infrared (noun) – it is electromagnetic radiation (EMR) with wavelengths longer than those of visible light and shorter than radio waves. it is a region of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum where wavelengths range from about 700 nanometers (nm) to 1 millimeter (mm).
  6. noble gases (noun) – a group of six inert (nonreactive) gases (i.e., helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon) on the far right side of the periodic table. They are members of group 18, the last group on the periodic table. The noble gases are tasteless, odorless, colorless, nonflammable, and mostly nonreactive.
  7. overtones (noun) – an overtone is a frequency that is produced by an object or instrument in addition to the fundamental frequency. (A fundamental is the lowest frequency of a sound wave that determines its pitch. It is the primary tone that is produced by an object or instrument, and all other frequencies that are produced by it are called overtones).
  8. integer-fraction (noun) – any fraction, upon division of numerator by denominator, yields a remainder which is equal to zero is an integer. The integers are the set of whole numbers and their opposites.
  9. peculiar (adjective) – strange, unusual/odd, unexpected.
  10. milestone (noun) – critical point, significant stage, turning point, watershed, major achievement.
  11. constructive interference (noun) – constructive interference will retain the frequency and double the amplitude when two identical waves of the same period and amplitude that are completely in phase meet.
  12. trough (noun) – the highest surface part of a wave is called the crest, and the lowest part is the trough. The vertical distance between the crest and the trough is the wave height.
  13. destructive interference (noun) – destructive interference occurs when identical waves meet that are completely out of phase because it cancels the signal frequency and the amplitude to zero.
  14. reinforcing (adjective) – strengthening.
  15. time (verb) – plan, arrange, organize, schedule.
  16. cut-off (noun) – break-off, shut-off, discontinuation, end.
  17. pulse (noun) – a single vibration (of sound, light or other wave).
  18. kinetic energy (noun) – the energy of motion, observable as the movement of an object or subatomic particle.
  19. krypton (noun) – it (Kr, atomic number 36) is one of the noble gases, which as a group have little tendency to react chemically with other elements.
  20. photon (noun) – it is a subatomic particle with a positive electrical charge. They are found in every atomic nucleus of every element. In almost every element, protons are accompanied by neutrons.
  21. vaccine (noun) – a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease.
  22. mRNA vaccine (noun) – The vaccine is a messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine, which stands for “messenger ribonucleic acid”. Messenger RNA is essentially the blueprint that living cells use to turn gene sequences into the proteins that form their fundamental structures. Once injected, the mRNA in the vaccine is translated into a viral protein, which our immune systems detect. The body generates an immune response in reaction to these viral proteins, which can’t by themselves cause disease, and this provides protection against developing Covid-19.
  23. m-RNA technology (noun) – messenger RNA technology; the set of instructions by which cells make all proteins and send them to various parts of the body. mRNA medicines take advantage of normal biological processes to express proteins and create a desired therapeutic effect.
  24. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  25. utility (noun) – usefulness, use, advantage, benefit, value, helpfulness, service.
  26. whereas (conjunction) – in contrast or comparison with the fact that.
  27. dynamics (noun) – basic/fundamental cause or force that triggers change within a system.
  28. diagnostics (noun) – the process of identifying a disease.
  29. superconductor & superconductivity (noun) – superconductor is a material that can conduct electricity with no resistance below its critical temperature (Tc). In 1911, a Dutch physicist and Nobel laureate Kamerlingh Onnes discovered that the electrical resistance of mercury completely disappeared at temperatures a few degrees above absolute zero. The phenomenon became known as superconductivity.
  30. thanks to (phrase) – as a result of, owing to, due to, because of.
  31. laureate (noun) – a person who is honoured with an award for outstanding achievement.
  32. illuminate (verb) – clarify, explain, elucidate, reveal, make clear.
  33. hitherto (adjective) – until now, up to this point.
  34. phenomena (plural noun) – occurrence, happening, event, incident.
  35. of value (phrase) – if something is of value, it is useful or important.
  36. fete (verb) – honour.
  37. feat (noun) – achievement, accomplishment, attainment.
  38. application (noun) – practical use; relevance, significance, bearing.
  39. devise (verb) – plan, think up, conceive, formulate, work out.
  40. paraphrase (verb) – reword, rephrase, express in other words, express differently, restate.


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