The Hindu Editorial (Learning to let go) – Dec 25, 2020

The Hindu Editorial (Learning to let go) – Dec 25, 2020

The Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague on Wednesday ruled in favour of energy firm Cairn Plc over a retrospective tax demand worth… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Learning to let go) – Dec 25, 2020.

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Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Learning to let go) – Dec 25, 2020:

  1. let go (phrase) – give up, relinquish, surrender.
  2. retro tax/retrospective taxation (noun) – retrospective taxation allows a country to pass a rule on taxing certain products, items or services and deals and charge companies from a time behind the date on which the law is passed.
  3. rely on (phrasal verb) – depend on; resort to, have recourse to.
  4. retrospective (adjective) – backdated, retroactive, backward looking/ex post facto.
  5. levy (verb) – impose, charge (a tax, fee, fine).
  6. The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) (noun) – The Permanent Court of Arbitration, established by treaty in 1899, is an intergovernmental organization providing a variety of dispute resolution services to the international community.
  7. arbitration (noun) – conciliation, mediation, intervention/negotiation.
  8. in favour of (phrase) – in support of, to the advantage of, approving of.
  9. pursue (verb) – engage in, conduct, apply oneself to, go in for.
  10. taxmen (noun) – collectors of taxes.
  11. levy (noun) – imposition, charging, collection (of a tax, fee, fine).
  12. pertain to (verb) – concern, relate to, be connected with.
  13. undertake (verb) – launch into, begin, start; engage in, become involved in, take part in.
  14. fall/run foul of (phrase) – get into trouble, come into conflict with, go against (by not following rules/standards).
  15. bilateral (adjective) – involving two groups or countries.
  16. fork out (phrasal verb) – pay money (reluctantly) for something.
  17. concede (verb) – admit, acknowledge, accept.
  18. subsequently (adverb) – afterwards, later on, eventually.
  19. freeze (verb) – hold (something) at a fixed level.
  20. dividend (noun) – benefit, advantage, gain.
  21. dues (noun) – payment, contribution (which is (long) pending).
  22. under way (phrase) – in progress, happening, occurring, taking place.
  23. repercussion (noun) – result, consequence, effect, outcome.
  24. not in the least (phrase) – by no means, not at all, in no way.
  25. plea (noun) – appeal, petition.
  26. perhaps (adverb) – maybe, possibly.
  27. fiscal (adjective) – financial.
  28. implications (noun) – consequence/outcome, ramification, repercussion.
  29. payout (noun) – payment, reward, recompense.
  30. exchequer (noun) – funds/resources/finances, treasury, coffers.
  31. cash strapped (adjective) – relating to someone who has less money; poor, impoverished, disadvantaged, dispossessed, underprivileged.
  32. galvanise (verb) – to cause someone to take action by exciting or shocking them; stimulate, encourage, inspire, stir, arouse, prompt, shock/stun.
  33. dither (verb) – be indecisive, be unsure, be undecided, hesitate.
  34. ostensibly (adverb) – apparently, seemingly, supposedly.
  35. stance (noun) – perspective, approach, position, opinion, standpoint.
  36. assert (verb) – state, claim, announce confidently.
  37. sovereign (adjective) – supreme, absolute, full, unconditional.
  38. arbitrator (noun) – mediator, conciliator, negotiator.
  39. assert (verb) – declare, announce, pronounce, state.
  40. outset (noun) – beginning, start.
  41. consternation (noun) – a sudden and unexpected feeling of worry/anxiety that causes confusion; dismay, surprise, shock.
  42. tax terrorism (noun) – the aggressive attitude of the government to collect higher taxes (by retrospective amendments to the tax laws & other stringent measures) was termed as tax terrorism.
  43. guilty (adjective) – culpable, at fault, accountable/responsible for misconduct.
  44. clause (noun) – requirement, provision, section.
  45. scupper (verb) – prevent, thwart, spoil, ruin, damage (someone’s plans of being successful); cause someone/something to fail.
  46. barb (noun) – hurtful remark, rebuff, insult.
  47. compel (verb) – force, coerce, pressurize, push.
  48. retract (verb) – take back, go back on, disclaim/disavow.
  49. acquisition (noun) – obtaining, acquiring/procuring, appropriation.
  50. dampen (verb) – decrease, diminish/lessen, reduce.
  51. enthusiasm (noun) – eagerness, excitement, zeal.
  52. credibility (noun) – trustworthiness, reliability, integrity.
  53. cathartic (adjective) – (of a particular thing/activity) helping to relieve, release, express strong feelings/emotions; relieving, releasing, purging, purifying, cleansing.
  54. rest something on (phrasal verb) – place something hope, trust, confidence or blame) on someone.
  55. double down (phrasal verb) – to be more firm & resolute on something (decided) even if that might be a risky choice; to double or increase a risk involved in doing something.
  56. score a self-goal (phrase) – (figuratively) do something that has the unintentional effect of hurting your own interests.
  57. aspiration (noun) – desire, hope, wish, ambition, goal.
  58. rope in (phrasal verb) – enlist, engage, persuade.
  59. robust (adjective) – strong, powerful.
  60. regulatory (adjective) – governmental, executive, supervisory, managerial.
  61. framework (noun) – structure, system organization.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

Today’s word list-1 The Hindu Editorial (Learning to let go) – Dec 25, 2020:

The Hindu Editorial (Learning to let go) – Dec 25, 2020 The Hindu Editorial (Learning to let go) – Dec 25, 2020 The Hindu Editorial (Learning to let go) – Dec 25, 2020

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