The Hindu Editorial (Kashmir conflict) – Sep 26, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (Kashmir conflict) – Sep 26, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​Kashmir conflict) – Sep 26, 2024:

  1. conflict (noun) – dispute, quarrel, tussle, wrangle, disagreement, contention, strife, friction, discord. 
  2. divide (noun) – difference, disagreement, disconnection, detachment.
  3. bring to the fore (phrase) – to move forward something into a most important position; to make something more noticeable; draw/call attention to; highlight, accentuate, underscore.
  4. contesting (adjective) – conflicting, opposite, opposing, contradictory, differing, clashing, inconsistent.
  5. (Legislative) Assembly (noun) – Assembly/Vidhan Sabha; a legislative body in the states and union territories of India.
  6. statehood (noun) – the condition of being an independent state.
  7. vow (verb) – promise, guarantee, pledge, give one’s word, give assurance.
  8. restoration (noun) –  bringing back, reinstitution, reinstallation, re-establishment, revival.
  9. Article 370 of the Constitution of India (noun) – It had “temporary provisions with respect to the State of Jammu and Kashmir” which gave special powers to the state. The article allowed the state a certain amount of autonomy – its own constitution, a separate flag and freedom to make laws. Foreign affairs, defence and communications remained the preserve (domain) of the central government. It also allowed Jammu and Kashmir to make its own rules relating to permanent residency, ownership of property and fundamental rights. It did also bar Indians from outside the state from purchasing property or settling there.
  10. Article 35A of the Constitution of India (noun) – Article 35A is a provision incorporated in the Constitution giving the Jammu and Kashmir Legislature a carte blanche to decide who all are ‘permanent residents’ of the State and confer on them special rights and privileges in public sector jobs, acquisition of property in the State, scholarships and other public aid and welfare. The provision mandates that no act of the legislature coming under it can be challenged for violating the Constitution or any other law of the land.
  11. carte blanche (noun) – complete freedom to do whatever one wishes to do; a free hand, full discretionary power, leeway, latitude, elbow room; French phrase, literally means ‘blank paper’ except for a signature on which one is authorized to write whatever she/he wishes
  12. identical (adjective) – similar, alike, comparable, equivalent, uniform.
  13. revoke (verb) – cancel, reverse, repeal, quash, overrule, override, invalidate, nullify, abrogate, annul, abolish.
  14. Public Safety Act (PSA) (noun) – The Public Safety Act (PSA), 1978, of Jammu & Kashmir is an administrative detention law that allows detention of any individual for up to two years without a trial or charge. The Public Safety Act allows for the arrest and detention of people without a warrant, specific charges, and often for an unspecified period of time.
  15. preventive detention (noun) – an action taken by the administration on the grounds of the suspicion that some wrong actions may be done by the person concerned which will be prejudicial to the state.
  16. Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) (noun) – an Indian law aimed at effective prevention of unlawful activities associations in India. Its main objective was to make powers available for dealing with activities directed against the integrity and sovereignty of India.
  17. invoke (verb) – cite, mention, refer to, point to, adduce, turn to, resort to.
  18. allegedly (adverb) – apparently, ostensibly, supposedly, presumably , evidently, seemingly.
  19. militant (noun) – extremist, radical, fanatichardliner, fundamentalist, sectarian, partisan.
  20. separatist (noun) – extremist, radical, rebel, insurgent, dissident, protester, secessionist, nonconformist, sectarian.
  21. revisit (verb) – to consider again; think about something again.
  22. termination (noun) – dismissal firing, sacking, discharge, ousting (of someone from employment).
  23. suspicion (noun) – speculation, conjecture, guesswork, hypothesis, supposition, assumption.
  24. militancy (noun) – extremist, radical, sectarian group.
  25. adverse (adjective) – dangerous, harmful, detrimental, unhealthy; unfavourable, disadvantageous, bad.
  26. dialogue (noun) – discussions, talk, negotiation, consultation, deliberation, parley.
  27. central (adjective) – most important, key, crucial, essential.
  28. manifesto (noun) – (policy) statement, declaration, pronouncement.
  29. in agreement (phrase) – agreeing.
  30. non-committal (adjective) – evasive, equivocal, circumspect, reserved, wary, uncommunicative, indeterminate.
  31. timeline (noun) – schedule.
  32. rule out (phrasal verb) – reject, dismiss, disregard, eliminate, exclude, disallow, prohibit, prevent.
  33. alienation (noun) – isolation, separation, detachment, estrangement.
  34. field (verb) – deploy, position, station.
  35. bid (noun) – attempt, try, effort, endeavour.
  36. mandate (noun) – approval, acceptance, endorsement, authority (given by a constituency to someone acting as its representative).
  37. undo (verb) – reverse, nullify, revoke, cancel, annul, make ineffective, bring to an end.
  38. ideological (adjective) – relating to a system of ideas (ideology).
  39. position (noun) – stance, standpoint, viewpoint, point of view, opinion, attitude, perspective, policy.
  40. mobilisation (noun) – the act of bringing forces/people/resources together for a particular cause.
  41. strategy (noun) – plan of action (in order to achieve a more expansive set of political, economic, and security interests).
  42. alliance (noun) – association, union, bloc, partnership.
  43. walk a tightrope (phrase) – to deal with a difficult situation in which a very small error could have very bad outcomes.
  44. pledge (verb) – promise, swear, vow, affirm, avow, give an assurance.
  45. tricky (adjective) – difficult, problematic, sensitive, risky.
  46. centralise (verb) – concentrate, consolidate, cluster, unify, bring under one roof.
  47. disempower (verb) – make someone less powerful.
  48. sought past tense of seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
  49. draw parallels between (phrase) – to compare two things and see similarities between them.
  50. actor (noun) – participants (in an action).
  51. drift (verb) – depart, deviate, swerve, digress.
  52. drift away (verb) – move away, go away, leave, drift apart, depart.  
  53. convergence (noun) – coming together, move toward union or uniformity; merging, mingling; concurrence, confluence.  
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (​Kashmir conflict) – Sep 26, 2024:

The Hindu Editorial (​Kashmir conflict) – Sep 26, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​Kashmir conflict) – Sep 26, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​Kashmir conflict) – Sep 26, 2024

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