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The Hindu Editorial (​​Inflection point) – Oct 03, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​​Inflection point) – Oct 03, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​​Inflection point) – Oct 03, 2024:

  1. inflection point (noun) – a turning point.
  2. escalation (noun) – intensification, aggravation, exacerbation.
  3. conflict (noun) – war, warfare, armed conflict, military action, armed clash.
  4. intervention (noun) – involvement, mediation, peacemaking, conciliation, arbitration.
  5. missile (noun) – a self-propelled/rocket-propelled weapon designed to deliver a conventional/nuclear explosive warhead with great accuracy at high speed; projectile.
  6. cruise missile (noun) – it is a guided missile that flies with constant speed to deliver a warhead at specified target over long distance with high accuracy.
  7. ballistic missile (noun) – a missile, which is shot from the ground, takes a long distance to travel well outside the atmosphere and falls to the earth to explode on its target (due to the gravity).
  8. mark (verb) – represent, signify, indicate, denote, be a sign of.
  9. at home (phrase) – in one’s own country.
  10. ally (noun) – a country/state with an alliance with another one in which they promise to support each other militarily and to defend each other.
  11. provocation (noun) – incitement, annoyance, irritation, aggravation, stirring, goading, rousing.
  12. embassy (noun) – An embassy is larger and more important than a consulate and is described as a permanent diplomatic mission, which is generally located in a country’s capital city. An embassy is responsible for representing the home country, for handling major diplomatic issues (such as negotiations), and for preserving the rights of its citizens abroad.
  13. Damascus (proper noun) – the capital of Syria.
  14. unclaimed (adjective) – nameless, undisclosed, unidentified, unnamed.
  15. strike (noun) – attack.
  16. escalate (verb) – increase, intensify, accelerate, heighten, make more serious.
  17. Hamas (noun) – Hamas is an Islamist militant group based in Gaza.
  18. vow (verb) – swear, pledge, avow, promise, avow, guarantee, give one’s word, give assurance.
  19. retaliation (noun) – revenge, vengeance, counter-attack.
  20. restraint (noun) – restriction, limitation, control.
  21. hold back (phrasal verb) – restrain oneself, stop oneself, pause, desist, forbear, discontinue, refrain from, withhold from.
  22. fire (noun) – bombardment, firing, barrage, salvo.
  23. ceasefire (noun) – a negotiated agreement that will be accompanied by other associated commitments to de-escalate the fighting; a temporary stoppage of war, truce, armistice.
  24. Gaza (noun) – a Palestinian city in the Gaza Strip. Gaza Strip is a self-governing Palestinian territory surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, Israel and Egypt.
  25. Hezbollah (noun) – Hezbollah is a Shiite Muslim political party and militant group based in Lebanon, where its extensive security apparatus, political organization, and social services network have fostered its reputation as “a state within a state.” Founded in the chaos of the fifteen-year Lebanese Civil War, the Iran-backed group is driven by its opposition to Israel and its resistance to Western influence in the Middle East.
  26. unleash (verb) – let loose, unchain, unshackle, let something go freely/uncontrollably.
  27. set to (phrasal verb) – start doing something vigorously.
  28. deter (verb) – put off, discourage, scare off,  warn, caution; prevent, stop, block, obstruct, fend off.
  29. firepower (noun) – (military) capacity, ability, strength, muscle.
  30. retribution (noun) – retaliation, reprisal, counterstroke; revenge, vengeance, counterattack, recrimination, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, tit for tat.
  31. Houthis rebels (noun) – a decades-old resistance movement, born in opposition to Saudi Arabia’s religious influence. Yemen’s Houthi rebels are leading the fight against a Saudi-led coalition.
  32. proxy (noun) – representative; deputy, substitute. (proxy war means war through a representative/agent).
  33. might (noun) – strength, force, vigour, energy, potency, powerfulness.
  34. bomb (verb) – bombard, shell, raid, assault, attack (with bombs).
  35. deterrence (noun) – the act of deterring/stopping someone from doing something.
  36. widen (verb) – increase, spread, expand, amplify.
  37. make worse (phrase) – exacerbate, intensify, inflame,worsen, aggravate.
  38. abdication (noun) – disowning, rejection, refusal/avoidance, abandonment.
  39. free hand (noun) – freedom, licence, scope, space, leeway, elbow room, independence, latitude, carte blanche.
  40. diplomatic (adjective) – tactful, sensitive, subtle, delicate; consular, foreign-policy.
  41. unmoved (adjective) – untroubled, undisturbed, unworried, unperturbed, aloof, stony.
  42. breach (verb) – violate, break, infract, contravene, offend, transgress, go against. 
  43. red line (noun) – boundary, limit.
  44. draw in (phrasal verb) – attract, pull in, persuade, rope in, entice, lure.
  45. break out (phrasal verb) – flare up, begin suddenly, start suddenly, erupt, burst out.
  46. off-ramp (noun) – exit lane; the exit from a highway. (“on-ramp” is entry lane; the entry onto a highway).
  47. full-blown (adjective) – fully developed, full-scale, full-blooded, fully-fledged, complete, thorough.
  48. catastrophic (adjective) – destructive, ruinous, disastrous, damaging, dangerous.
  49. spiral/spin out of control (phrase) – change/move in an uncontrolled way & quickly.
  50. involvement (noun) – participation, engagement, contribution, representation, taking part.
  51. looming (adjective) – appearing/emerging as a large/threatening one; imminent, impending, forthcoming, fast approaching.
  52. loom (verb) – emerge, appear, become visible, take a threatening shape.
  53. loom large (phrase) – be imminent/close, about to happen (and something which has a lot of importance/attention).
  54. the clock is ticking (phrase) – the time is passing quickly and there is not much time.
  55. outcome (noun) – end result, consequence, aftermath, effect, development.
  56. leverage (noun) – influence, power, sway, control, dominance, clout, say.
  57. deep (adjective) – strong, intense, great, serious.
  58. emphatic (adjective) – certain, clear, decided, firm, determined, assertive, insistent, outright, one hundred per cent, categorical, unequivocal, unambiguous.
  59. break out (phrasal verb) – escape from, flee from, get free.
  60. loop (noun) – twist, spiral.
  61. dial down (phrasal verb) – lessen the amount or intensity of something.
  62. heat (noun) – fury, anger, agitation, intensity of feeling.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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