The Hindu Editorial (Inevitable collapse) – Mar 15, 2024
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The Hindu Editorial (Inevitable collapse) – Mar 15, 2024:
- inevitable (adjective) – unavoidable, unpreventable.
- coalition (noun) – alliance, union, partnership, bloc, association.
- alliance (noun) – coalition, association, union, bloc, partnership.
- call off (phrasal verb) – cancel, abandon, suspend, end, terminate, break off, scrap, drop.
- sought past and past participle of seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
- appease (verb) – satisfy, win over, please, calm, pacify, placate, assuage, relieve.
- base (noun) – a group of people considered as supporting an organization/party.
- set for (adjective) – ready, prepared, primed, or likely to do something.
- intensify (verb) – increase, raise, step up, heighten, add to.
- consolidate (verb) – combine, unite, integrate, join, merge; strengthen, make stronger, reinforce, fortify, enhance.
- mutually (adverb) – reciprocally, concertedly, collectively, jointly.
- antagonistic (adjective) – hostile, opposed, opposing, unfriendly, inimical, against.
- cut off (phrasal verb) – break off, discontinue, stop, end, disconnect.
- ties (noun) – association, relationship, bond, connection.
- draw (verb) – attract, absorb, capture, hold, gather.
- largely (adverb) – mostly, mainly, generally.
- agrarian (adjective) – relating to agriculture, farmland, or rural areas; rural, agricultural.
- dialectics (noun) – reasoning, argumentation, logical, discussion, argument, debate.
- go into (phrasal verb) – to begin to do something.
- vehicle (noun) – means, medium, instrument, approach, channel, mechanism, apparatus.
- interest (noun) – common concerns (in politics/business).
- make clear (phrase) – explain, clarify, elucidate.
- forge (verb) – form, create, establish, set up, put together.
- ideological (adjective) – relating to a system of ideas (ideology).
- ground (noun)- reason, basis, cause, premise, rationale, factor.
- install (verb) – appoint, swear in, admit to office, induct.
- account for (verb) – form, comprise, constitute, compose, make up, represent.
- anti-incumbency (noun) – a situation which is against elected officials currently in power; discontent against ruling government/ party in power.
- relatively (adverb) – comparatively, fairly, reasonably, somewhat, to a certain extent/degree.
- influence (noun) – power, authority, sway, control, domination, leverage, weightage, clout.
- stir (noun) – agitation, movement, uproar, furore, commotion, turmoil.
- quota (noun) – allocation, proportion, share, number (of students, employees, etc. of minority groups in a school or business, or of requiring a certain number or percentage to be hired or admitted).
- pit against (phrasal verb) – to cause someone to fight or compete against another person.
- make up (phrasal verb) – form, comprise, constitute, compose, account for, represent.
- mosaic (noun) – mixed bag, collection of diverse elements.
- tend (verb) – incline, favour, be apt, be likely.
- band (together) (phrasal verb) – unite, combine, merge, team up, come together.
- align with (phrasal verb) – agree with, associate; come together.
- at any given point (phrase) – at a particular time; at a specific time.
- breakaway (group/party/outfit) (noun) – splinter (group/party/outfit), separatist, secessionist, dissenting, a small group, sector, wing of a larger one.
- outfit (noun) – party, group, unit, organization.
- sway (noun) – power, authority, influence, control, domination, leverage, weightage, clout.
- plank (noun) – a fundamental point.
- alliance of convenience (noun) – it is alliance that only exists for a short period of time, usually for one faction/ group or both factions/groups to get an advantage of something.
- kitty (noun) – a sum of something (money/things) made up of small contributions.
- claim (noun) – assertion, affirmation,, representation, contention.
- abrupt (adjective) – sudden, unexpected.
- move (noun) – action, activity, measure, step, tactic.
- affinity (noun) – rapport, understanding, empathy, sensitivity, affection, fellow feeling, sensibility, awareness, compassion.
- aligned (adjective) – similar, same.
- run (verb) – function, operate, do.
- solely (adverb) – only, simply, merely.
- spoils (noun) – benefits, advantages, perks; treasures, windfalls, takings; booty, loot, plunder, prize.
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The Hindu Editorial (Inevitable collapse) – Mar 15, 2024:

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