The Hindu Editorial (Incremental injustice) – Aug 05, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Incremental injustice) – Aug 05, 2023:
- incremental (adjective) – gradual, step-by-step, phased.
- injustice (noun) – lack of justice, unfairness, misdeed, unjust/unfair act.
- discourage (verb) – deter, disincline, advise against, urge against, turn aside; stop, prevent, avert, fend off.
- motivated (adjective) – provided with a motive; influenced, stoked, triggered.
- uphold (verb) – confirm, endorse, approve, vindicate, validate.
- conduct (noun) – carrying out, carrying on.
- Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) (noun) – The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), under the Ministry of Culture, was established in the year 1861 is the premier organization for the archaeological researches and protection of the cultural heritage of the nation.
- surreptitious (adjective) – secret, stealthy, clandestine, furtive, concealed, covert, veiled, indirect, hidden.
- character (noun) – nature, identity, individuality, ambiance.
- held past and past participle of hold (verb) – (of a court) rule, decide.
- suit (noun) – lawsuit, court case, case, legal action, litigation.
- assert (verb) – insist on, defend, push for, stand up for.
- precincts (noun) – an area which is restricted/enclosed with walls or some definite boundaries for specific purposes.
- bar (verb) – ban, prohibit, forbid, prevent.
- Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act, 1991 (noun) – An Act to prohibit conversion of any place of worship and to provide for the maintenance of the religious character of any place of worship as it existed on the 15th day of August, 1947, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
- froze past tense of freeze (verb) – hold in a fixed state/condition.
- solely (adverb) – only, merely, just.
- seek (verb) – request, ask for, demand, appeal for.
- brazen (adjective) – blatant/flagrant; bold and shameless; unashamed, unembarrassed.
- contradiction (noun) – denial, refutation, rebuttal, disagreement, disputation, contravention, discrepancy, difference, mismatch, inconsistency.
- stand (noun) – position, point of view, standpoint, approach.
- application (noun) – petition, plea, appeal, suit.
- archaeologist (noun) – an expert on history who gains expertise through experience with historical documents and artifacts.
- ascertain (verb) – find out, discover, dig out.
- strategy (noun) – (proposed) plan of action, scheme, procedure, approach.
- plaintiff (noun) – a person who is bringing a lawsuit against another person before a court; claimant, litigator, petitioner.
- District Court (noun) – In India, the apex court within the district dealing with civil cases as per the Code Of Civil Procedure is called “district court”. While the court dealing with criminal cases is named as “sessions court” as per the Code Of Criminal Procedure (CrPc).
- bring out (phrasal verb) – make evident, highlight, emphasize, underline.
- just (adjective) – fair, equitable, impartial, unbiased, neutral, even-handed.
- dismiss (verb) – reject, deny, disregard, shrug off, set aside.
- objection (noun) – opposition, disapproval, disagreement.
- ask for (phrasal verb) – try to obtain (by requesting).
- try (verb) – to examine judicially.
- framed (adjective) – fabricated, orchestrated, engineered, conceived, coordinated (falsely).
- artefact (noun) – (in general) an object that is made by human workmanship, especially one of historical or archaeological interest. Artifact is the American spelling.
- assertion (noun) – claim, profession, affirmation, declaration (that something is true).
- go on (phrasal verb) – continue, carry on, proceed, remain.
- rake up (phrasal verb) – recollect, remember, revive/remind the memory of.
- design (noun) – intention, plan, aim, purpose.
- premises (noun) – building, buildings, site, place, property.
- led to past & past participle of lead to (verb) – cause, result in, bring on, bring about, give rise to.
- spectre (noun) – threat, menace, danger/peril.
- abuse (noun) – wrong use, misuse, exploitation, misemployment, misapplication.
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The Hindu Editorial (Incremental injustice) – Aug 05, 2023:

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