The Hindu Editorial (Income and quotas) – Aug 26, 2021
The Supreme Court’s ruling that economic criterion alone cannot be used to classify a member of a Backward Class as belonging to the ‘creamy layer’ adds an interesting nuance to the jurisprudence of affirmative action. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Income and quotas) – Aug 26, 2021.
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The Hindu Editorial (Income and quotas) – Aug 26, 2021:
- creamy layer (noun) – income ceiling for Other Backward Classes (OBC) reservation under which children of persons having a gross annual income of Rs 8 lakh or above for a period of three consecutive years would fall under the creamy layer category and would not be entitled to the benefit of reservation available to Other Backward Classes (OBC).
- lay bare (phrasal verb) – reveal, uncover, expose, unveil, bring to light, highlight, make public.
- criterion (noun) – basis, standard, norm, specification (criteria is the plural form of criterion).
- reservation (noun) – a system of affirmative action in India that provides historically disadvantaged groups representation in education, employment, and politics.
- ruling (noun) – judgement, adjudication, verdict.
- belong to (verb) – be associated with, be connected to, be linked to.
- nuance (noun) – fine distinction, subtle difference/subtlety/nicety, subtle variation.
- jurisprudence (noun) – legal system.
- affirmative action (noun) – it means positive steps taken to increase the representation of (women and) minorities in areas of employment, education, and culture from which they have been historically excluded.
- backwardness (noun) – the condition/state of not developed.
- primarily (adverb) – basically, especially, particularly.
- advancement (noun) – progress; development, improvement.
- well-off (adjective) – wealthy, rich, affluent.
- parallel (adjective) – related, corresponding, comparable, similar.
- exercise (noun) – task, assignment; operation.
- position (noun) – viewpoint, opinion, perspective, policy.
- crystallise (verb) – become clear, become definite, take shape, solidify.
- affluent (adjective) – wealthy, well off, rich.
- unreservedly (adverb) – completely, unconditionally, categorically.
- formulate (verb) – draw up, work out, plan, prepare, devise, create.
- social justice (noun) – it is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities.
- section (noun) – a specific group within a larger body of people.
- champion (verb) – uphold, support, advocate, back.
- assertion (noun) – declaration, announcement, assurance, attestation, affirmation.
- disfavour (verb) – disapprove, dislike, disdain.
- dilution (noun) – reduction in value/power/force of something.
- grave (adjective) – serious; terrible, awful, dreadful.
- strike down (phrasal verb) – abolish, annul, nullify (a law or regulation).
- sole (adjective) – only, one and only.
- contrary to (phrase) – conflicting with, opposed to.
- speak of (phrasal verb) – mention, talk about, discuss, refer to.
- constitutional functionary (noun) – the functionary who derives his/her existence and powers directly from the Constitution. (e.g. the President, the Prime Minister, the Chief Minister, the Chief Justice of India, The Chief Election Commissioner & etc.).
- functionary (noun) – government official; an official who is involved in public administration or government, through either election, appointment, selection, or employment.
- holdings (noun) – possessions, belongings, valuables, assets.
- provision (noun) – clause, (legal) term, stipulation, requirement, condition.
- in favour of (phrase) – in support of, to the advantage of, approve of.
- First Amendment (noun) – The first amendment of the Constitution (of India) in 1951 was to empower the state to undertake affirmative action for the advancement of any socially and economically backward classes or categories of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes by restricting the application of fundamental rights.
- as well as (phrase) – and also, and in addition.
- discourse (noun) – discussion, communication, expression.
- ceiling (noun) – upper limit, maximum, highest permissible level.
- 103rd Constitution Amendment Act, 2019 (noun) – it introduces 10% reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) of society for admission to Central Government-run educational institutions and private educational institutions (except for minority educational institutions), and for employment in Central Government jobs.
- Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) (noun) – Economically Weaker Section (EWS) or Economically Backward Classes(EBC) in India is a subcategory of people belonging to the General Category having an annual family income less than ₹8 lakh and who do not belong to any category such as SC/ST/OBC across India, nor to MBC in Tamil Nadu.
- avail (verb) – use, utilize, take advantage of (an opportunity/resources).
- strange (adjective) – unusual, weird, abnormal, atypical.
- in terms of (phrase) – with regard to, regarding/concerning, in connection with.
- respective (adjective) – particular, individual, corresponding, relevant, appropriate.
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The Hindu Editorial (Income and quotas) – Aug 26, 2021

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