The Hindu Editorial (In the name of god) – Aug 19, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (In the name of god) – Aug 19, 2023:
- in the name of (phrase) – for the sake of, at the behest of, for the reason of.
- sectarian (adjective) – extreme, fanatical, narrow-minded, radical, partisan; biased, prejudiced, one-sided, factional.
- blasphemy (noun) – the action or behaviour of someone which is not respectful of religious practice; irreligious, ungodly, unholy action/behaviour.
- expose (verb) – reveal, lay bare, disclose, manifest, bring to light, uncover, display.
- fault line (noun) – a divisive issue; a difference of opinion.
- allegation (noun) – accusation, charge, indictment.
- trigger (verb) – cause, lead to, result in, produce, bring about, generate, give rise to.
- desecrate (verb) – disfigure, vandalize, damage.
- lynch (verb) – punish/kill someone for claimed offence without legal trail by the group of people.
- authorities (noun) – officials, officialdom, the people in charge, the government, the administration, the establishment, the bureaucracy, the system.
- largely (adverb) – mostly, mainly, generally; to a large extent.
- spectator (noun) – onlooker, watcher, viewer, bystander, passer-by.
- mob (noun) – a large, disorganized, and often violent crowd of people
- take upon oneself (phrase) – to take the responsibility for something even though no one has asked to do so.
- blasphemer (noun) – a person who insults a deity or religion
- the state (noun) – the government, the regime.
- execute (verb) – put to death, kill, hang.
- deeply (adverb) – extremely, intensely, severely, seriously, terribly.
- polarising (adjective) – dividing, separating, parting.
- extremist (adjective) – militant, radical, fanatic, hardliner, fundamentalist, sectarian, partisan..
- Centre for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) (noun) – is Pakistan’s first think-tank of its kind founded by civil society activists. (think-tank is a research institute/organization with a panel of experts).
- accusation (noun) – allegation, charge, claim.
- jump (noun) – a sudden dramatic increase, rise, leap, upsurge, escalation.
- decade (noun) – a period of ten years.
- civil society (noun) – it is the space outside the family, public sector (government & its branches) and private sector (businesses and corporations). It now signifies a wide range of organised and organic groups including non governmental organisations (NGOs), trade unions, social movements, grassroots organisations, online networks and communities, and faith groups.
- judiciary (noun) – a branch of government in which judicial power is vested.
- misuse (noun) – wrong use, abuse, exploitation, misemployment, misapplication.
- suggest (verb) – propose, put forward, recommend, advise, urge.
- growing (adjective) – increasing.
- push (verb) – urge, put pressure on, pressurize, force.
- address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out.
- menace (noun) – threat, risk, spectre, danger, peril, jeopardy.
- on the contrary (phrase) – conversely, in contrast, rather, instead, on the other hand
- Senate (Pakistan) (noun) – the upper house of the bicameral Parliament of Pakistan. The National Assembly of Pakistan is the lower house of the bicameral Parliament of Pakistan.
- Bill (noun) – A Bill is a draft statute that becomes law after it is passed by both the Houses of Parliament and assented to by the President. All legislative proposals are brought before Parliament in the forms of Bills (or) draft statute/law, proposed legislation, proposal (presented to parliament/congress/council for discussion).
- derogatory (adjective) – disparaging, belittling, disrespectful, insulting; offensive, abusive.
- the prophet (noun) – a person who is believed to be sent by God to Earth (to say the things that God wants to tell people).
- companion (noun) – disciples and followers.
- caliph (noun) – chief, ruler, head (considered a politico-religious successor to the Islamic prophet Muhammad).
- tighten (verb) – make stricter, make more rigorous, make more stringent, stiffen, toughen.
- pampering (noun) – spoiling, indulging, overindulging, spoon-feeding, over-parenting.
- impunity (noun) – exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment, immunity, indemnity, non-liability.
- Islamist (adjective) – relating to a supporter of Islamic fundamentalism.
- misuse (verb) – put to wrong use, abuse, misapply, misemploy, exploit.
- empower (verb) – authorize, allow, entitle, permit.
- unleash (verb) – let loose, unchain, unshackle, let something go freely/uncontrollably.
- defenceless (adjective) – vulnerable, helpless, powerless, weak.
- the defenceless (noun) – vulnerable people.
- stakeholder (noun) – a person with an interest in something.
- interest (noun) – common concerns (in politics/business).
- commitment (noun) – responsibility, onus, liability, accountability, obligation, engagement.
- at least (phrase) – used to highlight that something is good in a worst situation; at the minimum, not less than.
- measure (noun) – action, step, course of action, procedure.
- reinforce (verb) – strengthen, fortify, bolster up, shore up, buttress, underpin, support, encourage, enhance, intensify.
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The Hindu Editorial (In the name of god) – Aug 19, 2023:

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