The Hindu Editorial (Homecoming) – Mar 16, 2024
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The Hindu Editorial (Homecoming) – Mar 16, 2024:
- homecoming (noun) – an act of returning back to home; reunion.
- set for (adjective) – ready, prepared, primed, or likely to do something.
- three-cornered (adjective) – involving three groups; three-sided, triangular.
- pull off (phrasal verb) – succeed in doing something difficult; achieve, accomplish, fulfil, bring off, bring about, carry out, carry off, execute, perform, complete.
- estranged (adjective) – alienated, separated, disunited, hostile, disaffected, discontented.
- ally (noun) – partner, supporter, advocate, champion, defender.
- convenor (noun) – chief, head.
- all but (phrase) – nearly, almost, about, more or less.
- write off (phrasal verb) – cancel (a bad debt); disregard, dismiss, ignore (someone/something as insignificant).
- perceive (verb) – view, regard, consider, assess, rate.
- renege on (verb) – break one’s promise, default on, backtrack on, repudiate, retract.
- Special Category Status (SCS) (noun) – It is a classification granted by the Centre to assist the development of States that face geographical or socio-economic disadvantages. The SCS was introduced in 1969 on the recommendation of the fifth Finance Commission (FC). Five factors such as (i) hilly and difficult terrain (ii) low population density and/or sizeable share of tribal population (iii) strategic location along international borders (iv) economic and infrastructural backwardness and (v) non-viable nature of state finances, are considered before granting SCS.
- exit (noun) – withdrawal, pull-out, departure.
- too little and too late (phrase) – blaming someone for not doing enough to prevent a problem and/or blaming someone for taking action only after the problem had become very bad.
- given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
- widespread (adjective) – extensive, prevalent, ubiquitous, omnipresent.
- discontent (noun) – disappointment, dissatisfaction, disgruntlement, resentment, grievances, unhappiness, displeasure.
- alliance (noun) – coalition, association, union, bloc, partnership.
- betray (verb) – break one’s promise to, be disloyal to, be unfaithful to, let down.
- on one’s own (phrase) – alone, unaided, all by oneself.
- draw a blank (phrase) – fail, be unsuccessful.
- brute (adjective) – heavy, ruthless, atrocious, heavy–handed.
- lifeline (noun) – a thing that helps someone a “means of escape” from a difficult situation.
- Achilles heel (noun) – weak spot/point, weakness, defect/fault/flaw.
- pre-dawn (adjective) – taking place before dawn (early morning).
- dawn (noun) – early morning.
- Crime Investigation Department (CID) (noun) – – State CID (Crime Investigation Department), Crime branch is a premier investigating agency of the State concerned with the overall supervision and control of the entire crime scenario of the State.
- allegation (noun) – accusation, charge, indictment.
- AP Skill Development Corporation (noun) – APSSDC is a not-for-profit organization (Section-8 company) formed as a Public–Private Partnership (PPP) corporation to promote Skill Development & Entrepreneurship in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
- considerable (adjective) – sizeable, significant, appreciable.
- sympathy (noun) – common feeling, closeness, togetherness, empathy, consideration.
- split (verb) – divide, separate.
- possibly (adverb) – maybe, possibly, likely, conceivably.
- shift (noun) – change.
- incumbent (noun) – the present holder or occupant of an office.
- base (noun) – a group of people considered as supporting an organization/party.
- bearer (noun) – holder, possessor, beneficiary.
- legacy (noun) – something received from a predecessor or from the past.
- advantage (noun) – a upper hand, a better chance, edge.
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The Hindu Editorial (Homecoming) – Mar 16, 2024:

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