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The Hindu Editorial (Heckler’s veto) – Oct 21, 2020

The Hindu Editorial (Heckler’s veto) – Oct 21, 2020

Opposition from sections of Tamils has led to versatile Tamil film star Vijay Sethupathi withdrawing from a planned biopic on the Sri Lankan bowling legend, Muttiah Muralitharan. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Heckler’s veto) – Oct 21, 2020.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Heckler’s veto) – Oct 21, 2020:

  1. heckler (noun) – a person who embarrasses a performer/speaker with irrelevant & impolite comments.
  2. veto (noun) – a right/power to reject a decision/proposal; rejection, dismissal, denial, ban, prohibition.
  3. biopic (noun) – a film that dramatizes the life of a non-fictional (real) or historically-based person or people.
  4. be subject to (verb) – susceptible to, liable to, open to, disposed to, prone to.
  5. stymie (verb) – prevent, stop, hamper, thwart, impede, hinder.
  6. opposition (noun) – objection, obstruction, criticism.
  7. section (noun) – part, division, wing, group (within a larger body of people).
  8. versatile (adjective) – all-round, multifaceted, multitalented, multiskilled.
  9. whitewash (verb) – suppress, cover up, obscure, conceal (something deliberately).
  10. genocide (noun) – mass murder, massacre, racial killing.
  11. voice (noun) – opinion, view, feeling, comment.
  12. contend (verb) – claim, argue, state.
  13. jeopardise (verb) – put at risk, put in danger, endanger.
  14. alienate (verb) – set apart, isolate, set against, separate, cut off, divide.
  15. essay (verb) – attempt, make an effort, try/strive, seek.
  16. scale Himalayan peaks (or) scale new heights (phrase) – achieve great success (in particular activity).
  17. determination (noun) – will powerresolution, resolve.
  18. unrelenting (adjective) – continuous, unceasing, persistent, non-stop.
  19. point (noun) – extent, level, stage.
  20. traitor (noun) – betrayer, double-dealer, defector.
  21. keep out of (phrasal verb) – to not become involved in (something).
  22. onslaught (noun) – attack, offensive, assault/aggression.
  23. evoke (verb) – invoke, give rise to, bring forth, bring to mind.
  24. aficionado (noun) – expert, authority, specialist.
  25. convincing (adjective) – strong, sound, believable.
  26. resemblance (noun) – similarity, likeness, sameness, identicalness.
  27. bewitching (adjective) – enchanting, attractive, delightful.
  28. bag (verb) – get, secure, obtain, acquire.
  29. showcase (verb) – display, exhibit, unveil, show to the public.
  30. backdrop (noun) – situation, scenario, context.
  31. ethnic (adjective) – relating to a population subgroup (cultural, national, traditional/folk) with a common national or cultural tradition.
  32. shook past tense of shake (verb) – upset, disturb; weaken, undermine, damage.
  33. decade (noun) – a period of ten years.
  34. exponent (noun) – advocate, supporter, proponent.
  35. cow (usually be cowed) (verb) – frighten or threaten someone to do somethingintimidate, browbeat, bully, overawe.
  36. intolerance (noun) – bigotry, narrow-mindedness, discrimination, dogmatism, illiberality, hypersensitivity.
  37. prevail over (phrasal verb) – conquer, triumph, be victorious, gain mastery, prove superior.
  38. venture (noun) – undertaking/involving (in a risky job/work/business).
  39. old chestnut (phrase) – (relating to) something which is boring & tiresome due to its continuous recurrence.
  40. resurrect (verb) – relaunch, reinstitute, bring back.
  41. screen (verb) – show, telecast, broadcast (a film).
  42. portrayal (noun) – narrative, representation, characterization, depiction.
  43. give up (phrasal verb) – abandon, forgo, renounce, relinquish, discontinue.
  44. footage (noun) – part of a kineme/film recording a particular event.
  45. resonate (verb) – resound, reverberate; evoke some feelings/emotions.
  46. no-brainer (noun) – something which demands little/no effort mentally.
  47. bear on (phrasal verb) – to have an effect on something; be concerned with, have to do with, be connected with.
  48. triumph (noun) – victory, win, success.
  49. grief (noun) – sorrow, sadness, pain, heartbreak.
  50. run down (phrasal verb) – criticize someone or something unfairly.
  51. monumental (adjective) – impressive, outstanding, remarkable, magnificent.
  52. detractor (noun) – critic, fault-finder, censurer.
  53. prevail (verb) – be in force, be in effect, be established, be the case.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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