The Hindu Editorial (Growing price pressures) – Mar 16, 2022
Inflation in India continues on a worrying uptrend with the consumer price index-based reading accelerating to an eight-month high of 6.07% last month,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Growing price pressures) – Mar 16, 2022.
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The Hindu Editorial (Growing price pressures) – Mar 16, 2022:
- Inflationary/price pressures (noun) – the demand and supply-side pressures that can cause a rise in the general price level; cost-push inflation, hot-economy, deficit finance.
- tame (verb) – control, curb, mitigate, moderate.
- inflation (noun) – simply meaning “cost of living”; increase of price level of goods & services and vice versa decrease of currency value.
- risk (verb) – result in, cause, bring on, bring about, call forth, give rise to;
- undermine (verb) – weaken, subvert, sabotage, damage.
- uptrend (noun) – an upward tendency.
- consumer price index (CPI) (noun) – a monthly measurement of prices for most household goods and services.
- reading (noun) – figure, number, measurement, indication.
- accelerate (verb) – increase, rise, escalate.
- Wholesale or Wholesale price Index (WPI) inflation (noun) – The change in the price index of the basket of wholesale goods (and no services) over a period of time is referred to as WPI-based inflation or wholesale inflation.
- log (verb) – register, record; achieve.
- headline (adjective) – relating to a rate of inflation based on the consumer price index (CPI).
- Wholesale Price Index (WPI) (noun) – The WPI looks at a basket of wholesale goods (goods purchased in large quantities by businesses directly from manufacturers with the intent of reselling them to retailers). the WPI tracks prices at the factory gate before the retail level.
- headline inflation (noun) – it is a measure of the total inflation within an economy, including commodities such as food and energy prices.
- core inflation (noun) – it is a measure of the total inflation within an economy, excluding commodities such as food and energy prices (which change frequently).
- spurt (verb) – increase of activity.
- Retail or Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation (noun) – The change in the price index of the basket of consumer goods and services over a period of time is referred to as CPI-based inflation or retail inflation.
- stuck (adjective) – fixed.
- tolerance (noun) – deviation, fluctuation, variation.
- threshold (noun) – it is an amount, level, or limit of something. Once the threshold is reached, something else happens or changes; lower limit, starting point, point of entry.
- brunt (noun) – full force, impact, shock, burden, pressure, strain.
- burden (noun) – problem, worry, affliction, difficulty, misfortune.
- bear the brunt (phrase) – to suffer or endure the worst part of something (force/burden/pressure) when a very bad or unpleasant thing happens.
- price gain (noun) – a general increase in the price of something.
- surge (verb) – increase suddenly, rise, grow.
- basis point (BPS) (noun) – a unit of measure used in finance to describe the percentage change in the value or rate of a financial instrument. One basis point is equivalent to 0.01% (1/100th of a percent). Used for measuring change in interest rate/yield.
- jump (verb) – rise, go up.
- preceding (adjective) – previous, prior, earlier.
- nutrient-rich (adjective) – (of nutrients) abounding in, well provided with, well supplied with.
- belying present participle of belie (verb) – misrepresent, falsify, distort.
- central bank (noun) – The banking regulator of a county’s banking system. (e.g. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the central bank of India).
- prognostication (noun) – prediction, forecast, projection.
- easing (noun) – reduction, moderation, lessening, decrease.
- crop (noun) – a plant that is grown in large quantities.
- ease (verb) – decrease, reduce, lower, moderate.
- room (noun) – scope, leeway, latitude; opportunity, chance.
- given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
- spike (noun) – a sharp rise/increase of something.
- in the wake of (phrase) – as a result of, in the aftermath of, as a consequence of.
- edible oil (noun) – cooking oil; fat of plant, animal or microbial origin, which is liquid at room temperature and is suitable for food use.
- war-torn (adjective) – (of a place) devastated, ruined, wrecked (by war).
- run (verb) – operate, function, work, go.
- broad-based (adjective) – wide-ranging, comprehensive, general.
- disconcertingly (adverb) – unsettlingly, disturbingly, worryingly.
- way (adverb) – extremely, very, really.
- pump price (noun) – the retail selling price of petrol/diesel (to the public).
- reflect (verb) – indicate, show, reveal, demonstrate, exhibit.
- upsurge (noun) – sudden increase, rise, growth, inflation.
- invasion (noun) – occupation, conquering, capture, seizure, annexation, annexing, takeover.
- neighbour (noun) – a country that is next to another country; (bordering) country.
- certain (adjective) – sure, very likely, bound, inevitable.
- climb (verb) – increase, rise, go up.
- state-run (adjective) – (state) government-owned.
- reset (verb) – re-establish.
- crude oil (noun) – the raw natural resource that is extracted from the earth and refined into products such as gasoline, jet fuel, diesel and other petroleum products.
- basket (noun) – a group of something (taxes, investments, commodities, etc.).
- uncharted (adjective) – unexplored, unknown, unfamiliar, strange.
- territory (noun) – area of concern, area of interest, area of knowledge.
- uncharted territory/zone (phrase) – unknown area.
- on account of (phrase) – because of, owing to, due to, as a result of.
- weaken (verb) – lessen, decrease, dwindle, diminish.
- conflict (noun) – war, armed conflict, battle, fighting.
- front (noun) – a particular situation; a particular sphere of activity.
- glance (noun) – brief look, glimpse, sight.
- energy basket (noun) – it is usually comprised of several commodities. Coal, natural gas, biomass and uranium are responsible for most nations’ electricity generation while petroleum and its products dominate the transportation sector.
- accelerate (verb) – speed up, quicken, step up.
- presage (verb) – augur, portend, indicate.
- cite (verb) – invoke, refer to, adduce, resort to.
- headroom (noun) – scope, clearance, extent.
- household (noun) – family, house.
- far from (phrase) – not, not at all; nowhere near, a long way from.
- sanguine (adjective) – optimistic, hopeful, confident, positive, cheerful (particularly in a difficult situation).
- outlook (noun) – prospects, expectations, hopes, likely improvement, lookout, future.
- expeditiously (adverb) – quickly and efficiently.
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The Hindu Editorial (Growing price pressures) – Mar 16, 2022:

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