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The Hindu Editorial (Grapes of wrath) – Oct 07, 2020

The Hindu Editorial (Grapes of wrath) – Oct 07, 2020

The registration of multiple police cases in Uttar Pradesh on charges of conspiracy and sedition is an insensitive,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Grapes of wrath) – Oct 07, 2020.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Grapes of wrath) – Oct 07, 2020:

  1. grapes of wrath (phrase) – anger, more specifically the growing anger that eventually leads to bloodshed; a violent condition.
  2. wrath (noun) – extreme anger, rage, fury.
  3. regime (noun) – government.
  4. stigmatise (verb) – condemn, denounce, criticize; discredit, dishonour, disgrace.
  5. legitimate (adjective) – valid, reasonable, reliable.
  6. outcry (noun) – uproar, clamour, protest.
  7. conspiracy (noun) – (unlawful) plan, intrigue, collaboration/deception, deceitful strategy.
  8. sedition (noun) – incitement (to riot/rebellion), agitation, trouble making/provocation.
  9. insensitive (adjective) – uncaring, unconcerned, unsympathetic, harsh/cruel.
  10. albeit (conjunction) – though, even though, however.
  11. unsurprising (adjective) – to be expected, predictable, anticipated.
  12. outrage (noun) – fury, anger, wrath, indignation, resentment.
  13. spark (verb) – cause, bring about, trigger, prompt.
  14. by the way (phrase) – incidentally, by the by, as it happens.
  15. aftermath (noun) – consequences, effects, results, repercussions.
  16. advocacy (noun) – backing, supporting, endorsing.
  17. putative (adjective) – apparent, seeming, alleged, commonly regarded/considered.
  18. foment (verb) – instigate, incite, provoke/stir up.
  19. discord (noun) – strife, conflict, friction, hostility, disagreement, lack of agreement, lack of harmony.
  20. recognition (noun) – acknowledgement, acceptance, admission.
  21. point to (verb) – indicate, suggest, denote.
  22. posture (noun) – position, approach, attitude, standpoint, view.
  23. hostile (adjective) – opposed, inimical, averse.
  24. attitude (noun) – viewpoint, perspective, standpoint, position, approach.
  25. backlash (noun) – a strong negative reaction; adverse response, counteraction.
  26. empathy (noun) – compassion, sympathy, feeling.
  27. first information report (FIR) (noun) – a written document prepared by the police when they receive information about the commission of a cognizable offence.
  28. dubious (adjective) – suspicious, questionable, doubtful.
  29. crystallisation (noun) – formation, solidification.
  30. Special Investigation Team (SIT) (noun) – a specialized team of officers in Indian law enforcement consisting of personnel trained to investigate serious crimes.
  31. undo (verb) – cancel, reverse, revoke, nullify, invalidate.
  32. fob off (phrasal verb) – put off, postpone, defer/delay, stall, prevent something (with an excuse/trick).
  33. adverse (adjective) – unfavourable, disadvantageous, bad.
  34. suo motu (phrase) – Latin term means “on its own motion”. It is used where a government agency acts on its own knowledge.
  35. take cognisance of (phrase) – notice, attend to, take into account, give attention to.
  36. swab (noun) – a piece of soft, absorbent material attached to a stick to take samples (specimens) of  body fluids, clean wounds or apply medicines.
  37. forensic (adjective) – relating to the application of scientific knowledge & methods to legal problems and legal proceeding.
  38. reluctance (noun) – unwillingness, disinclination, hesitation, backwardness.
  39. acknowledge (verb) – admit, accept, realize.
  40. come up (phrasal verb) – occur or present itself unexpectedly.
  41. suspicion (noun) – misgiving, doubt/qualm, distrust, scepticism.
  42. narrative (noun) – a representation of a particular situation; portrayal/account.
  43. resort to (verb) – use, utilize, turn to, have recourse to.
  44. template (noun) – model, pattern/example, blueprint.
  45. alleged (adjective) – supposed, reported, purported, unproven.
  46. conspirator (noun) – conspirer, plotter/schemer, intriguer.
  47. instigator (noun) – initiator, agitator, fomenter.
  48. provision (noun) – term, clause, requirement/condition.
  49. projection (noun) – the presentation something (theory) in a particular way.
  50. theory (noun) – opinion, point of view, viewpoint, belief, idea.
  51. constitute (verb) – form, compose, act as, function as.
  52. overthrow (verb) – remove, topple, oust, unseat, bring down.
  53. responsive (adjective) – open-mindedamenable, approachable, sympathetic.
  54. endeavour (verb) – try, attempt, aim, seek.
  55. healing touch (noun) – an energy therapy in which touch is used as part of the healing process, may increase one’s capability for recovery and healing.
  56. the marginalised (noun) – the people who are treated as insignificant, treated as unimportant, neglected.
  57. devastating (adjective) – destructive, ruinous, disastrous.
  58. unregenerate (adjective) – wicked, evil, bad/wrong, outrageous.
  59. hierarchy (noun) – ranking, grading; class system.


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