The Hindu Editorial (​​From hope to despair) – Aug 07, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​​From hope to despair) – Aug 07, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​From hope to despair) – Aug 07, 2024:

  1. despair (noun) – hopelessness, desperation, depression, distress, anguish, pain, gloom.
  2. authoritarian (adjective) – oppressive, draconian, undemocratic, dictatorial, totalitarian.
  3. streak (noun) – (a continuous) period, spell, run, time.
  4. stay on (phrasal verb) – continue to be in a place, position, or situation.
  5. in power (phrase) – in authority.
  6. mob (noun) – a large, disorganized, and often violent crowd of people
  7. arson (noun) – an act of setting fire intentionally to damage/destroy public properties, particularly buildings.
  8. vandalism (noun) – an intentional destruction of public or private property; a premeditated or deliberate damage to public or private property.
  9. ousted (adjective) –  removed, expelled, toppled, unseated, evicted, overthrown.
  10. led to past & past participle of   lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring on, bring about, give rise to.
  11. outcome (noun) – end result, implication, ramification, repercussion.
  12. democracy (noun) – a system of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through fairly & freely elected representatives.
  13. breathe (new) life into (phrase) – reinvigorate, revitalize, re-energize, renew, revive, resuscitate; strengthen/fortify.
  14. eventually (adverb) – ultimately, finally, at last, in the end.
  15. adversary (noun) – rival, enemy, nemesis, foe, opponent.
  16. hold responsible/accountable for (phrase) – to say that someone should accept the responsibility/accountability for something.  
  17. crackdown (noun) – clampdown, getting tough/severe measures, suppression.
  18. hand over (phrasal verb) – surrender, transfer.
  19. campaign (noun) – an organized effort that seeks to influence the decision-making progress within a specific group.
  20. radicalisation (noun) – the process of causing someone to follow radical (extremist/fundamentalist) ways particularly in politics ( & society).
  21. revile (verb) – criticize, censure, condemn, denounce, vilify, lambast, defame.
  22. strong-arm (adjective) – aggressive, forceful, bullying, coercive, oppressive, threatening, intimidatory.
  23. opponent (noun) – rival, the opposition, dissident, nemesis, adversary.
  24. quota (noun) – a policy of either limiting the number of students, employees, etc. of minority groups in a school or business, or of requiring a certain number or percentage to be hired or admitted.
  25. the last (or final) straw (phrase) – it means the last thing or event that caused the total collapse. When repeated problems/issues aren’t getting better, then the smallest thing happens, people finally lose their composure and explode
  26. build up (phrasal verb) –  intensify, increase, grow, escalate.
  27. decade (noun) – a period of ten years.
  28. allegation (noun) – charge, accusation.
  29. rigging (noun) – falsification, manipulation, misrepresentation, distortion, exploitation, deception, trickery.
  30. suppression (noun) – persecution, oppression, repression, abuse, ill treatment.
  31. activist (noun) – a person who supports a political or societal change/cause.
  32. trumped-up (adjective) – relating to a wrong or incorrect accusation/allegation; fabricated, unproven, unconfirmed, deceitful, incorrect.
  33. charge (noun) – allegation, accusation.
  34. term (noun) – tenure, period of/in office; period, time, stint, spell.
  35. (go) down the path (noun) – to decide to do something in a particular way; to go/move in a certain direction.
  36. term (noun) –  period of imprisonment.
  37. laureate (noun) – a person who is honoured with an award for outstanding achievement.
  38. tip (verb) – expect, think of, predict, recommend.
  39. head (verb) – be the leader of, lead.
  40. interim (adjective) – provisional, temporary, short-term, transitional.
  41. space (noun) – scope, leeway, headroom, latitude, elbow room.
  42. dissent (noun) – disagreement, lack of agreement, difference of opinion, protest, opposition, disapproval.
  43. tarnish (verb) – damage, injure, mar, spoil, ruin, harm, stain, taint, defame.
  44. legacy (noun) – something received from a predecessor or from the past.
  45. hold (someone/something) dear (phrase) – to value/respect highly, to care very much about; be fond of, be attached to, revere, treasure, cherish
  46. much-beloved (adjective) –  (much) admired, adored, loved, cherished, worshipped, esteemed, favorite, hallowed.
  47. amidst (preposition) – amid, in the middle of; during.
  48. rubble (noun) – remains, ruins, wreckage; debris.
  49. possibly (adverb) – perhaps, may be, it may/could be, very likely.
  50. tense (adjective) – uneasy, edgy, restless, uncomfortable, unsettling, fraught, distressful.
  51. ties (noun) – association, relationship, bond, connection.
  52. Awami League (noun) – one of the major political parties in Bangladesh.  It is also one of the two most dominant parties in the country, along with its archrival Bangladesh Nationalist Party.
  53. underlying (adjective) – fundamental, basic, key, central, intrinsic, concealed, undisclosed.
  54. tolerance (noun) – forbearance, toleration, liberality, open-mindedness, lack of prejudice, broad-mindedness, liberalism.
  55. secularism (noun) – the belief that religion should not have a strong influence in education or other public parts of society.
  56. usher in (phrasal verb) – start, begin, initiate, commence, introduce, propose (something new).
  57. tenure (noun) – term, period of/in office; period, time, stint, spell.
  58. introspection (noun) – self-observation, self-analysis; contemplation.
  59. complicit (adjective) – associated/partnered/involved with others, mostly in a wrongful activity (or illegal activity).
  60. repercussion (noun) – consequence, outcome, end result, reverberation, aftermath, fallout, ramification, implication.
  61. engage (verb) – become involved, intake part in, participate in, be associated with, partake in.
  62. goodwill (noun) – compassion; cooperation, collaboration, friendliness, mutual support.
  63. unalloyed (adjective) – unconditional, unlimited, unrestricted, categorical, unequivocal, unambiguous.
  64. uncritical (adjective) – unreasoned, unconsidered, unthinking, unknowing, unsuspecting.
  65. unpopular (adjective) – unfamous, disliked, disfavoured, hated, loathed.
  66. Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) (noun) – The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 seeks to grant citizenship to religious minorities of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, who had to flee their homeland facing persecution. The six minority groups that have been specifically identified are Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians, and Parsis.
  67. secure (verb) – protect, ensure, make safe, guarantee.
  68. well-being (noun) – security, comfort, safety, protection, good health.
  69. uphold (verb) – confirm, endorse/approve, vindicate/validate.
  70. interest (noun) – common concerns (in politics/business).
  71. waste no time (verb) – to begin or start an activity immediately/quickly; take the opportunity to do something immediately/quickly.
  72. regime (noun) – government, administration.
  73. transition (noun) – change, transformation, adaptation.
  74. inclusive (adjective) – comprehensive, extensive, all-inclusive, all-encompassing, all-embracing, thorough, sweeping, far-reaching, widespread, broad-based.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (​​From hope to despair) – Aug 07, 2024:

The Hindu Editorial (​​From hope to despair) – Aug 07, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​​From hope to despair) – Aug 07, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​​From hope to despair) – Aug 07, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​​From hope to despair) – Aug 07, 2024

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