The Hindu Editorial (Free of guilt) – Mar 07, 2024
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The Hindu Editorial (Free of guilt) – Mar 07, 2024:
- guilt (noun) – the state/fact of having committed an offense/crime; wrongdoing, culpability, unlawfulness, misconduct.
- exoneration (noun) – freeing from blame/guilt; absolving from blame/guilt; vindication, acquittal, discharge, release, clearing.
- acquittal (noun) – declaration of innocence, clearing, discharge, release, vindication, exoneration.
- underscore (verb) – underline, emphasise, highlight, stress, call/draw attention to.
- association (noun) – relationship, connection, attachment, contact, link.
- charge (noun) – allegation, accusation, indictment.
- Maoist (noun) – a follower of Maoism (it originated in China as a form of communist theory derived from the teachings of Chinese political leader Mao Zedong).
- expose (verb) – reveal, disclose, show, exhibit, uncover, betray.
- invoke (verb) – cite, mention, refer to, point to, adduce, turn to, resort to.
- stringent (adjective) – strict, severe, extreme, rigorous.
- nothing more than (phrase) – only.
- likely (adverb) – probable, possible, plausible, believable.
- sympathy (noun) – common feeling, closeness, togetherness, empathy, consideration.
- extremist (adjective) – militant, radical, fanatic, hardliner, fundamentalist, sectarian, partisan.
- notable (adjective) – important, significant, striking, glaring, obvious; impressive, remarkable.
- procedural safeguards (noun) –refers to the protections afforded to a defendant (accused/suspect) in the course of criminal proceedings
- countervail (verb) – offset, counteract, act against with equal power, force, or effect.
- stringency (noun) – the condition of being rigorous & strict.
- Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) (noun) – an Indian law aimed at effective prevention of unlawful activities associations in India. Its main objective was to make powers available for dealing with activities directed against the integrity and sovereignty of India.
- shine a light on (phrase) – to make something clear or easier to understand by giving more details.
- bail (noun) – conditional, temporary release of an arrested/imprisoned person when a specified amount of security is deposited or pledged (as cash or property) to ensure his/her appearance in court when required.
- feature (noun) – aspect, point, attribute, quality.
- imprison (verb) – incarcerate, put in prison, take into custody, confine, detain.
- suspect (noun) – the accused
- back (verb) – support, endorse, approve, uphold, sanction.
- flimsy (adjective) – unconvincing, unsatisfactory, unsubstantial; feeble, weak, poor, lame.
- hold (verb) – (of a court) rule, decide.
- incarcerate (verb) – imprison, put in prison, take into custody, confine, detain.
- pendency (noun) – the condition/period of waiting for settlement.
- trial court (noun) – a court of law where cases are tried at first. (try means to investigate and decide (a case) in a formal trial).
- trial (noun) – legal proceedings, inquiry, hearing, legal action/case.
- convict (verb) – find guilty, declare guilty, sentence, punish.
- sentence (verb) – pass judgement on, impose a sentence on, pronounce sentence on, mete out punishment to, punish, convict.
- life sentence (noun) – a punishment for a criminal of imprisonment for life; prison term, prison sentence, jail sentence, penal sentence.
- dubious (noun) – suspicious, questionable, doubtful.
- hasty (adjective) – hurried, rapid/quick; reckless, ill-considered, ill-advised.
- intervention (noun) – involvement, interference, mediation, arbitration, conciliation.
- stay (verb) – stop, delay, or prevent something temporarily (a judicial proceeding/trial through the order of a court).
- discharge (verb) – declare innocent; acquit, release, free (from a criminal charge); vindicate, absolve, exonerate.
- ground (noun) – reason, cause, basis, factor.
- sanction (noun) – approval, green signal, permission, clearance, authorization.
- prosecute (verb) – take to court, bring an action against, take legal action against, accuse, charge.
- bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges.
- merits (noun) – an essential inherent quality (rights and wrongs only) while evaluating a case (not by external aspects).
- haste (noun) – hurry, speed, rush, alacrity, swiftness, quickness.
- reverse (verb) – cancel, nullify, rescind, overrule, repeal, annul.
- repudiation (noun) – denial/refusal, disavowal/disclaimer, contradiction/rejection.
- hold (verb) – (of a court) rule, decide.
- seizure (noun) – taking way (by legal right/warrant); confiscation, appropriation, impounding, commandeering.
- material (noun) – information, details, documents, particulars.
- rely upon (phrasal verb) – depend on, bank on; resort to, have recourse to.
- conspiracy (noun) – unlawful plan, intrigue, collaboration/deception.
- authority (noun) – officials, officialdom, the people in charge, the government, the administration, the establishment, the bureaucracy, the powers that be.
- green signal (noun) – approval, sanction, permission, clearance, authorization.
- prosecution (noun) – the party instituting legal proceedings against someone in a case.
- take cognisance of (phrase) – take into account, take into consideration, give attention to, take notice of something
- charge sheet (noun) – an official document on which a police officer enters details of the charge against a person.
- emphasise (verb) – underline, underscore, highlight, stress, call/draw attention to.
- adhere to (verb) – follow, obey, comply with, stick to, abide by, conform to.
- reiterate (verb) – say something again; say again, repeat, retell, restate, iterate, recapitulate
- possession (noun) – the state/condition of having something.
- literature (noun) – publications, bulletins, leaflets, brochures, flyers, notices.
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The Hindu Editorial (Free of guilt) – Mar 07, 2024:

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The exoneration of former Delhi University professor G.N. Saibaba and five others of the charge of having Maoist links exposes the practice of invoking stringent laws based on nothing more than a person’s likely association with… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Free of guilt) – Mar 07, 2024.