The Hindu Editorial (For a rediscovery of India) – May 24, 2019

The Hindu Editorial (For a rediscovery of India) – May 24, 2019

The definitive nature of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s victory in the 17th general election marks an unmistakable inflection point in the journey of the Republic. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (For a rediscovery of India) – May 24, 2019.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (For a rediscovery of India) – May 24, 2019:

  1. swear by (phrasal verb) – have faith in, believe in, trust.
  2. civilisational (adjective) – relating to civilisation (culture, customs, way of life).
  3. ethos (noun) – ethics/beliefs, principles, standards.
  4. definitive (adjective) – conclusive/unconditional, decisive, absolute/categorical.
  5. inflection point (noun) – a turning point.
  6. catapult (verb) – move, propel/launch, send.
  7. relegate (verb) – downgrade, lower; degrade/reduce to.
  8. overarching (adjective) – all-inclusive, complete, all-embracing, comprehensive.
  9. hegemon (noun) – a strong & powerful, supreme leader.
  10. endorsement (noun) – support, backing, approval.
  11. persona (noun) – image, public face, identity/personality.
  12. imprint (noun) – influence, impression, impact.
  13. folly (noun) – stupidity, foolishness, imprudence.
  14. underlying (adjective) – fundamental, basic, primary.
  15. sweep (noun) – win a contest completely.
  16. outlive (verb) – come through, outlast, live on after.
  17. creed (noun) – system of belief, set of principles, statement of beliefs.
  18. forebear (noun) – ancestor, forefather, predecessor.
  19. treatise (noun) – A formal, usually lengthy, systematic discourse on some subject; essay, dissertation, thesis.
  20. count (verb) – consider, think/feel, regard.
  21. catalyst (noun) – stimulus, motivation, fillip/encouragement.
  22. alchemist (noun) – magician, enchanter, charmer.
  23. recess (noun) – adjournment, break/interlude, interval/rest, intermission.
  24. irreversible (adjective) – unchangeable, invariable, irrevocable.
  25. prevail (verb) – be present, exist, be prevalent/be rampant.
  26. champion (verb) – advocate, promote, support/uphold.
  27. millennia (noun) – plural form of millennium (a period of a thousand years).
  28. strive (verb) – try, attempt, make an effort.
  29. temper (noun) – disposition, nature, mind/spirit.
  30. liberal (adjective) – radical, progressive, forward-looking.
  31. fade (verb) – fail, dwindle, dissolve.
  32. derision (noun) – mockery, ridicule, contempt.
  33. proponent (noun) – advocate, supporter, upholder/promoter.
  34. nehruvian (adjective) – relating to the (political) ideologies/policies of Jawaharlal Nehru.
  35. secularism (noun) – the belief that religion should not have a strong influence in education or other public parts of society.
  36. dismantle (verb) – demolish, knock down, bulldoze.
  37. parallel (adjective) – similar, comparable, corresponding/equivalent.
  38. mobilisation (noun) – the act of bringing people together for a particular cause.
  39. elite (noun) – high society people; the group of most powerful people in a society.
  40. scepticism (noun) – doubt/qualm, cynicism, suspicion.
  41. deft (adjective) – skilful, efficient, adept.
  42. outfit (noun) – organization, group, team.
  43. further (verb) – promote, advance, forward.
  44. gobble up (verb) – incorporate, take over (like a large organization takes over a smaller one)
  45. deep-rooted (adjective) – fundamental, basic, established.
  46. considerable (adjective) – sizeable, substantial, appreciable.
  47. roadblock (noun) – barricade, barrier, blockade.
  48. upend (verb) – overturn, reverse, invert.
  49. dynamic (noun) – basic/fundamental cause or force which trigger change within a system.
  50. phenomenon (noun) – occurrence, event, happening.
  51. enduring (adjective) – lasting, persisting, continuing.
  52. usurp (verb) – take over, appropriate, take.
  53. fiefdom (noun) – territory/sphere over which a particular person/group has rights and controls its overall operations.
  54. sink in (phrasal verb) – go down, drop, fall.
  55. flourish (verb) – thrive/prosper; be well, be strong.
  56. hyper-nationalist (adjective) – relating to a person with extreme/excessive nationalism.
  57. mainstay (noun) – central component, chief support, backbone.
  58. nepotism (noun) – favouritism, preferential treatment, patronage/partiality.
  59. differentiator (noun) – distinguisher.
  60. dovetail (verb) – join/link together; coincide/equate, correlate.
  61. hail (verb) – acclaim, praise/applaud, commend.
  62. stand out (phrasal verb) – be noticeable, be visible, be obvious.
  63. striking (adjective) – noticeable, obvious, evident.
  64. reiteration (noun) – the process of repeating something (some action) for clarity/emphasis.
  65. barring (preposition) – except for, with the exception of, discounting.
  66. make inroads in (phrase) – win, gain, conquer.
  67. potency (noun) – strength, powerfulness, efficacy.
  68. linguistic (adjective) – relating to language; lingual.
  69. entrench (verb) – establish, settle, embed.
  70. homogenize (verb) – unite, make similar, merge.
  71. stonewall (verb) – obstruct, restrain, block.
  72. impervious to (adjective) – unaffected by, invulnerable to, resistant/unresponsive to.
  73. hold sway (phrase) – be in power/control, rule.
  74. outlier (noun) – a person/thing which is  detached from the main system.
  75. uphold (verb) – justify, vindicate, validate.
  76. secular (adjective) – non-religious.
  77. integrity (noun) – honesty, good character, sincerity/fairness.
  78. amount to (verb) – be regarded, beclassified as; be the equivalent of/be tantamount to.
  79. prerequisite (noun) – necessary condition, essential, requirement.
  80. live up to (phrasal verb) – satisfy, fulfil, achieve.
  81. tenet (noun) – principle, belief, doctrine/rule.
  82. the marginalised (noun) – people treated as insignificant/unimportant; the neglected.
  83. mar (verb) – spoil, ruin, impair.
  84. prejudice (noun) – bias, discrimination, inequality.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from, narrow-mindedness
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

Today’s word list-1 The Hindu Editorial (For a rediscovery of India) – May 24, 2019:

The Hindu Editorial (For a rediscovery of India) - May 24, 2019 The Hindu Editorial (For a rediscovery of India) - May 24, 2019 The Hindu Editorial (For a rediscovery of India) - May 24, 2019

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