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The Hindu Editorial (Faith and freedom) – Dec 06, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (Faith and freedom) – Dec 06, 2022

Protracted litigation in the name of combating forcible religious conversion is taking up valuable time of courts. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Faith and freedom) – Dec 06, 2022.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (Faith and freedom) – Dec 06, 2022:

  1. faith (noun) – religion, religious belief, belief/ideology.
  2. combat (verb) – tackle, confront, stand/face up to, contend with.
  3. freedom of religion (noun) – religious liberty; a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance.
  4. state (noun) – government, regime.
  5. keep away from (phrasal verb) – steer clear of, avoid, shun, evade.
  6. protracted (adjective) – lengthy, extended, continuing, unending, unrelenting, long-drawn-out, prolonged, persisting, lingering.
  7. litigation (noun) – court case, lawsuit, hearing, inquiry, judicial/legal proceedings.
  8. in the name of (phrase) – for the sake of.
  9. conversion (noun) – new belief; a method of convincing/inducing a person to change his/her religious faith.
  10. take up (phrasal verb) – consume, use, use up, occupy, waste.
  11. purported (adjective) – claimed, professed, apparent.
  12. public interest litigation (PIL) (noun) – legal action initiated in a court of law for the enforcement or protection of public interest.
  13. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
  14. curb (verb) – control, contain, reduce, lessen.
  15. deceitful (adjective) – dishonest, false, untrustworthy, double-dealing.
  16. left behind past participle of leave behind (verb) – to cause a bad situation exists.
  17. stay (order) (noun) – it is defined as the act of temporarily stopping or postponing any judicial proceeding through the court or legal authorities in India, in order to secure the rights of a citizen.
  18. provision (noun) – clause, (legal) term, stipulation, requirement, condition.
  19. Anti-conversion laws or Freedom of Religion Acts (noun) – state-level statutes that have been enacted to regulate religious conversions.
  20. prior (adjective) – earlier, advance.
  21. magistrate (noun) – the judicial officers or civil officers of a state who handle minor legal cases in a specific area like town, district etc.
  22. stay (verb) – stop, delay, or prevent something temporarily (a judicial proceeding/trial through the order of a court).
  23. Section 5 of the Gujarat Freedom of Religion Act, 2003 (noun) – it deals with “Prior permission to be taken from District Magistrate with respect to conversion”.
  24. Gujarat Freedom of Religion (Amendment) Act, 2021 (noun) – This latest Act has amended the Gujarat Freedom of Religion Act, 2003 to bring in new sections that penalise forcible or fraudulent religious conversion through marriage. It has provisions like maximum punishment of up to 10 years imprisonment and fine up to Rs.5 lakh, burden of proof on the accused and investigation by an officer not below the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police.
  25. inter- (prefix) – between.
  26. inter-faith (adjective) – between different religions; relating to members of different religions.
  27. inter-faith marriage (noun) – sometimes called a “mixed marriage”, is a marriage between spouses having/professing/affirming faith in different religions. (spouse means a husband or wife).
  28. instance (noun) – example.
  29. disclose (verb) – expose, reveal, show, display, exhibit.
  30. contrary to (phrase) – conflicting with, opposed to.
  31. ruling (noun) – judgement, adjudication, verdict.
  32. strange (adjective) – weird, eccentric, odd, peculiar, funny, bizarre, unusual, abnormal.
  33. claim (noun) – assertion, contention, affirmation, avowal.
  34. coercion (noun) – it means compelling an individual to act against his/her will by the use of psychological pressure or physical force causing bodily injury; force/pressure, compulsion, enforcement, demand, constraint, oppression, harassment, intimidation.
  35. solemnise (verb) – perform, celebrate, formalize, ceremonialize (a ceremony, especially that of marriage).
  36. obviate (verb) – avoid, prevent, remove (a problem/the need of something or make it unnecessary). 
  37. if any (phrase) – if anything; used to indicate the very minimum occurrence of something.
  38. consequent (adjective) – resulting, subsequent, sequential, accompanying, related, connected.
  39. buy (verb) – accept the truth of.
  40. enable (verb) – authorize, allow, permit, facilitate.
  41. voluntary (adjective) – optional, discretionary, non-compulsory, non-mandatory.
  42. suspicion (noun) – mistrust, distrust, doubt, misgivings. 
  43. entertain (verb) – consider, give consideration to, take into consideration; agree to, approve of, support to.
  44. mere (adjective) – just, only, minimal.
  45. take place (phrase) – happen, occur.
  46. intent (noun) – intention, purpose, scope.
  47. violate (verb) – contravene, breach, infringe, break, disobey, defy, flout.
  48. conscience (noun) – a sense of right and wrong, moral sense, inner voice; morals, standards, values, principles, ethics, beliefs.
  49. right to privacy (noun phrase) – a fundamental right protected under Part III of the Constitution of India.
  50. appeal (noun) – plea, petition, urgent/earnest request, entreaty.
  51. interim (adjective) – provisional, temporary, transitional.  
  52. seek to (verb) – ask for, request, appeal for.
  53. revive (verb) – restore, renew, bring back.
  54. ongoing (adjective) – current, existing.
  55. observation (noun) – opinion, thought, statement, pronouncement. 
  56. bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges.
  57. to the effect that (phrase) – referring to the general meaning of something (spoken/written).
  58. allurement (noun) – attraction, persuasion, enticement, temptation.
  59. goad (verb) – induce, prompt, incite, urge, pressurize.
  60. come up with (phrasal verb) – produce, propose, present, put forward.
  61. measure (noun) – action, step, procedure.
  62. scale (noun) – degreeextent, level.
  63. exaggerated (adjective) – overstated, overemphasized, amplified, excessive.
  64. allegation (noun) – claim, accusation, charge, indictment.
  65. rampant (adjective) – uncontrolled, unchecked, unrestrained.
  66. adopt (verb) – embrace, take on, acquire, espouse.
  67. harmony (noun) – unity, solidarity, cooperation, agreement/concord.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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