The Hindu Editorial (Essentially flawed) – Mar 17, 2022
The Karnataka High Court verdict upholding the ban on the wearing of head scarves by students in educational institutions is wrong on many levels. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Essentially flawed) – Mar 17, 2022.
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The Hindu Editorial (Essentially flawed) – Mar 17, 2022:
- essentially (adverb) – fundamentally, primarily, principally.
- flawed (adjective) – inaccurate, incorrect, erroneous, imprecise, fallacious, wrong, defective.
- hijab (noun) – a head covering, generally a veil or a scarf, worn in public by some Muslim women.
- recognise (verb) – acknowledge, accept, admit something (existence, validity, or legality).
- reasonable (adjective) – well founded, sustainable, sensible, effective.
- accommodation (noun) – adjustment, adaptation, attunement; arrangement, understanding, compromise.
- reasonable accommodation (noun) – it is a necessary and appropriate modification or adjustment made in a system to accommodate or make fair the same system for an individual based on a proven need (it can be related to religious, physical, mental or emotional, academic, or employment and are often mandated by law).
- uphold (verb) – confirm, endorse/approve, vindicate/validate.
- level (noun) – (moral) standard.
- frame (verb) – formulate, draw up, put together, arrange, form, create.
- undermine (verb) – weaken, subvert, sabotage, damage.
- constitutional (adjective) – relating to the constitution (system of laws/rules) of a country; legal, lawful, legitimate.
- in_addition (phrase) – additionally, as well, besides.
- prescribed (adjective) – ordered, pronounced, required, stipulated.
- ground (noun) – reason, factor, basis.
- refuse (verb) – avoid, ignore, reject, rebuff.
- bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges.
- verse (noun) – poem, piece of poetry, lyric, composition.
- claim (noun) – assertion, declaration, profession, affirmation, avowal, contention, submission.
- entitle (verb) – allow, permit, authorize, sanction, qualify, make eligible.
- Articles 25 of the Constitution of India (noun) – Article 25 guarantees the freedom of conscience, the freedom to profess, practice and propagate religion to all citizens.
- in favour of (phrase) – approving of, pro, on the side of, In support of, to the advantage of, supportive of.
- pluralist (adjective) – relating to a system of society in which people exist in harmony irrespective of various differences.
- reflect (verb) – indicate, show, display, demonstrate.
- social diversity (noun) – a feature of a society which is determined by caste, class, religion, occupational pattern in a given territory.
- diversity (noun) – existence/presence of different people (from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives ranging from race to age to gender to hometown to educational experience) within group; variety, variance, difference.
- equality (noun) – equal rights, equal opportunities, non-discrimination.
- apparel (noun) – clothes, clothing, garments, dress, attire.
- norm (noun) – standard, convention, rule, regulation.
- qualified (adjective) – limited, conditional, restricted, bounded, contingent, circumscribed.
- accommodate (verb) – adjust, adapt, attune, accustom, come to terms with, come to accept.
- interfere (verb) – impede, obstruct, hinder, hamper.
- freedom of conscience (noun) – freedom of thought/ideas; freedom of worship, religious freedom.
- conscience (noun) – morals, standards, values, principles, ethics, creed, beliefs; a sense of right and wrong, moral sense, inner voice.
- absence of (noun) – lack of, unavailability, non-existence.
- elaboration (noun) – the act of adding more information to existing information.
- pleading (noun) – plea, appeal, request, petition.
- emphasis (noun) – importance, significance; priority, insistence.
- inviolable (adjective) – absolute, unchallengeable, unassailable.
- homogeneity (noun) – uniformity, similarity, likeliness, comparability.
- overwhelm (verb) – overpower, override, prevail over, suppress.
- contention (noun) – opinion, stand, position, view; argument, claim, submission; assertion, affirmation, announcement, statement.
- sort (noun) – type, kind.
- invoke (verb) – cite, refer to, adduce, resort to.
- essential (religious) practice test (noun) – In the first place, what constitutes the essential part of a religion is primarily to be ascertained with reference to the doctrines of that religion itself. However, this attempt to differentiate what distinguishes a religious matter from other matters was taken up in judgments to mean that courts are required to distil the essence of a religion to see whether a particular practice or act fell under the category of religion or not. Hence, some acts obtained constitutional protection by being declared “essential” to the practice of that religion and some were denied protection on the ground that they were not essential to it.
- egregiously (adverb) – shockingly, horribly, awfully/very badly.
- likely (adjective) – sure, very certain, bound, inevitable.
- keep out (phrasal verb) – exclude, deny access to, reject.
- separateness (noun) – isolation, seclusion, aloneness; distinctiveness, individuality, particularity.
- hallowed (adjective) – revered, reverenced, inviolable, venerated, honoured, sacred, divine.
- dispose (verb) – discard, get rid of, do away with.
- theological (adjective) – religious, scriptural, doctrinal.
- domain (noun) – area, sphere, realm, territory.
- unattainable (adjective) – unreachable, unachievable, impossible.
- survive (verb) – withstand, live through, outlive, outlast.
- scrutiny (noun) – examination, inspection, investigation.
- dignity (noun) – self-esteem, self-respect, morale.
- subject (noun) – topic, issue, question, concern.
- of course (phrase) – certainly, definitely, absolutely; obviously, clearly.
- public order (noun) – it means the situation that exists when people obey the laws, rules or authority of the State.
- in any case (phrase) – moreover.
- essentiality (noun) – importance, significance, substance.
- jettison (verb) – remove, drop, discard, abandon, throw out/away, get rid of.
- theoretically (adverb) – in theory, on paper, supposedly.
- defining (adjective) – decisive, determining, deciding.
- override (verb) – disallow, overrule, set aside, quash, overturn, overthrow; disregard, pay no heed to, ignore.
- abhorrent (adjective) – offensive, horrible, contemptible.
- irrespective of (adjective) – notwithstanding, without regard for, regardless of.
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The Hindu Editorial (Essentially flawed) – Mar 17, 2022:

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