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The Hindu Editorial (​Enhancing oversight) – Sep 03, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​Enhancing oversight) – Sep 03, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​Enhancing oversight) – Sep 03, 2024:

  1. oversight (noun) – supervision, surveillance, inspection, management, handling.
  2. GST Council (noun) – a federal body (established under article 279A of the Constitution) that aims to bring together states and the Centre on a common platform for the nationwide rollout of the indirect tax reform.
  3. regime (noun) – system.
  4. entrust (verb) – give responsibility for, bestow on, confer on, vest in, grant, hand over.
  5. oversee (noun) – supervise,  inspect, manage, administer, handle.
  6. slate (verb) – schedule, plan.
  7. sitting (noun) – meeting, session, get-together. 
  8. pause (noun) – temporary stoppage, break, interval.
  9. parley (noun) – talks, discussion, discourse, debate, dialogue, deliberation, negotiation .
  10. steer (verb) – control, helm, guide, direct.
  11. ought to (modal verb) – must, should.
  12. revolve around (phrasal verb) – to have something as the most important subject of discussion/interest; concentrate on, focus on, revolve about, centre around.
  13. much-awaited (adjective) – much-expected, much-anticipated.
  14. structure (noun) – formation, system, framework.
  15. take stock of (phrase) – to review a situation carefully, usually before making a decision; assess, analyze, weigh up, appraise, evaluate, investigate, scrutinize, look carefully at.
  16. front (noun) – a particular situation; a particular area of operation.
  17. deliberate (verb) – think about, ponder, consider, contemplate, reflect on, mull over, discuss carefully.
  18. the path forward (phrase) – something (a plan/action) that leads to success in the future.
  19. go by (phrasal verb) – to form an opinion from something; to use as a basis for forming an opinion. 
  20. arduous (adjective) – difficult, hard/tough, taxing, demanding, onerous, laborious, back-breaking.
  21. aversion (noun) – opposition, dislike, resistance, unwillingness, disinclination, reluctance, resentment, abhorrence, enmity, antipathy.
  22. shake up (phrasal verb) – reorganize, restructure, alter dramatically, overhaul, reform.
  23. healthy (adjective) – in good condition; all right.
  24. deliberation (noun) – thinking, consideration, pondering, discussion, consultation.
  25. nudge (verb) – encourage, stimulate, prompt, coax; push gently, move gradually.
  26. come up with (phrasal verb) – propose, put forward, present, recommend, submit.
  27. revamped (adjective) – reconstructed, reorganized, remodeled, reworked, updated, modernised.
  28. consensus (noun) – an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group, agreement, concurrence, general opinion/view, common consent.
  29. attain (verb) – achieve, accomplish, reach, arrive at.
  30. revamp (noun) – reorganization, restructuring, redevelopment, modernization, rearrangement, rebuilding, overhaul.
  31. brief (verb) – inform of, tell about, update on, notify of, instruct.
  32. feasibility (noun) – practicality, viability (to work successfully).
  33. levy (noun) – imposition, charging, collection (of a tax, fee, fine).
  34. attract (verb) – draw, bring.
  35. attention (noun) – notice, regard, heed, consideration, deliberation.
  36. result in (verb) – cause, lead to, bring about, give rise to.
  37. advocate (verb) – support, back, uphold, promote, champion, subscribe to, speak for.
  38. give up (phrasal verb) – surrender, give in, yield, capitulate.
  39. rollout (noun) – official launch/introduction.
  40. amenable to (adjective) – cooperative, accommodating, flexible; receptive, responsive, susceptible.
  41. yield (verb) – surrender, capitulate, give in, submit, bow down to, 
  42. ties (noun) – association, relationship, bond, connection.
  43. acrimonious (adjective) – angry, bitter, harsh, sharp, cutting, spiteful, vicious, nasty, poisonous, venomous, hate-filled, ill-natured (in language or tone while arguing)
  44. point out (phrasal verb) – indicate, specify, identify, mention, refer to, draw attention to.
  45. instructive (adjective) – informative, instructional, informational, explanatory, telling, revealing; good example, case study.
  46. the nitty-gritty (noun) – basics, essentials, main point.
  47. fiscal (year (noun) – financial year.
  48. receipts (noun) – proceeds, profits, earnings, returns, income, revenue, gain, yield, turn over.
  49. overlook (verb) – fail to notice, ignore, dismiss, reject, neglect, disregard, pay no heed/attention to, take no notice of.
  50. obscure (adjective) – unclear, uncertain, unknown, doubtful, mysterious.
  51. big picture (noun) – broad overview; wide perspective (of a particular situation/condition).
  52. ungainly (adjective) – awkward, clumsy, ham-handed, inexpert, uncoordinated.
  53. spectre (noun) – threat, menace, danger/peril.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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